meta The Winners of the 2012 Breeder’s Choice Awards Are… | The Bullvine

The Winners of the 2012 Breeder’s Choice Awards Are…

top13of2013Forget the  Vince Lombardi Trophy award to the Baltimore Ravens for winning the Super Bowl last night, it is now time to hand out the 2012 Breeder’s Choice Awards.  After the month long vote and announcement this past Monday of the winners of the Tanbark Trail Edition (Read More: The 2012 Breeder’s Choice Awards – The Tanbark Trail Edition), over 3000 dairy breeders cast almost 8000 votes in a one week period for their favorites in 21 different categories.  Without any further ado, here are the winners.

Large A.I. Company

2012 Breeders Choice - Large AI

With what became a two horse race between  the top two vote getters, Select Sires ended up winning over Semex by 10% of the popular vote, leaving   the next largest A.I. vote getter ABS Global some 19% behind these two.  To read more about these two A.I. centers and their different approaches check out Select Sires vs. Semex – A Contrast in Cooperatives.

Small-Medium A.I. Company

Breeders Choice 2012- Small-Medium AI Company

In what was close race from  the start, St. Jacobs ABC used their strong market presence in the type market to edge out GenerVations.   Trans America Genetics (TAG) earned a solid 3rd spot.  (Read more: The Judge’s Choice – Investment Advice from Tim Abbott)

Dairy Print Magazine

2012 Breeders Choice - Dairy Print Publication

This category presented  an outstanding showing with  the team at Cowsmopolitan giving the much larger publication Holstein International a run for its money.  Only 2% separated these two fine publications (Watch for our interview with Holstein International and outstanding photographer Hans Hopman coming soon)

Dairy Digital Publication or Website

Dairy Digital Publication or Website

It would have looked scary for us here at The Bullvine, if we could not win our own poll. We appreciate all the support and great comments from our readers.

Dairy Cattle Photographer

Dairy Livestock Photographer

In what came down to a battle between mentor Patty Jones and mentee Cybil Fisher, the mentee took the win with only 4% separating the top two great photographers.  (Read more about what it takes to get the perfect picture with our interview with Patty Jones – Patty Jones: Picture Perfect!)

Dairy Cattle Showman

Dairy Cattle Showman

In a category that we were concerned would become an ego nightmare, the contest ended up being not even close, with Donald Dubois running away with 48% of the popular vote.

Dairy Celebrity

2012 Breeders Choice - Dairy Celebrity

Obviously having judged the Royal or World Dairy Expo this past year didn’t hurt in this category.  With 2012 Royal Winter Fair Judge Callum McKinven edging out 2012 World Dairy Expo, Mike “Air” Heath.  (Read more World Dairy Expo 2012 Holstein Show – A battle for the ages and The 2012 Royal Winter Fair Holstein Show – One of the greatest stories ever told!)

Dairy Cattle Fitter

2012 Breeders Choice - Dairy Cattle Fitter

Many an ego might be hurt with the results of this category, but not those of our winner Pat Conroy and runner up Joel Phoenix, who were in the closest battle of all, with only two votes separating these two great fitters.  (Watch for our upcoming article with Pat Conroy about the great Swiss show cow Decrausaz Iron O’Kalibra).

Dairy Cowman

Dairy Cowman/Herdsman

In a category whose titles confused some, as we wanted to call it more than just the people behind the scenes at the shows (Herdsman), the winner in a close battle was Gerald Coughlin over Ernie Kueffner.  In a group that is an honor to  be listed among, check out our interview with 4th place finisher and 2012 Curtis Clark award winner Don Schwartz: “Love what you do and do the best you can!”

Dairy Cattle Industry Legends

2012 Breeders Choice - Dairy Legend

This was  a category that was never in doubt, not in disrespect to the others in the class, but rather in respect to the outstanding contribution made by Peter Heffering who earned 80% of the popular vote.  (Read more: Hanover Hill Holsteins: Peter Heffering 1931-2012)

Holstein Herd Legends

Holstein Herd Legends

Continuing his dominance, this time teaming up with his longtime partner Ken Trevena, Hanover Hill Holsteins earned almost 70% more votes than 2nd place Mount Victoria Farms.  (Read more: Mount Victoria Farms: The art and science of great breeding)

Holstein Show Herds

2012 Breeders Choice - Holstein Show Herds

In what became a great debate about breeding versus exhibiting, Ferme Jacobs rose to the top over  Budjon Farms.  Check out our interview with Ferme Jacobs: Success is all in the family, also be sure to check out Quality Holsteins and their now record 8th All-Canadian breeders herd award.

Genetic Impact Herds

2012 Breeders Choice - Genetic Impact Herds

In a list of herds that reads like a who’s who of the young sire and proven sire lists, Regancrest Farms dominated on the power of such great sons as  Durham and Dundee and popular daughters Regancrest PR Barbie and Regancrest S Chassity both 2012 Golden Dam finalists.

Colored Breed Herds

2012 Breeders Choice - Colored Breed Herd

In a category that was tough  to narrow down to just 10, and next year will probably be split by breed, Arethusa Farm Dairy ran away with the vote getting over 41% of the popular vote.  Strong showings from Brown Swiss herd Jo-Dee Swiss and Ayrshire herd Deer Hill showed this was not just a Jersey category.  (Read more about Deer Hill and their great Ayrshire show cow Sweet Pepper Black Francesca)

Genetic Index or Mating Tool

Genetic Index or Mating Tool

While there has been great debate about what genetic index is the best, there is no question that our Facebook readers are very type focused with the Conformation index from Canada getting over 41% of the votes.  (Read more: Everything You Need to Know about TPI and LPI)

Greatest Type Sire Ever

Greatest type

Now we arrive at the much  debated competition for greatest type sire ever between Braedale Goldwyn and Regancrest Elton Durham (Read more: Durham vs. Goldwyn: A clash of two titans), with Goldwyn taking the popular vote.  Goldwyn  has certainly been extremely popular and well used (Read more: Braedale Goldwyn: Is he the greatest type sire ever)

Next Great Type Sire

2012 Breeders Choice Awards - Next Great Type Sire

In the search for the next Goldwyn, many chose his son Maple-Downs-I G Atwood.  (Read more: Breeding the next show winners and 7 Sires to use to breed the next world dairy expo champion)

Holstein Index Sire

2012 Breeders Choice - Holstein Index Sire

In an inclusion that may have seemed odd to some, Lirr Drew Dempsey rode his high health and fertility numbers and outstanding conformation to victory over Man-O-Man with a strongly type oriented Facebook audience.  (Read more: Man-O-Man Will He Turn Platinum and Is Man-O-Man going to be a sire of sons?)

Genomic Index Sires

2012 Breeders Choice - Genomic Index Sires

In a list that seems to change almost monthly, it is interesting to see the long-standing TPI list topper Amighetti Numero Uno dominate this category.  (Read more about Numero Uno daughters with his high selling daughters: Genetics By Design – Crosses the $4,000,000 Mark and Genomic Stars Shine at Sale of Stars).

Greatest Holstein Show Cow of All-Time

2012 Breeders Choice - Greatest Holstein Show Cow of All-Time

In a category that many would have expected Brookview Tony Charity to absolutely run away with, Thrulane James Rose gave Charity a run for her money.  But ultimately it was Charity taking the title.  (Read more: The 8 Greatest North American Show Cows of All-Time)

Greatest Colored Breed Show Cow of All-Time

2012 Breeders Choice - Greatest Colored Breed Show Cow of All-Time

In a category that could have easily been dominated by Jerseys, it’s not surprising that Huronia Centurion Veronica 20J edged out Brown Swiss great Old Mill E Snickerdoodle OCS.  What was surprising was Ayrshire great Sweet-Pepper Black Francesca making a strong showing in 3rd place.  (Read more: The 12 Greatest North American Colored Breed Show Cattle of All-Time).

The Bullvine Bottom Line

On behalf of the whole team here at the Bullvine, I  want to say thanks to all those who voted and made this inaugural competition such a success.  To those who won, congratulations you have earned it.  Keep up the great work.


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