About Us

Let’s start with what we are not. We’re not just an event reporting magazine. We’re not a billboard or promoter of whoever will pay us the most money. We are something different, something real. We’re what’s been missing for real dairy breeders.The Bullvine is an independent, online community for professionals in the dairy breeding industry. Every day, we give insight and host lively debate about the people, products and services that are revolutionizing the dairy breeding industry.

Karen Hunt – Managing Editor

Karen-Headshot-9907Bullvine writer, Karen Hunt, is a dairy-farm wife who is an author, entrepreneur and champion of all things rural and family farm. Karen loves the wordy side of life. Husband, three children, eight grandchildren, thirty cows and Jack Russell terriers are her inspiration!

Murray Hunt – Genetic Adviser

Murray-Headshot-9873Murray is a specialist in research, development, organization management, alliance establishment and design of livestock improvement programs. He has experience working at the senior management and executive director levels for public and producer-directed organizations. As Executive Director, Murray represented, developed industry alliances, developed research initiatives and monitored research for the Canadian AI’s industry trade association. As General Manager, Genetic Improvement, Murray designed and managed all improvement and development aspects for the Canadian Holstein breed.

Andrew Hunt – Founder

Andrew---Head-shot---2651Having grown up a rural dairy farm in southern Ontario, Andrew learned early in life the value of community and a hard day’s work. Leveraging that experience and work ethic, Andrew started his own Animal Genetics marketing company that launched some of the most engaging and innovative campaigns. Broadening his horizons brought Andrew to the world of corporate leadership, sales and marketing where he helped many fortune 500 companies increase performance. These successes lead to the founding of the Inbound Sales Network, the fastest growing lead generation company in the world. Inbound Sales Network leverages the power of a “virtual” network of sales and marketing experts to provide world-class solutions at a fraction of the cost of traditional ad agencies. It’s a new kind of marketing company for the new way companies do business. With over 100,000 followers and subscribers, Andrew truly is a world leader.


2133 Fourth Concession West, Hamilton, Ontario, L0R2B0

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