meta Who’s Next? World Dairy Expo Holstein Show Preview :: The Bullvine - The Dairy Information You Want To Know When You Need It

Who’s Next? World Dairy Expo Holstein Show Preview

Excitement and speculation are at an all-time high for  the 2012 World Dairy Expo Holstein Show.  Exhibitors from around the world and cows from across North America have started making their way towards Madison.  (Watch this great video featuring Ferme Jacobs, Ferme de La Plaine & ferme blondin on their way to World Dairy Expo).  With the anticipation levels about to explode, let’s take a closer look at the early contenders.

The Judge

Michael Heath  - 2012 World Dairy Expo Holstein Show Judge

Michael Heath – 2012 World Dairy Expo Holstein Show Judge

Of course the final decision rests in the hands of 2012 World Dairy Expo Judge Michael  Heath and his associate David Dyment, who combined have more than  45 years of judging experience and have judged over seventy shows at the state and national level in  countries around the world.  Michael grew up on his parents, Billy and Betty’s Spring Valley Farm in Maryland.  After finishing college Michael’s passion for dairy cattle lead to him becoming a professional fitter for 14 years, and the respected position he holds  as a great cattleman and marketer.  He has owned cattle from some of the top families in the breed. Most notable of these is co-ownership of the MD-DELIGHT DURHAM ATLEE family (2012 Golden Dam Finalist).

Michael has judged many of the top state and provincial shows and highlights in a recent Cowsmopolitan article how pumped he was when he had the opportunity to make JACOBS GOLDWYN BRITANY Grand at Quebec last fall.  Though he admits he had to be a little reserved in his “Champion Slap” because of the fact that so many Goldwyn’s can be  skittish.  Nevertheless, he says that the ringside can expect a slap on October 6th Goldwyn or not.

Don’t be worried that Michael will be all work and no play. With David Dyment as his associate he is confident that they will have  the balance of intensity and objectivity needed to make it through this enormous task, and when need more than capable of pointing out the “hotties”. Given that Michael has probably one of the greats “strappers” as his associate it is great that Michael comments the following in a the Cowsmopolitan article:

“I want people to know that, as long as their nerves don’t get the best of them and as long as they’re comfortable, they are invited to show their own cattle.  I don’t care who is on the halter and I encourage young exhibitors to show their own animals as well.  This is the chance of a lifetime – get out there and have fun.”


The Contenders for Junior Champion

Md-Dun-Loafin Lauth Elly, Will not be at WDE12 as she is owned by Michael Heath and David Dyment

Md-Dun-Loafin Lauth Elly, Will not be at WDE12 as she is owned by Michael Heath and David Dyment

With Md-Dun-Loafin Lauth Elly being owned by the two judges the remaining contenders are:

  • Devans Denzel Angela
  • Kingsway Goldwyn Artichoke
  • Lafontaine Aftershock Arrie
  • Liddleholme Asteroid Bird

(Thanks to our avid readers for catching our error and having R-E-W Happy Go Lucky on the JR. champion list,  she will be in the Milking Sr. Yearling Class as she calved on Sept. 1st)


The Contenders for Intermediate Champion



While the recent move of Craigcrest Rubies Gold Rejoice to co-ownership with Duckett Holsteins, you have to consider her an early favorite.   Others include:

  • Cookview Goldwyn Monique
  • Earlen Goldwyn Secret
  • Pappys Goldwyn Rave
  • RF Goldwyn Halona
  • Savage Leigh Gold Lona


The Contenders for Senior Champion



With two EX-97 point cows, Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97 and RF Goldwyn Hailey EX-97 set to battle, this year’s show is set to go down in the history books as one of the all-time greats.  This brings back memories of the Acme Star Lily with Leduc Broker Mandy at WDE in 1997 or her battle with Rainridge Tony Beauty  at the  1999 Royal.  Some cattle who could be “X Factors” are:

  • Rocky Mountain Talent Licorice (Reader added)
  • Savage-Leigh Leona
  • Whitaker Stormatic Rae


Life is Not All Black and White



While the Black and White Holstein show is going to be great, we must not forget some of the other great competitions.  At the International Red and White Show, Judge Justin Burdette from Windy Knoll View Farms will do a great job of helping breeders and exhibitors to feel  that each of their animals got the look that they deserved. You have to consider Blondin Redman Seisme Now EX-96 an earl favorite for Grand Champion, with Lake Praire Advent Aava-RED EX looking to give her a good run for her money.  Drawing from his experience of  being the Associate for Chris Hill a few years back, Justin will also do a great job of sorting out the contenders for Junior Champion that include: Flowerbrook Gyna-Red and Deckett P Lucy-Red.


The Bullvine Bottom Line

There is no question that this year’s World Dairy Expo Holstein Show is going to be one for the ages and that there is no better man for the job then Michael.  I am sure he will have the time of his life.

For those of you looking to breed a World Dairy Expo Grand Champion check out – 7 Sires to Use in Order to Breed the Next World Dairy Expo Champion

(T1, D1)


  1. For your information, you should move R-E-W Happy Go Lucky in the Intermediate Champion contender category. She calved Sept. 1st, looks great and got sold to Butlerview a week ago. I guess you don’t know everything.

  2. I am sure that he realizes he doesnt know everything, but he seems to know quite a bit and in a common sense perspective which is very rare in this industry. The bullvine has definately become my favorite dairy related site by far. On a side note, Butlerview is an unbelievable operation and i do mean i dont believe it. The extraordinary money supposedly spent and all the hype just doesnt add up.

    • If I knew everything then this world would be a whole different place. There is a double edge sward to spending that much cash. Eventually you have to start earning some back or the money runs out. Since they likely won’t sell any of these animals for more than they paid, the money has to be made on the progeny. Man that is a tough game on the show side. Easier on the index. Glad you enjoy the site.

  3. The show will be judged on the day of the show the way the cows come out that day. It is senseless to say what animals are contendors prior to the show. If a so called contendor does not get ready that day or has to much or little milk they can end up 10th in a heart beat

    • Ted,
      We have had many people ask for cows to watch for, so we thought it would be neat to prepare a post to answer their questions. Over 90% of our posts come from breeder questions. As far as it all depends on show day, I can not 100% agree more. Though some cows have to have the basic to even contend. You can’t expect to come out of nowhere and win at this level.


  4. Ted,
    Would you say that is still as much the case with digital magazines and Facebook? These days it seems like everything is getting reported and hard to fly totally under the radar. Though I can understand people discrediting the wins, due to level of competition. I am even guilty of it myself. There are certain shows I use are barometers for who the contenders are.


  5. Andrew,
    I beleive the Western Us and Western Canada are often looked at as showing a lower quality animal. We do lack numbers of cattle shown but not quality. I think when you say that wins are discredited due to level of competition that you are incorrect in my opinion. Lets take Utah for example. We currently have four active breeders that have had Sr Best Three females groups Nominated All American. We are the home of the best college herd in the nation. In the past five years Utah Breeders have bred or exhibited 15 All American nominations and 6 Jr All American nominations.
    Lets look at a few highlights Eskdale Dundee Marcia Mona, Unanimous All American Jr 2yr old and Hon Int champion World Dairy Expo and Int Champ at the Utah state fair in 2007. Eskdale Stormatic Legend, All American 4yrold Reserve Sr Champion World dairy Expo and Grand Champion at the All Utah show 2007 and Nominated All American aged cow 2009. Pappys Goldwyn Rave All American & All Canadian winter yrlg Jr Champ World Dairy Expo and Peoples choice winner and the All Utah Wintr Yearling 2011. I beleive we may lack quanity but not quaity. This is totally my opinion and you may beleive as you wish.

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