In every walk of life, there is a full spectrum of abilities. Every responsible dairy breeder knows that there are some whose farm practices make headlines to the detriment of others. Not every cow achieves what Smurf has. Recent comments in the Ottawa Citizen by a PETA writer about Smurf’s Guinness World Record achievement, just goes to highlight their lack of understanding of the relationship many dairy producers have with their cattle.
Smurf, or fully named Gillette Emperor Smurf EX-91, received international attention earlier this week. It was specifically noted that, “after the 216,891 kg. she has so far produced in her lifetime — enough for an eight-ounce glass for every man, woman and child in Ottawa — (she) earned her recognition by Guinness as the most prolific milk producer in the history of dairy cows.” This well-deserved recognition for exceptional achievement also brought criticism that it was built on greed and exploitation. Ferme Gillette was urged to make the compassionate decision and put Smurf out to pasture.
Compassionate decision making comes easily to Eric Patenaude, as anyone who sits down with this dairy farmer would know. His goal was not the fortune and fame of “getting into the Guinness Book of World Records” or being quoted in “The Ottawa Citizen”.
The solution that was offered to Eric was for him to make sure that SMURF enjoys a “happy retirement with her youngster”. While I do not question the lovely images of the PETA writer, not many of us envision retirement and youngsters side-by-side and I say that while enjoying every one of my eight grandchildren who visit the farm and call it, “Granny Camp”. Likewise, multi-generational living is the cherished “norm” for the large Patenaude family who celebrate both the highs and lows that living and working on a dairy farm entails – and they do it together!!
I’m sure the Patenaude’s from senior Gilles to the youngest toddler happily standing in the barn today is filled with many thoughts about cows and not one of them is based upon “exploitation or profit”. Those words don’t come naturally to the Patenaude’s or to their way of working with the cows they love.
As is often the case with great animal caretakers, Eric cares about people too. His response to the verbal PETA attack was as gracious and caring as you could possibly imagine, “They’re a good organization,” he said. “They do good things for some animals. As far as Smurf is concerned, we’re going to discuss the possibilities.” Togetherness is a wonderful way to work things out, regardless of your human or animal origins.
Of course, it is all too easy when you’re looking to support harsh arguments in any field, that you can seek until you do find a picture, or a person to support the extreme positions. That happens in every family, organization or activist group. If you look only for the negative you will find what you’re looking for.
At Ferme Gillette negativity isn’t the motivating force as Eric explains, “We want what’s best for Smurf,” He adds. “I think she’s reached 16 years because she’s in the right place. We’re the people who know what’s best for Smurf. They want to put her in an animal sanctuary, but I think at this point she is in an animal sanctuary.” Thousands of visitors to this farm would heartily agree. Many see the Patenaude’s as mentors, not only of dairy farming, but of a wonderful way of life.
The PETA writer, whom I have never met and then would never presume to criticize, recognizes part of SMURF’s “luck”, the other part, that is overlooked, is that the majority of Canadian dairy breeders raise their cow families the same way they raise their own families. Families don’t put each other “out to pasture, so to speak”. In families success isn’t built on luck, it’s built on love.
Senior Calf (31): 1. Velthuis Jasper Janice (Wilcoxview Jasper), Velthuis Farm Ltd.
2. MS Atwood Adrenaline (Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood), JM Valley Holstein, D.Dubois et F. Lemieux, Rick & Shannon Allyn, Ferme Rodemsay, Ferme Jendro
3. Duckett-SA Jordan Fargo (Gillette Jordan), Vale-O-Skene Holsteins
Summer Yearling (24): 1. Kostka Steady Dinamite (Stantons Steady), Ferme Kostka SENC, JM Valley Holstein & Ferme Jendro
2. Belfast Goldwyn Lasenza (Braedale Goldwyn), Belfast Holstein, Mary Inn Holstein
3. Berndale Lanefarm B G Absence (Braedale Goldwyn), Cormdale GEnetics Inc., AI-BE-RO Land & Cattle
Junior Yearling (12): 1. Pierstein Oasis Reba (Pierstein Promotion Oasis), Pierre Boulet
2. Blondin Bravest Delice (Blondin Bravest), Ferme Blondin
3. Petitclerc Alexander Ashley (Golden-Oaks St Alexander-ET), Ferme Petitclerc et Fils
Intermediate Yearling (12): 1. Petitclerc Alexander Amycale (Golden-Oaks St Alexander-ET), Ferme Petitclerc et Fils
2. Beldavid Dundee Rye (Regancrest Dundee-ET), Ferme M.C.F. Inc.
3. Val D Espoir Baltimore Mazda (Regancrest Baltimore), Ferme Val d’Espoir
Senior Yearling (16): 1. Kingsway Sanchez Magician (Gen-Mark Stormatic Sanchez), JM Valley Holstein, D. Dubois, F. Lemieux, Cormdale Genetics
2. R-E-W Happy Go Lucky (Braedale Goldwyn), Velthuis Farm Ltd., Ardross Holsteins & Sjendi Holstein
3. Pellerat Jasper Ginger (Wilcoxview Jasper), Jeff Butler
Premier Junior Breeder & Exhibitor: Ferme Petitclerc et fils
Junior Champion: Kingsway Sanchez Magician, 1st senior yearling, JM Valley Holstein, D. Dubois, F. Lemieux, Cormdale Genetics
Grand Champion: Blondin Mr Burns Laurence, 1st 4-year-old, Ferme Blondin – Carlos I. Herrera
Res. Grand Champion: Beckelm Kite Twinkle, 1st 5-year-old, Scott Brethet, Mt Elgin Dairy
HM Grand Champion: Deslacs Ritzy Red Greedy, 1st sr. 2-year-old, Ferme Parile
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Sildajak Holstein
California Spring Show
Apr. 27 – Merced, CA
Judge – Michael Heath, Westminster, MD
Winter Calf – Red (2)
1. K-Nissen Rockin Apple-Red (Bovigen-SF Red Rock-Red), Katherine Nissen
2. Delta-Breeze Contdr Sam-Red (Patience Showline Contender-Red), Jarrett Zonneveld
Winter Calf (10)
1. Exels Pronto Aleena 17221 (Windy-Knoll-View Pronto x Exels Callit Addison 14628), Hank & Carolyn Van Exel
2. Calori-D SM Aftershock Eva (Ms Atlees Sht Aftershock), Stephen Mast
3. Entourage-LC Prima Dona-ET (Golden-Oaks St Alexander), Matthew Pacheco
Fall Calf -Red (4)
1. BBM CP Kandi-Red-ET (Sandy-Valley Colt-P-Red x Ms Candy Apple-Red), Frank & Carol Borba/Frank & Diane Borba
2. Scientific Pico Doll-Red-ET (La Presentation Picolo-Red), John Paul, Elisabeth & Elise Regusci
3. Ruann R Jewelanne 14901-Red (Hurtgen-Vue Reality-Red), Ruann Dairy
Fall Calf (16)
1. Windsor-Manor Zginger (Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie x Windsor-Manor Za Milly), Hannah Van Dyk
2. Nelsons Atwood Liz (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood), Jenavieve Kisst
3. D-Man Durham Dollie (Regancrest Elton Durham), Donavan Miguel
Summer Yearling – Red (5)
1. Exels Destry G 16850-Red (Scientific Destry RC x Exels Contender Gina 15521), Hank & Carolyn Van Exel
2. Dar-Lynda Scarla-Red-ET (Scientific Destry), Joseph Azevedo
3. Ruann Charity 10524-Red (Hurtgen-Vue Reality-Red), Hunter & Ashley Glass/Charlie Jones
Spring Yearling – Red (5)
1. Crazy-For SCR Dip-Red (Crackholm Secure x Crazy-For Jordan Dizzie), Airoso, Binder, Woodmansee
2. Jacobi Giltex BA Marcy-Red (Big Apple-Red), Cort James Rowley
3. Miss Giltex Ad Sugar-Red (KHW Kite Advent-Red), Gilbert Teixeira & Alexandra Costello
Spring Yearling (15)
1. R-John Atwood Aspire (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood x La-Foster Dundee Addie), Rocco Cunningham
2. Butlerview Atwood Ava (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood), Frank Antoine Borba
3. Crazy-For SCR Dip-Red (Crackholm Secure), Airoso, Binder, Woodmansee
Winter Yearling – Red (3)
1. A Mason Lou Koko-Red-ET (Fieldhouse Redlou-Red x Autumn-Ridge RB Marl-Red), Frank & Carol Borba/Frank & Diane Borba/George Morasci
2. Becca-Jo Erin-Red, Donovan Miguel
3. Dar-Lynda Apple 42213-Red (Big Apple-Red), Hunter & Ashley Glass/Charlie Jones
Winter Yearling (8)
1. BVK Alexander Adalira (Golden-Oaks St Alexander x Kingstead Chief Adeen), Tony Garcia Jr.
2. McClelland Sanchez Dolly (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez), Rocco Cunningham
3. Ken-Mar-Vu Atwood Lucky (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood), Courtney Faria
Fall Yearling – Red (2)
1. Ta-Ro-Lee Advent 2155-Red (KHW Kite Advent-Red x Ta-Ro-Lee Sept Storm Devyn), Hank & Carolyn Van Exel
2. Paulo-Bro SP Deuc Sasha-Red (Scientific SS Deuce), Tyler Dunn
Fall Yearling (11)
1. Calori-D RJ Afrshok Minolta (Ms Atlees Sht Aftershock x Calori-D RJ Excited Mini), Rebekah Mast
2. Golden Set Hamming Darla (Wilcoxview Jasper), Frank & Carol Borba/Frank & Diane Borba
3. Fradon Redliner Aka (Fradon Redliner), Dominic Agresti-Asali
Unfresh 2-Year-Old – Red (1)
1. Kulp-Dale Con Fancy-Red (Patience Showline Contender-Red), Hannah Van Dyk
Junior Champion Red Show: Ta-Ro-Lee Advent 2155-Red, 1st fall yearling, Hank & Carolyn Van Exel
Res. Junior Champion: A Mason Lou Koko-Red-ET, 1st winter yearling, Frank & Carol Borba/Frank & Diane Borba/George Morasci
4-Year-Old (10)
1. High Point Carlow (Braedale Goldwyn x Ms Carlas Durham Caribou-ET), Frank & Carol Borba/Frank & Diane Borba
2. Whitney Oaks Roy Bella (Roylane Jordan), Michael Davis
3. Airosa Yosemite, Airosa Dairy
Reserve Junior Champion: Duckett P Lucy-Red (La Presentation Picolo-Red-ET), 1st spring yearling, Westcoast Holsteins, Chilliwack, BC
Intermediate Champion & Reserve Grand Champion: First Glance Talent Contest (Ladino Park Talent-Imp-ET), 1st senior 3-year-old, Herman & Kathleen Hoffman, Melrose, WI
Reserve Intermediate Champion: Benrise Goldwyn JoJo (Braedale Goldwyn), 2nd senior 3-year-old, Budjon Farms & Peter Vail, Lomira, WI
Senior & Grand Champion and Best Udder of Show: Milksource Goldwn Africa-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st 4-year-old, Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira, WI
Reserve Senior Champion: Pyramid Goldwyn Shimmer-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st 5-year-old, Jordan & Whitney Ebert, Algoma, WI
Champion Bred & Owned of the Show – Siemers Alisha Gold Ava-ETS, Crystal Siemers-Peterman, Newton, WI
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Siemers Holsteins, Newton, WI
Premier Sire: Braedale Goldwyn
100th Anniversary Show – South Africa Sale
Champion Cow: Puttergill Final Lisa, 1st 4-year-old, owned by Kevin Lang; sired by Final Cut
Reserve: Milagro Sandra, 1st 5-year-old, owned by Andrew Masterton; sired by LHeros
Genomic Giant Sale lights up Victoriaville!
It was an exciting night in Victoriaville, Quebec as Trans America Genetics and Butler Fellers Auctions, Inc. brought the Genomic Giant Sale to a large and active crowd. After the last lot was struck off, the sale average of $32,367.14 and gross of $2,265,700 on 70 full lots was realized.
Topping the sale at $215,000 was LOT 10 – Vision-Gen Sh Frd A12304-ET, a 9/10 Freddie with GTPI +2419 x VG-85 DOM Jet Stream x VG-87 GMD-DOM Outside x 6 VG/EX dams. She sold with about 9 pregnancies and 43 transfers and was consigned by Dan, Sandy & Jennifer Mormann of New Vienna, IA.
The second high seller of the night at $105,000 was LOT 1 – Fly-Higher Sham Minny-ET, a 1/12 Shamrock x Fly-Higher Bolton Misha (VG-88 DOM) x 4 VG/EX dams. Minny is one of only 3 females in the entire breed that is over +850NM and +4.00T and is the #15 GTPI female in the Breed at +2596.
$100,000- Lot 3: 1st Choice Mogul or Uno x Ammon-Peachey Shauna VG 87 GTPI 2343/GLPI +3242 Consignor: Seagull Bay Dairy, ID Buyer: Jolicap and TAG
$100,000 – Lot: 9A: 1st Choice Sire to be announced x Venture Shottbolt Sizzle, GPLI +2674/GTPI +2634, #1Polled female in the breed Consignor: Bryhill Farm Inc, PQ Buyer: Elite Dairy Genomcs, IL
California Merced County Holstein Sale
April 26, 2012
Merced, CA
Average $2014
$5600- Lot 1 Dinomi Atwood Renetta (Mar ’11 Atwood x Dinomi Offroad Ryley EX-91 Grand Champion B&W California Spring 2010 plus 4 more gen VG or EX from Ravens) Consignor: Dino Dante Migliazzo Buyer: Crane Hill Genetics, CA
$4500 0 Lot 36 Lazy A Legend Elegance (Dec ’11 Legend x Lazy A Blitz Elegance NC x 7 more gen VG or EX from Elegance family Consignor: Lazy A Holsteins, CA
$4000- Lot 10 Kisst Dundee 896 Wilma (Mar’11 Dundee x Kisst lEduc 416 Wilma VG-88 x Wendon Lee Wilma VG-88) Consignor: John G Kisst Jr, CA
The Top Shelf Sale of Tahora Farms in New Zealand had a wonderful average of NZ$9211 (€5700) over 52 lots. The top selling lot was a 50% share in a yearling Braxton heifer from Tahora Goldwyn Toni. The Anderson family paid NZ$38,000 (€23,500) for this share. A Sid from Toni sold for NZ$27,000 to Bluechip in Australia. (source:
Fife Herd Goes out in StyleThe Balcurvie herd owned by Gavin Struthers, Bankhead Farm Fife was dispersed in some style at Borderway, Carlisle on Wednesday 25th April. Animals were sold to twelve counties across the UK with twenty seven animals selling to or above £2000.
All of the buyers were especially impressed with the quality of the udders on offer. Two animals sold to a joint top price of 2,750gns and both excelled in the mammary department. First to sell for this price was a daughter of Hornland Jayz, a young heifer in mid lactation due again at the end of the year to Alta Delwyn. She was purchased by W R Stewart of Willoxton Farm, Ayrshire. Also selling for 2,750gns was a fresh heifer sired by Alta Onside with a close to perfect udder she now joins the herd of N & S Sanderson of Burtholme Farm, Brampton, Cumbria.
Next to impress was another daughter of Hornland Jayz from the Hink family. She had recently calved and sold for 2,650gns. Selling for 2,500gns was a fresh second calve cow sired by Armstead from the Dorine family originally from the Howcommon herd. Also selling for 2,500gns was a daughter of Alta Onside from the Rachel family one of the most constant breeding lines in the herd. All three of these exceptional young animals were purchased by N & S Sanderson of Burtholme Farm, Brampton, Cumbria.
The Miresdale herd from Northallerton had played an important part in the Balcurvie herds’ advancement and it was an animal with Miresdale breeding that sold to the next top price of 2,500gns. She was sired by a Shottle son and now joins the herd of J & J Barr Farm LTD, Easter Bucklyvie, Fife.
Having grown up working with the Canadian Association of Animal Breeders, to working directly with some of the largest A.I. centers in the world, to running our own genetic programs that had many top LPI cattle, I have had the opportunity to learn the semen sales and marketing world from a variety of perspectives. From this frontline view I have never seen as much change as the A. I. industry is now experiencing with Genomics. With all these changes, the question becomes “What does the future hold for the AI industry?”
Genetic Advantage
It used to be that every artificial insemination center could claim an advantage in a certain product offering. Semex would claim a type advantage that over the years converted to a longevity value, in order to appeal to the much larger commercial market, instead of just elite breeders looking for the next great show cattle. ABS global added product lines and partnerships such as Judges Choice to counter moves such as Semex’s and included strong type offering to their very commercial product line. Every AI center jockeyed back and forth to show how their genetic product offering was different. Even when they overlapped, they would claim greater reliability or stability based on the country or system of origin.
Then along came genomics and wiped all that out.
Today when you look at all the major A.I. centers products, you could take the name and stud code off and you would be hard pressed to notice any difference. They all try to offer a complete product line. Moreover, with the reliability, and ability to take the system or country of origin out of it, they all have pretty reliable product. This almost completely eliminates any genetic advantage that any A.I. center has.
It has been very interesting to watch companies like Select Sires take to owning top bloodlines in a big way (to read more check out Should A.I. Companies Own Females?). This may be the only way that A.I. companies can differentiate their genetic advantage. Buy owning the top females these genetics companies (at this point, they are no longer just an A.I. company), are able to develop distinct bloodlines that none of their competitors can have. This is only going to change more when breeders have full access to genomic information in 2013 and may start to sample and prove their own sires.
Think about it. I remember back when I was working with GenerVations, and Champion hit as #1 in Canada. We marketed the heck out of the fact that he was the best in Canada. We relied on the world’s confidence in the Canadian system to promote that this new, small A.I. center had a reliable product. We blasted that message around the world making sure everyone knew that GenerVations had the #1 in the world. Because we all knew that there was about a 2-3 year window before competitors would have their own Champion sons, or he would no longer be the top bull. Today we are looking at an even smaller window of opportunity. . With new genomics bulls coming out pretty much monthly, things can change in a heartbeat. The Select Sires program at least gives them 8 months advantage on the sires and total control over the dams (since they own them). This gives them the ability to offer their customers a distinct advantage by doing business with them. Some may look at it negatively and yet, from a purely business perspective, it makes total sense. In the end, it will look like a very shrewd investment in a market in which it so is hard to differentiate yourself.
Service vs. Price
Therefore, when you can no longer differentiate your company on product, it only leaves you two other options, service, and price. You are either going to become the Wal-Mart of the A.I. world or you are going to become Nordstroms’s. Both can exist in the same market place you just have to become extremely great at what makes you different.
If you want to become the Wal-Mart of the A.I. world, you are going to offer the lowest price for a very commercial product. This means you need to have your production facilities running super efficiently and your overhead at a bare minimum. This position plays extremely well to commercial producers who are looking for the lowest costs possible. For years, companies like ABS, Alta Genetics, and Select have battled very aggressively. Since most of these companies more or less were just selling a commodity, there really was not any brand loyalty. Since most large herds did their own insemination work, they eliminated the close link that is developed between producer and the A.I. center through the regular visits by the technicians doing the insemination work. While the major A.I. companies tried to lock in that connection again by offering mating programs and other services, since they all were pretty much the same and, often, not used by producers, they were only able to gain marginal difference. And like the Wal-Mart model, margins are tight and profits are slim.
Therefore, if you cannot compete on product and you cannot compete on price, that only leaves service. With the majority of the marketplace doing their own insemination, A.I. companies have to look outside the scope of traditional marketplace to provide services. While this has been the case for many years in the commercial marketplace, it is also fast becoming the case in the entire marketplace. While you may be able to get a slight premium when you have the #1 bull, otherwise you will live and die by the quality of service you offer your customers. We have already seen this happen. Many A.I. companies have gone to offering many non-genetic products in order to become a complete service organization, rather than just a supplier of genetics.
Also of interest, is how the roles of sales and sire analysts have also changed. While many have called the modern sire analyst a glorified tail hair puller, they are now becoming more of a breeding advisor mixed with a negotiation specialist. This is exactly what they have to do. They can provide insight to breeders about the daughters of the top mating sires and maybe a little insight that his proof will not tell you. Even more so, they are now the chief negotiator for their A.I. center. If I were a GM of an A.I. company, I would invest heavily in negotiation and relationship building training for these individuals. Realistically, unless you run a program like Select Sires, this will be your only way to get the top sires from many breeders.
The Bottom Line
Like most mature market places, there is little room for grey areas when it comes to the future of the A.I. industry and where the major A.I. companies position themselves. It will take strong action now either to develop very aggressive genetic programs like Select Sires has, or you will need to decide if you are going to be the lowest cost provider or offer the greatest service. And yes, I know there are many small micro A.I. companies that will be able to turn a profit. I get that, they are able to keep their overhead so low that they will be able to offer a niche product to small segments of the market place. However, when it comes to the big players, they need to ask themselves, “Am I going to get aggressive and develop distinct bloodlines?” “Are we going to be the lowest price provider?” Alternatively, “Are we going to become legendary for the quality of our service?” Anything that is a smorgasbord of these will only end in extinction in the end. Don’t think so? Look what happened to your local hardware store, when Home Depot moved in, or the independent grocer, when Wal-Mart put up one of their super centers in the same community. Where do you shop today? Who will be your provider tomorrow?
What do you think? Comment below our join the discussion on our facebook page.
Getting a contract to supply a top young sire is a rite of passage on the journey to becoming an elite dairy breeder. You`re about to sign on the dotted line with an A.I. company. Do you know exactly what you`re getting into? Before you give a quick answer that might cost you money, take a look at these 10 areas that smart breeders get all the answers to:
What kind of contract am I looking for?
a- Is the contract for the mutual benefit of you the “breeder” and the A.I Company or is it one sided in nature?
Where do Genomics fit in?
a- Do you get to see his genomics first before you are asked to sign the contract? If not what is the reason?
b- If you can test your own bull in 2013 what advantages are they offering you to sign now before genomics are known?
c- If your bull has a higher PA than his genomics, will they take him?
Ask yourself, “Should I take this risk?”
a- Does the contract come with any guarantee, or are you taking all the risk to hopefully get your ROI from the female side, if things don`t work out?
Where’s the Money?
a-Is the contract for cash, or is it a per dose, or “NET” royalty option or any combination of these?
b- Does any amount of semen given away at the start count in regards to the total amount that needs to be made before your per dose royalty kicks in?
c- If semen sells for $10 or $20 and your royalty is 10% of the “NET” what are you likely to receive?
d- What if your bull’s semen is exported for $2 or $4 what will your “NET” be then?
e- Will each sale be made transparent? Number of doses sold, and value per dose?
What about royalty agreements? When to say, “No!”
a- Is your royalty capped, and if it is what is the reason?
b- If they are offering a “NET” royalty have they fully explained what a “NET” royalty is? (A very, very important question to ask)
c- If they give you a down payment say $10,000 does the per dose royalty kick in after 10,000 doses are made or does it start immediately?
d- **Does it say anywhere in your contract that your royalty only kicks in after your bull makes the “Proven line up” or the “Active line up” If it does do not sign it until it is removed.
e- Do you receive any sort of bonus or royalty on the “early release” and most valuable semen used to fill other contracts? If not, do you know how many of these early doses are not included in your contract?
Advertising pays. Who does it?
a- Will they promote and advertise your young bull to help him reach his bonus?
b- If they do, where will they advertise him? Does that come with a guarantee?
c- What is their typical advertising budget in for a young genomic bull or any bull under 30 months, and do they typically advertise only their best young genomics bulls?
d- If they don`t typically advertise, or market their young genomic or unique bulls, what is the reason?
It’s all about semen sales. What are the details?
a- If his first and most valuable semen is given away for free for future contract considerations how does this benefit you?
b- As the “breeder” do you receive your bull’s very first semen, and are you free to use it how you wish without conditions? If not, why not?
c- Is there a bonus in your contract for the number of doses produced? Does it start at 20,000 doses or 50,000 doses or more?
d- How much semen does an average young bull produce in his first 30 months of collection?
e- What is the percentage of young genomic bulls that produce (and sell) 50,000 doses of semen before they are 30 months old?
What happens if you have a bonus bull?
a- If your bull calf has higher genomics then his PA, or is better than his sire and he is also Red, *RC, outcross, polled or any combination of these to make him truly unique is there any extra compensation or bonus offered?
b- Does your contract have a bonus if he is the #1 Red, *RC, outcross, polled or #1 for type? How much extra? You should think about what a #1 female equivalent would be worth.
c- Is there a bonus if your bull is in the top 10 for Red, *RC, outcross, polled or type?
d- Is this bonus paid for your bull if he reaches the top 10 at any time, or does this only count if he is still in the top 10 at the time of his first collection, or even later at the time of his first release? (very important to know when your bonus actually counts, could be in top 10 today but unlikely to be top 10 at time of first collection with 1,000s of bulls being tested every month)
e- Does this bonus only count for the top 10 of the stud you’re working with, or is it for the top 10 of the entire population?
f- Is there a different bonus if he reaches the top 10 of the entire population? Again – think about what an equivalent top 10 female would be worth.
Are there other benefits that should be considered?
a- If your bull is good enough they are requesting contracts on his early semen there is a good chance your young bull will have his own son producing semen before he is 30 months old. Once he has to compete with his own sons how will this affect his semen value at that time?
b- If you sign a bull contract before your bull is born what if any benefit does it provide you?
***and here is the single most important question that you MUST be able to answer:
If your sire analyst does not know the answers to these questions, or is unable or unwilling to answer them, you need to speak to the person in charge who does. Do not sign or agree to any contract you do not feel comfortable with or that you do not fully understand.
As 2013 is approaching very quickly it is possible many other options will become available. There could be differences depending on whether you are negotiating in Canada or the U.S. Who knows, it may be possible to test your bull and then sell him at auction to the highest bidder.
It is important to weigh every option, but if you are uncomfortable with the way a contract is presented, or if you do not understand something it is in your best interest to ask questions. There are many unknowns going forward, but hopefully this helps to answer some of those unknowns for you, and you can print this off and have it handy when they call to contract your best animal.
It takes more than great genetics to make great A.I. Contracts.
There are advantages and disadvantages to every breeding tool and each has a dollar impact. When it comes to sexed semen you have to know what the benefits will be to your particular breeding and management programs. Currently, sexed semen is seeing a resurgence of use six years after its inception in 2006. Several factors are contributing to these rising numbers, not the least of which is the fact that there is a growing body of information and data on how to use it and the results that can be achieved.
First, let`s take a look at the advantages. At the end of the day, the tools you use must help you to reach your personal goals. If growing the size and quality of your dairy herd is a definite priority then using sexed semen allows you to raise more quality heifers which is a definitely a primary key to the success of your enterprise. There are four ways that sexed semen directly impacts this area of your program:
More heifer calves
Easier calvings more often
First calf heifers that get off to a good start after easy calving.
First calf heifers that calve at an earlier age and begin producing and making money sooner.
These positive outcomes alone make sexed semen a viable choice. Of course, everything runs on the financial impact. With sexed semen there is less dependence on outside sources for replacement heifers, thus saving that expense. Because you are not bringing in animals from other herds, the health and disease risks and resulting expenses that could be incurred are reduced.
There are specific advantages to choosing sexed female semen or sexed male semen.
On the female side five positives quickly add up:
More heifer calves per calving
Easier calvings
Gives a better start for the heifer as milking cow
First lactation cows that have heifer calves breed back quicker and come into milk more rapidly because these heifers are calving in with a smaller calf.
Less stress equals more productivity
Extended longevity
Each one of these factors could play a significant role in expanding your herd, increasing your milk production and last, but not least, achieving your financial goals.
Choosing to use sexed male semen can achieve specific goals that you are targeting as well. If you have heifers that you don’t want to have heifers from, you can use male semen from beef bulls. The higher price you can get for the bull calves pays the higher price of the sexed semen. If you’re running an elite breeding program you may be interested in getting bulls from a specific cow family for sale to A.I. This is not done often, because flushing with unsexed semen gives more viable embryos.
Don`t Choose SEXED SEMEN if You`re Not Going to USE IT RIGHT!
Too often the informed decision to use sexed semen is counterproductive because of less than careful herd management and inseminating protocols.
Anything less than quality herd management dramatically reduces your reproductive performance and profitability. It almost goes without saying that you must choose healthy, normally cycling, well-grown, stress free virgin heifers for breeding with sexed semen. The “almost” is used because this step has been overlooked to the detriment of a quality outcome. Once the recipient is identified, you must establish the best possible nutritional program supported by clean housing and stringent health protocols. With these in place, you are ready to use the sexed semen. This too must be done properly to prevent lowering the conception rates below those achieved with conventional semen. The following four steps must be completed with scrupulous attention to detail:
Semen storage
Semen handling
Semen thawing
Insemination protocols
Taking shortcuts in any of these areas is equivalent to throwing money down the drain. After all, sexed semen already averages 20% lower conception rate compared to conventional semen. To add extra rearing costs or expenses incurred because of poor health and animal management is simply bad business.
Looking Ahead: Availability of Elite Sexed Semen
Currently, producing sexed semen incurs significant time and expense. When this is added to the reduced efficiency in terms of doses per collection, compared to conventional semen, it is understandable that most elite proven sires are not widely available via sexed semen. Having said that, there is a growing trend toward sexed semen being provided for elite genomically tested young sires.
Looking Ahead: Genetic Gains
The use of sexed semen is estimated to increase the herd’s rate of genetic progress by 4.4% per year, compared to no use of sexed semen, which could gradually increase to 7% per year if sexed semen progressively becomes available for all elite A.I. sires, both young and progeny proven.
Looking Ahead: Economic Benefits
We all want to make money. Using sexed semen to breed some or all of the virgin heifers in a herd, regardless of herd size, yields financial advantages once market prices for week-old heifers exceed the price for bull calves by at least $150. The economic benefits increase proportionally as this price difference expands, due to higher heifer value prices.
Looking Ahead: Global Uptake
In the first years since sexed semen was introduced, several factors have come into play which have affected its use. In the beginning in North America there was heavy use. After two or three years it dropped off due to the drop in U.S. milk prices. Recently higher milk prices are causing a resurgence of use. Likewise in Europe, European Union dairy farmers will be seeking more heifers to milk in the quota free market in 2015.
Use of sexed semen should be considered by owners of herds with quality heifer rearing, nutritional and general herd management systems. Using sexed semen will allow these breeders to capitalize on the potential genetic and economic gains available from this new technology, which is in the early stages of broad adoption across the industry.
With high gas prices and little perceived genetic diversity is there really a need to have 5+ different semen salesmen coming in the lane? This has been a tricky question for many years. They all want a piece of your genetic dollar, but are they taking up too much of your time to just shoot the latest company line and share the local community gossip?
As technology has changed how most breeders get their information, there really is no need to get all the information from the “local” semen salesmen. In the past. in order to get the latest sire proofs or daughter pictures. You needed to get a shiny brochure with all the fancy pictures to determine what sire you would use. Today most breeders already know who the latest top sire is and have looked at daughter pictures online or in the trade publications. It has gotten to the point where you can even order your semen online and have it shipped to you.
Gas Prices
Gas is not getting any cheaper, and trust me those nice fancy F-160’s or GMC Sierra’s don’t come cheap. Hence, the change for some AI companies to switch to Ford Rangers. Add up a $40,000 to $70,000 a year salesmen, plus truck, plus gas, plus insurance and that trip in the lane becomes very costly. Ultimately, this cost is paid by the breeders through increased semen costs. Do you really want to be paying extra so the local semen salesmen can drive a fancier truck?
Genetic Diversity
In the past, each semen salesmen had a very distinctive product line. Semex had your type and “balanced cow” sires, ABS and Select had your production sires, and the International sires had your outcross pedigree’s with high components. However, that has all changed. Looking up and down each of the major A.I. companies sires line-ups shows little genetic diversity. They all try to offer something to everyone. This has blurred the line between the companies and only made the need for less of them to come in the lane.
Wasted Time
Probably the biggest cost that most breeders don’t think about is how much time it takes to talk to each semen, seed, equipment, ag-products person that comes in the road. Now I understand that on the typical operation can be pretty lonely. Not too many other breeders are coming in the lane, and social interaction at times can be limited. Trust me I have been there. In my career, I have had the opportunity to cover a sales territory and I know how long this can take. I understand that these people coming in the lane can be a great break. However, you need to ask yourself which ones bring value and which ones waste time.
As the role of a semen salesmen has changed, they are now more breeding advisers than salesmen. The “good ones” understand when to spout the company line and when to say it like it is. It’s these ones that bring you value and earn your trust. The ones that keep pushing their newest or most expensive sire are just wasting your time. Maybe it’s time to start telling those time wasters,” Hey instead of coming every week/month, how about you just wait until I call you?”
The Bottom Line
There is no question that the semen sales game has changed and I am not just talking about genomics. Technology, gas prices, and limited time have breeders asking themselves “Are there too many semen salesmen coming in the lane?” The answer really comes down to whether you feel they bring value, or are they just making a social call. Your time is too valuable to be wasted on social calls. Next time it feels like your local semen salesmen is just wasting your time, throw him a real pitchfork and say, “Let’s both get some value out of this time!”
What do you think? Please enter your comments below, or join us on Facebook
Genomics affects all areas of cattle breeding. Genomic testing of young bulls is the new bandwagon. While some cautious folks who seek higher reliability percentages are waiting another three to five years to use them, their early adopter neighbours will be milking daughters of those bulls. And so it is, that those breeders who are planning to raise bulls for A.I. should know what they’re doing and do it right!
A Bull Breeder’s Dozen: 12 ways to Hit the Bull’s Eye
Everyone agrees that the cattle breeding game is changing but good business sense, cow sense and common sense will keep your herd on the growing edge. It is obvious that everything you would do to raise your investment heifers should apply to bull rearing. But there are a few details that could make the difference to whether your young bull makes it to the proven list or becomes one of the Generation Exit bulls.
Get A Contract When it comes to getting bulls into A.I., don’t rely on wishful thinking. Before you take the first step, make contact with A.I. studs and discuss what bulls they are interested in. No one produces a product without knowing the end market and A.I. organization have the data, information and market to guide you in this part of the decision making process. It is in their interest and yours to make sure that neither time nor money is wasted on producing a bull that will not be used. This is the time to confirm all the details relating to health requirements and timelines and negotiate financial particulars as well. When the bull is on the ground, it’s too late to realize that there were health protocols that were not taken care of or that you were not clear on payout terms.
We’re Talking Bull High on the decision making list is how you will get the bull you and the A.I. company are targeting. Embryo transplant? Sexed semen? The more risk of failure you remove from this process, the higher your input costs will be. Variables like conception rates, fertility and recipient costs all add up. Having said that, nine months down the road you want a healthy bull to work with
Without Health There’s No Wealth Whatever female carries your bull, it is imperative that she be free of diseases. Failure to pass even one required health test brings your bull breeding dreams to a full stop. The dairy breeding market is unforgiving. Be diligent in this area. It’s costly if it is overlooked.
Well Begun is Half Done Every dairy operation has routine procedures for calving. If yours are working for you just keep on. If you have regular problems in this area, take care of them before you lose a potential money maker. Leave nothing to chance. Be present for the calving. Make sure the new bull gets off to the best possible start. There are many choices to make in how you will raise your bull. Every one of them can affect your bank balance.
It’s a Test. Will you pass? If you’re focused on producing an A.I. bull, you’ve got to keep the paperwork going. Inform the A.I. company you’re contracted with that the bull calf has arrived. Register with the breed association. Get the genomic testing done. Genomics is the modern day “no-darn-good” identifier. If you have done your homework this won’t be a problem for you. There is no reason to wait to send in the sample. When these steps are taken care of, you are ready to move on. You might as well find out any problems that could arise here. It’s costly to raise an animal that already has been eliminated for some unexpected reason
COLOSTRUM Makes the DIFFERENCE It’s impossible to focus on the health of the bull calf without careful consideration of colostrums. Many breeders, veterinarians and consultants will advise making sure that the mother is free of disease and thus use her colostrum. There are costs associated with this. Experience says that dried artificial colostrums is worth the price in this situation. The goal is to make sure the bull is free of all diseases. Take the steps to see that this job gets done!
Leave That Bull Alone With all the talk of the need for a disease-free, healthy bull, the most important step you can take is to keep him isolated as much as you can. Every farm is host to certain resident diseases and the more contact the bull has the more opportunity there is for him to pick up something that will nullify your contract. It is never too early to move this young investment to a scrupulously clean hutch. Any modification that keeps him in a closed space with other animals is a decision that reduces your financial success. Making space in the barn means making an opportunity for the bull calf to be infected with vaccines used on females.
Absolutely no Vaccinations This is another “must not” that should be clearly covered in your A.I. contract. Don’t leave anything to chance. Make sure that you are prepared to prevent contamination through rigorous housing and animal handling protocols.
Don’t Follow the Herd on Weaning Bulls that stand out from the crowd most likely were raised away from the crowd too. After weaning, the young bull should be isolated from other dairy animals, until they are ready to leave for A.I.
Looking for Mr. Good-Body Just as raising heifers is a big investment, so is raising a bull. The area of body condition is one that is slightly different for bulls. The young male needs to be strong and mature quickly. A body condition score around 3 or 4 is the goal. The correct nutrition will ensure better development of testicles and then production of semen at an earlier age and in larger quantities. The impact of doing this right is crucial.
Now for the Inspection The A.I. company you are contracted with will come to the farm to inspect the young bull. They will have benchmarks they are looking for relating to growth and development and, of course, health tests will be key to the contract being fulfilled.
The Best Bulls Start Early When you have done everything you can and all systems are “Go!” you will want to see your bull in use as a sire of sons as soon as possible. In the bull breeding business the one who is first with the most is the one that wins!
THE BULLVINE BOTTOM LINE There are many important steps to take to make sure that the bulls you raise are attractive to cattle breeders and A.I. studs. Do it right and it’s money in your pocket. That’s No Bull! That’s Your Bull!
Canadian National Holstein Convention 2012
Brandon, MB
Judge: John Buckley, ON
205 Head
Intermediate Calf (4)
1. Rietben B Sassy (Braxton), Blair Weeks, PE
2. Lampada Vengence Ellen (Vengence), Lampada Holsteins, SK
3. Jamevall Lauthority Mona June (Lauthority), James Valley Colony, MB
Senior Calf (26)
1. Benner Windbrook Jocasa (Windbrook), Benner Holsteins, MB
2. Kenbert Seaver Dilly (Seaver), Kenbert, Roneamar & Mazylake, SK & AB
3. RF Duplex Courage (Duplex), Black Forest Farm, BC
Junior Champion B&W
Greenlane Destry Laurel (Destry), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
Reserve – Lafontaine Aftershock Arrie (Aftershock), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
HM – Vandyk-S Atwood Everly (Atwood),Vandyk-S, T&L Cattle & Kingsway, WA, BC & ON
Junior Breeders Herd (3)
1. Kenbert Acres, SK
2. Skycrest Holsteins, AB
3. Rietveld Dairies Ltd., AB
Junior 2 Year Old (10)
1. Scha-Way Adv Lipstick-Red (Advent), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
2. Ehrhardt Gold Beauty (Goldwyn), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
3. Regwall Shake N Bake (Atwood), Blair Weeks & Bernandale, PE
Senior 2 Year Old (15)
1. Pappys Goldwyn Rave (Goldwyn), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
2. Valleyville Sanchez Renate (Sanchez, Barclay Phoenix, ON
3. Wedgwood Pepper Jasper (Jasper), Stanhope-Wedgwood, BC
Junior 3 Year Old (14)
1. Roswitha B Goldwyn Aurora (Goldwyn), Roswitha Holsteins, MB
2. Clearvalley Gold Rewind (Goldwyn), Wendon, Lucky Hill, Dardel & Zimmer, AB
3. Sicy Allie (Goldwyn), Morsan Farms, AB
Senior 3 Year Old (12)
1. RF Blackforest BGJ Melinda (Jules), Continental Holsteins, AB
2. Donfield Marcus Johanna (Marcus), Donfield Farms, MB
3. Fradon Redbull Jingle (Redbull), Stanhope-Wedgwood, Elmbridge & Nicrest, BC
Intermediate Champion
Roswitha B Goldwyn Aurora (Goldwyn), Roswitha Holsteins, MB
Reserve – RF Blackforest BJG Melinda (Jules), Continental Holsteins, AB
HM – Pappys Goldwyn Rave (Goldwyn), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
4 Year Old (23)
1. Silvermaple Damion Camomile (Damion), Silvermaple Holsteins & Stanhope-Wedgwood, BC
2. Skycrest Affirmed Nose Dive (Affirmed), Skycrest Holsteins, AB
3. Stanhope Lorel Goldwyn (Goldywn), Stanhope-Wedgwood, BC
5 Year Old (14)
1. Brainwave Goldwyn Lauramie (Goldwyn), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
2. Continental Drake Rosily (Drake), Continental Holsteins, AB
3. Wedgwood Dellia Jordan (Roy), Stanhope-Wedgwood, BC
Mature Cow (21)
1. Sunnyhome Eastwood Melody (Eastwood), Sunnyhome Farms & RockyMountain Holsteins, BC & AB
2. Skycrest Dundee Nutmeg (Dundee), Skycrest Holsteins, AB
3. Butz-Butler Durham Amy (Durham), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
Grand Champion R&W
Scha-Way Adv Lipstick-Red (Advent), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
Reserve – Jon-Lu Talent Regina Red (Talent), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
Honorable – Lake-Prairie Advent Ava-Red (Advent), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
Senior Champion
Silvermaple Damion Camomile (Damion), Silvermaple Holsteins & Stanhope-Wedgwood, BC
Reserve – Brainwave Goldwyn Lauramie (Goldwyn), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
Honorable Mention – Continental Drake Rosily (Drake), Continental Holsteins, AB
Grand Champion
Silvermaple Damion Camomile (Damion), Silvermaple Holsteins & Stanhope-Wedgwood, BC
Reserve – Brainwave Goldwyn Lauramie (Goldwyn), Westcoast Holsteins, BC
Honorable Mention – Continental Drake Rosily (Drake), Continental Holsteins, AB
Premier Breeder – Skycrest Holsteins, AB
Premier Exhibitor – Westcoast Holsteins, BC
New York Spring BW Holstein Show Apr. 16 – Syracuse, NY
Judge – Mark Rueth, Wisconsin
Winter Calf (7)
1. McWilliams Damion Shine (Erbacres Damion x C-Cove Pledges Sabrina), Chris & Jen Hill, Todd Whittier, Chad Umbel, Thurmont, MD
2. Dappleholm G Roxette (Nipponia Edr Gibraltar), Morasci, Borba & Burdette, Mercersburg, PA
3. Ms Gold Chip Bright-ET (Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET), Jeff Butler & Amanda Kennedy, Chebanse, IL
Fall Calf (20)
1. Ploegsway Braxton Natshak (Regancrest Braxton x Ploegsway Terrason Nutshell), Budjon, Phoenix & Trent Valley, Lomira, WI
2. Windy-Knoll-View Picasso-ET (Crackholm Fever), James & Nina Burdette, Mercersburg, PA
3. Savage-Leigh Yank Fever-ET (Crackholm Fever), Donald McEvoy, Cortland, NY
Summer Yearling (23)
1. Co-Vale Fever Camila-ET (Crackholm Fever x Duckett Carisma Eva), Cates, Eaton & Phoenix, Syracuse, NY
2. Windy-Knoll-View Pure (Durchan Elite Everest), James & Nina Burdette, Mercersburg, PA
3. Windy-Knoll-View Planner (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood), James & Nina Burdette, Mercersburg, PA
Spring Yearling (21)
1. Miss Beautys Bombshell-ET (Braedale Goldwyn x Ms Exels Dundee Beauty), Roll-N-View, Eaton, Murphy & Cates, Preble, NY
2. Savage-Leigh Atwd Light-ET (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood), Christopher Savage, Knoxville, MD
3. Windy-Knoll-View Parfait-ET (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood), James & Nina Burdette, Mercersburg, PA
Winter Yearling (16)
1. Co-Vale Dundee Jemma-ET (Regancrest Dundee x Co-Vale Rubens Jaded), Brad Cates, Preble, NY
2. Sweet Peas Asteroid Amber (Kingsmill Gdwyn Asteroid), Matthew Pease, Susquehanna, PA
3. Ka-Geo Golden Rae-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Jeff Butler, Chebanse, IL
Fall Yearling (13)
1. Whitdale-D Hvezda Sky-Red (Orbe-View S Strm Hvezda x Whitdale-D Advent Skylight), Chris & Jen Hill, Chad & Sandy Umbel & Richard Green, Thurmont, MD
2. Tomkins MrBrn Sizzle-Red (Dudoc Mr Burns), Brodie Bunkelman, Edgar, WI
3. Trefle Angola Goldwing-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Butler, Mapel Wood, OConnor & Borba, Chebanse, IL
Junior Champion Junior Show
M-Signature Sanchez Siri, Jacob & Jared Dueppengiesser and Andy Chlus, Perry, NY
Res. – Maple-Downs-CC Du Amelia-ET, 1st fall yearling, Emily Tillapaugh, Warnerville, NY
HM – Dymentholm Lexis Lively, 1st fall calf, Max Wolf, Lebanon, CT
Junior Champion Open
ShowWhitdale-D Hvezda Sky-Red (Orbe-View S Strm Hvezda x Whitdale-D Advent Skylight), Chris & Jen Hill, Chad & Sandy Umbel & Richard Green, Thurmont, MD
Res: Co-Vale Fever Camila-ET (Crackholm Fever x Duckett Carisma Eva), Cates, Eaton & Phoenix, Syracuse, NY
HM: Co-Vale Dundee Jemma-ET (Regancrest Dundee x Co-Vale Rubens Jaded), Brad Cates, Preble, NY
Sr. 2-Year-Old (22)
1. Crater Indiana Goldwyn (Braedale Goldwyn x Crater Santana Linjet), Gen-Com Holsteins, Notre-Dame du bon Conseil, QC
2. Ernest-Anthony Allure-ET (Golden-Oaks St Alexander), Paul Neer & Ernest Kueffner, Litchfield, CT
3. Blondin Alexander Armana (Golden Oaks St Alexander), Sicy Ferme & Ferme Blondin, St. Placide, QC
Jr. 3-Year-Old (12)
1. Robrook Goldwyn Cameron (Braedale Goldwyn x Robrook Dundee Constance), Gen-Com Holsteins Ltd., Notre-Dame du bon Conseil, QC
2. Joleanna Frtn Ivory Rain-ET (To-Mar D Fortune), Joleanna & David Rama, Unadilla, NY
3. Rockymountain Gold Wishes (Braedale Goldwyn), Gen-Com Holsteins Ltd., Notre-Dame du bon Conseil, QC
Sr. 3-Year-Old (11)
1. Cookview Goldwyn Monique (Braedale Goldwyn x Cookview Igniter Monika), Ferme Yvon Sicard, Ferme Blondin & Jeff Butler, St Justin, QC
2. Midlee Roy Sparkling (Roylane Jordan), Gen-Com Holsteins Ltd., Notre-Dame du bon Conseil, QC
3. Sagamie Goldwyn Del (Braedale Goldwyn), Ferme Blondin, St. Placide, QC
Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show
Elm-Spring Tystry Saxton, 1st sr. 2-year-old, Andrew Tudor, Eagle Bridge, NY
Res.: Siemers SZ Hia-Mae-ET, 2nd sr. 2-year-old, Jacob Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY
HM: Rokeyroad Goldwyn Elate-ET, 1st jr. 3-year-old, Elizabeth Hill, Bristol, VT
Intermediate Champion of the Open Show
Robrook Goldwyn Cameron (Braedale Goldwyn x Robrook Dundee Constance), Gen-Com Holsteins Ltd., Notre-Dame du bon Conseil, QC
Res: Crater Indiana Goldwyn (Braedale Goldwyn x Crater Santana Linjet), Gen-Com Holsteins, Notre-Dame du bon Conseil, QC
HM: Ernest-Anthony Allure-ET (Golden-Oaks St Alexander), Paul Neer & Ernest Kueffner, Litchfield, CT
4-Year-Old (16)
1. Windy-Knoll-View Panini-ET (Braedale Goldwyn x Windy-Knoll-View Pledge), James & Nina Burdette, Mercersbug, PA
2. Milksource Goldwn Africa-ET (Braedale Goldwyn), Budjon Farms & Peter Vail, Lomira, WI
3. Roggua Dundee Evelyne (Regancrest Dundee), Ferme Yvon Sicard, Ghislain Demers, St Justin, QC
5-Year-Old (14)
1. Sudview Nordale Gold Liberty (Braedale Goldwyn x Comestar Lauriley Jasper), Ferme Blondin, St Placide, QC
2. Tween Bays Sara Goldwyn (Braedale Goldwyn), Gen-Com Holsteins Ltd., Notre-Dame du bon Conseil, QC
3. Muranda Advent Linda-ET (KHW Kite Advent-Red), Tom & Nancy Murray, Waterloo, NY
Aged Cow (9)
1. Blondin Redman Seisme-Red-ETS (Valleyriver Ruben Redmn-Red x Blondin R Marker Supra), Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna, WI
2. Raizel James Rosita-ET (Milk&Honey Encore Raizel), Colton Thomas, Cole & Olivia Cummings, N. Lewisburg, OH
3. Valleys-End Leader Emily (Valleys End Lee Leader), Mark Hough, Rebersburg, PA
125,000-lb. Cow (7)
1. Bingland Leduc Nancy-ET (Lystel Leduc x Bingland Starb Noel), Elmvue Farm, Johnstown, NY
2. Joleanna Outsid Mandarin-ET (Comestar Outside), Joleanna Holsteins, Unadilla, NY
3. Meadow Green Jeany Outside (Comestar Outside), Ferme Blondin, St Placide, QC
Senior & Grand Champion Junior Show
Curr-Vale Goldwyn Lady-L, 1st aged cow, Jessica Currie, Tully, NY
Res. : Linden-Loch Damion Delila, 1st 5-year-old, Douglas Boop, Millmont, PA
HM Ridgedale Folly, 1st 125,000 Lb. Cow, Cyrus Conard, Sharon Springs, NY
Senior Champion Open Show
Sudview Nordale Gold Liberty, 1st 5-year-old, Ferme Blondin, St Placide, QC
Res.: Tween Bays Sara Goldwyn, 2nd 5-year-old, Gen-Com Holsteins Ltd., Notre-Dame du bon Conseil, QC
HM: Windy-Knoll-View Panini-ET, 1st 4-year-old, James & Nina Burdette, Mercersbug, PA
Grand Champion Open Show
Sudview Nordale Gold Liberty, 1st 5-year-old, Ferme Blondin, St Placide, QC
Res.: Tween Bays Sara Goldwyn, 2nd 5-year-old, Gen-Com Holsteins Ltd., Notre-Dame du bon Conseil, QC
HM: Robrook Goldwyn Cameron, 1st jr. 3-year-old, Gen-Com Holsteins Ltd., Notre-Dame du bon Conseil, QC
Premier Breeder (tie): Joleanna Holsteins & Windy Knoll View
Premier Exhibitor: Ferme Blondin
Best Three Females (3)
1. Joleanna Holsteins
2. Muranda
3. Ovaltop Holsteins
Southern Spring National Show
April 14, 2012Stillwater, OK
Judge: Paul Trapp, Taylor, WI
4-Year-Old1.& BU
1. Weeksdale Goldwyn Raleigh (Goldwyn) Weeksdale
2. Weeksdale Allen Lolita (Allen-ET) Weeksdale
3. Pascoba Star Lucita (Lucky Star) Eastsde Holsteins
5 Year Old1. & BU
1. Eastside Fortune Oriole (Fortune) Eastside Holsteins
2. Fort Lands Goldwyn Jade (Goldwyn) Idee Holsteins & Jame Rhynes
3. Idee Goldwyn Lunette (Goldwyn) Idee Holsteins
Australian Champions
At Sydney’s Royal Show, Murribrook Holsteins became Premier Breeder with their victories including both the Junior Champions: Murribrook Jasper Petrea was Junior Champion ahead of Murribrook Jasper Pearl. Kamilaroi Wild Eve of Brad Snowden triumphed in the Intermediate category, while Strongbark Allen Candy of Jim Strong finished as Senior Champion. (
Prairie Classic Sale a Complete Success!
The 2012 Canadian National Holstein Convention has been lighting up Brandon, MB for the last couple days. After a busy day of farm tours the Prairie Classic Sale kicked off at 7:00 p.m. 88 lots averaged $11,065! (
High seller for the evening was Lot 13 at $48,000 – Benner Snowman Basanti. She is a August 2011 Snowman with a GTPI +2165 from the popular Mapelwood Baxter Bethany VG-85 2yr, sold to Benner Holsteins & Pennview Farm.
Second high seller was Lot 30 for $39,000, another nice Snowman calf that hails from Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk VG-87 2yr. She was consigned by David Dyment and Sebastion Dion and bought by Eastside Holsteins of PEI.
And rounding out the top three was Lot 2- $37,000. A First choice Mogul or Cookie Cutter Hefty x Ammon-Peachy Shana-ET sold to Rocky Mountain Holsteins and was consigned by Benner Holsteins & Pennview Farm.
Top-selling Federal daughter
$28,000: This was the amount paid for a yearling sired by Duckett-SA Federal (a Shottle son from Roy Frosty) and out of world-famous Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy at the Dodgeramma-Redfest Sale. The runner-up ($10,500) was Crescentmead Radint Rose – a potential 16th generation Excellent. (
I have a message to those “critics” that feel the need to make comments about me personally and You think you have the last laugh when you make comments about me to others in the industry. You think that you are going to scare me off or force us to back down. Do you think that you could make a few comments, say a few things and we would go away with our tails between our legs? Well I have a message to you. YOU ARE DEAD WRONG.
You really need to do your homework on me. First, those that know me well enough know that I am not in my brothers pocket. He is a big boy and has done very well at Alta Genetics, but that has no effect on what we do at If anything the competitiveness between us, just makes me want to kick his a** that much more. Throughout my career no matter what negative has been said or happened to me, I have come back twice as strong. When one door has closed, I have opened up a new one. Trust me those new doors are much bigger. The Inbound Sales Network is one of the fastest growing digital agencies in the world. Do you think that this is an accident? Or, perhaps, just maybe, when it comes to this “internet” thing we know what we are talking about.
You need to understand my motives here. (If not go back and read “TWICE the BULL – HALF the S**T“) We did not start for fame or fortune, we started to give breeders a voice and share information that breeders have been begging for. Happily, the early results have backed this up substantially. We are already in the top 2 or 3 dairy magazine sites for traffic and our reader surveys show that breeders love the new site. We have already had over 200 reader responses with only one giving us anything lower than 7/10 and all saying “Keep up the Great Work.”
So did you think on the personal level that I would not come back swinging? Wrong again. While I will not give you the credit of identifying you specifically, what I will do is continue to publish and educate the breeders as we have so far. So you don’t think Lady GaGa has anything to do with dairy cattle, that our article on photo enhancement revealed too much, or that I should not be commenting on whether AI companies should own cattle. Great! Keep talking, and trust me will we too. We will continue to produce content that breeders want to read. Maybe if you actually read the Lady GaGa piece and realized one of the lessons, “Know your audience,” you would not be chirping so much about what we are doing if you spent more time actually connecting with your marketplace.
In the end what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. Criticism, constructive or otherwise, will always make us come back twice as strong, To be the voice of the breeders that others have bullied or have others messages forced their message down their throats. Does this mean I am alone in this fight? Not one bit. I have our amazing team here, and the more than 2,000 readers that come to the site daily to be inspired about how to take their breeding programs to a new level Thank you. Let’s keep growing this wonderful industry that means so much to each of us who can take the lumps and keep on going!
Whether the topic is stocks, real estate or cattle breeding, it is important to do your homework and capitalize on the information available to you. That is what Dominique and Kathy Merminod owner operators of Misty Springs Holsteins did with their best investment decision to date. “Investing in Willsona Freelance Sizzle at the Gen-I-Beq sale has certainly been the most profitable.”
Profits are the obvious measure of success for any area of investing but the Merminods of Little Britain Ontario add. “The investment into the Aldonhill Brilliance Red family has been the most consistently rewarding investment. This would be both on the male and female side of the equation.” This double payback is a recurring theme when the couple report on the successes they have achieved. “Consistent breeding patterns within the family both on the maternal and paternal side of the pedigree are important to us. From the animal themselves we look for a good balance of dairy strength and open rib.”
Learn from the Past … avoid the “If Only” regrets
The learning curve in cattle investing is steep. Occasionally you assess where you stand and perhaps think of modifications you might wish you’d made. The Merminods look at their investments analytically. “There aren’t really any of them that we wish we could have back. Every one of them has taught us something along the way and has had an impact on the decisions that we make today. We were runner up bidder on embryos from an Online embryo sale from Diamond Genetics. If we had only bid higher, we could have had animals from Snowman’s family very early.” Experience builds the confidence to take those risks.
The Right Partners …. A Marriage Made in Heaven
Some cattle investors mitigate the risk involved by working with partners. “We do so cautiously” is how Kathy and Dominique assess their philosophy in this area. “If we are working with partners, we look for someone who is like-minded and shares the same breeding goals that we have.” This husband and wife team sums it up in their own terms. “The problem with partners is that it is very much like a marriage without the benefits that keep it exciting!”
The View From the Far Side of Genomics
Genomics has had a tremendous impact on the industry. The Merminods explain their approach. “We use Genomics as we would any other tool. We still look for consistency within the family and a balance of type and production. Genomics gives us an opportunity to increase the tools that we have at our disposal to make the selections for heifers and in selecting bulls to use. We don’t rely strictly on the numbers or select for only a few select traits. For us, balance and consistency are still of paramount importance. The industry is still in the early stages of learning how to use genomic information and there are many mistakes to make along the way. It will be interesting to see what the next few years bring. We feel that using strictly young sires to stack numbers is not the way to go and could end up costing the industry as a whole and set the industry back in its breeding advances. We feel that there will be a shift of emphasis from health traits back to conformation because it seems that with the emphasis the way it currently is, and the numbers coming in the way we see them coming, we are going to lose in the area of conformation.”
Insider Tips
The potential for investing in dairy cattle is growing every day. The Merminods have advice for new breeders who are starting to invest. “Look for an animal whose family transmits both on the female and male side of the pedigree. Chose an animal that you can breed from. Don’t be afraid to purchase the sister with the second highest genomics, she may the one who transmits. Make sure that the investment isn’t more then you can afford to lose.”
“There has been a shift in focus to health traits and genomic information. The average cow today is the equivalent of what would have been considered to be the highest level in past years. Make sure you do your homework and really examine all aspects of the pedigree.” Dominique and Kathy Merminod, Misty Springs Holsteins
The Andersen Family of American Falls, Idaho knows what it means to focus on family generations. Thirty-five family members strong. Including twenty-five grandchildren, they have the perfect resources to build a dairy team. Currently that effort is headed by Dad Alan, who is the CEO and Mom Norma, the CFO. Son Greg manages Seagull Bay Dairy which is a 600 cow freestall operation with about 80 registered Holsteins while son Ben manages a 1500 cow commercial operation, Andersen Dairy, Inc. which supplies 1800 replacement heifers for both dairy operations.
GENERATING BUSINESS: Built on Generous Goals
With thirty years experience, Alan knows exactly what their success has been built on, “Our goal is to breed elite sires and females that will benefit other breeders and commercial dairymen as well as ourselves.” This strong focus on the people side of the business complements the cattle knowledge that is the foundation of Seagull Bay Dairy. “We like cows that excel in production of milk components (pounds of protein and fat), have quality mammary systems, and are low maintenance.” By each of these measures, the family business is topping the charts but, in the end, it always comes back to people, “We like to sell animals that can make a nice profit for their new owners and generate repeat business that will last for generations.”
Seagull Bay Dairy has had outstanding success. Let’s look at Shauna, Daphne and Minnow who are three outstanding examples:
Alan starts the role-call of the generations with Ammon-Peachey Shauna who is a VG-87 Planet X VG-86 Shottle X VG-86 Oman X EX-92 Rudy Missy. Shauna is probably the top genomic bull mother in the breed right now with her top 6 sons averaging over 2450 gtpi and 3500 GLPI. Of five sons now released, she has two top 5 GTPI (Seagull-Bay Supersire & Seagull-Bay Headliner) and two top 5 GLPI (Seagull-Bay Sargent & Seagull-Bay Shaw). Her two snowman sons (Seagull-Bay Platinum & Seagull-Bay Diamond) 2512 GTPI & 3728 GLPI will be a year old this summer. Shauna has a total of 13 sons already accepted into AI with eight of them coming available later this year. Of course, this generates a ripple effect for Andersen’s dairy business, “Shauna and her daughters are undoubtedly our most sought-after females at this time. We have requests for embryos or sale consignments weekly.” Keeping up with demand is a great problem to have. “Shauna’s only Windbrook daughter (Seagull-Bay WNBRK Sunday) sells as Lot #1 in the Canadian National Convention Sale April 19th.” Looking ahead he reports, “Shauna’s oldest daughters will begin flushing in the next couple of months. We have daughters here from Shauna by Snowman, Robust, Plato and Gerard.”
Alan then moves on to another performer, Pine-Tree Sharla Daphne (VG-87 2yr). Daphne is also from the Rudy Missy’s and is the #1 GTPI Die-Hard of the breed. She boasts a sire stack of Die-Hard X DOM Shottle X VG-87 Outside X EX-92 Rudy Missy. For Alan her popularity is based on three things, “She offers a unique pedigree with nearly 3 PTAT points and is milking very well.”
THE MINNOW FAMILY: Big Momentum with Minnow
You might think these first two cows could justifiably explain why Seagull Bay is showing up more and more frequently on top dairy breeders’ radar. However, the growing generations of great cattle don’t stop there and Alan shares another notable success story. “We are proud to have developed the Minnow cow family here at Seagull Bay. Lynmead Celsius Minnow (EX 91) had a lifetime total of 255,000 lbs and produced 49,500 lbs as a 4 year old.” He goes on to explain the developing generations which is the Andersen family breeding goal. “Minnow has transmitted outstanding production and type through several generations of her offspring. We now have nine and ten generation VG & EX lines in the Minnow family. Since purchasing Minnow as a milking two year old in 1994 her offspring have consistently risen to the top at Seagull Bay and in several other herds through the years. Just a few highlights include her granddaughter Seagull-Bay Oman May EX-92 as one of Oman’s highest scoring daughters. Oman May is the dam of Seagull-Bay May Pauline, the (VG-86 EX MS) Planet that is the #11 NM cow of the breed.” These are excellent stats in everyone’s measure, but there are more to come. “Minnow’s daughter Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage is the dam of 1 EX and 19 VG daughters so far at Roorda Dairy in Iowa. From the December GTPI lists you could find Mirage and Minnow in 10 of the top 25 GTPI females of the breed. Six females were sired by Mirages grandson Robust while 4 heifers were from the #1 GTPI cow in December Roylane Shot Mindy (VG 85 Shottle X VG-86 Oman X EX Mirage X EX 91Minnow).” Great stats but, lest you think Minnow family members are only on the genomic charts, Alan adds these great numbers, “Mirage’s Oman son Seagull Bay Mano is the current #17 proven sire andMirage is the grand dam of Major (7HO9471) who is the #8 UDC bull of the breed. The currentU.S. cow lists show 3 Minnow family members in the top 50: Roylane Shot MIndy #3, Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror #11 (@ 7 years old), and Seagull-Bay May Pauline #43.” This family has got what it takes and buyers are happily demanding to be part of the success which Seagull Bay strives to meet. “From the Minnow family we have Roorda Observer Majic15272 (GTPI 2422) who is now being flushed. Also flushing are 2 daughters of T-C-G Shottle Minnow (VG-89 1st lactation and All-Idaho Sr. 2) Shottle X VG-87 Toystory X VG-87 Oman X EX Mirage X EX-91 Minnow) by Super (GTPI 2257) and Observer (GTPI 2203).”
Seagull-Bay Oman May EX-92
YOUNG SIRE or PROVEN BULL? Know When the Time is Right Says Andersen
A recurring question among dairy breeders is whether to use young sires or proven bulls. “We use both young sires and proven bulls on our top cow families.” Says Alan Andersen. “If you look closely at Shauna’s offspring most all of them are sired by daughter proven bulls. Now that Shauna has increased in reliability with a great score and production record, we are more comfortable mating her with young sires. We use the young sires to accelerate the genetic progress while realizing there is risk as well as reward.” Timely decision making is working for Seagull Bay.
Proven Sires currently used at Seagull Bay Dairy: Planet, Man-O-Man
Young sires currently used at Seagull Bay Dairy: Supersire, Headliner, Sargeant, Shaw, Numero Uno, Mogul, Lithium, Mayfield, McKutcheon, Lexor, Punch
ANALYZING GENOMIC RISKS: Potential Genetic Progress vs. Potential Genetic Regret
In the same way that all breeding tools are scrutinized by the Seagull Bay team, genomics is carefully considered, “While we believe that the top group of genomic sires will be better than the current top group of proven sires, the obvious risk is that a chosen mating sire for our top females will turn out to be a disappointment. If a hot genomic bull falls out of favor when milking daughters enter his proof, then you have a hole in a previously solid pedigree.” The Andersen’s identify the possible impact of this risk but go on to say,” We continue to use genomic young sires as mating sires because we believe the potential genetic progress outweighs the potential failures. On a cow like Shauna, through IVF we are able to use several different young sires in order to lessen the risk involved if we were only using 2 or 3 different sires to breed the next generation of Shaunas.” Careful planning.
SIRE SELECTION: Pedigrees and Predicted Linears
The same care is taking in choosing sires. “Simply speaking, we use the highest bulls available that have pedigrees and predicted linears that match well with our donors. We also use bulls that have pedigrees that we are excited about. For example, we never used the Facebook bull because his dam is sired by Airraid. While Airraid sires great udders and great components, his stillbirth percent is so high that
we wouldn’t use him even though his TPI is extreme. We will also use the predicted linear of a young bull to protect a cow in an area that needs attention. Young bulls with strong maternal lines will also receive an advantage over bulls with similar indexes but less proven cow families. We used Robust on Shauna because we knew the cows behind him so well that it gave us confidence in him. So far it looks like a great decision and we are pleased to have two breed leading bulls (Supersire & Headliner) and two outstanding heifers (Miss America & Miss Universe) with Seagull Bay on both sides of the pedigree.”
GENOMIC PROGRESS: Seagull Bay Dairy is Flying Toward the Future
This family team is generous in sharing their experience with cattle breeders. Alan warns against following trends. “I wouldn’t advise breeders to change their breeding philosophy too much if what they are doing now is working and bringing them satisfaction. I foresee the genomic predictions continuing to improve. While I think the breed is benefiting from an increased rate of genetic progress with genomic predictions, I also appreciate breeding from strong maternal cow families with several generations of high producing VG & EX cows. The top young sires could have hundreds of daughters in their first crop proof so the production and type data from these daughters will help in the genomic predictions of all bulls. Top sires with outcross pedigrees will continue to be very important as well. As genetic progress accelerates with genomics so will the increase in the breed’s inbreeding percentages. If someone would like to try using genomic young sires then I would advise them to use several sires and try to match complementary pedigrees and linears. Remember that the reliabilities of genomic sires are better than just a parent average but are still well below daughter proven bulls with over 100 daughters. Certainly their proofs will change over time. We just don’t know how great of a change will occur.”
“Mating the best available sires to the best available females will on average produce the elite of the next generation. We enjoy working with good cows and always strive to make the next generation better not only for ourselves but for the breeders we do business with” Alan Andersen, Seagull Bay Dairy, Idaho.
When it comes to the profitability of your genetic programs, nothing compares to a cow’s ability to flush. A good “chicken” will outperform a great cow that does not flush. To demonstrate let’s take a look at a comparison of a “B” level cow that flushes well versus an “A” level cow that does not flush well.
Common Factors
Here are the common assumptions in both cases:
Boarding expense per day ($10)
Years of productive embryo production (3)
Flushes per year (4)
Flush strikeout ratio (25%)
Base cost per flush ($650)
Cost per embryo ($150)
Recipient price ($1,500)
Conception rate of recipients (45%)
Advertising expense/year ($1,500)
Other promotion expense ($500)
Ratio grade A/B embryos (70%)
Ugly duckling rate (40%)
Purchase price
Sale price per embryo
Sale price per heifer
Numbers of embryos per flush
Total Revenue per flush
Total cost per flush
Total profit per flush
Total heifer sales per year
Total boarding expense
Total promotional expenses
Total Revenue
Total Profit
Return on investment
The Bullvine Bottom Line
As the numbers show, there really is no comparison when it comes to the most important factor in the profitability of your genetic and embryo programs. In fact, for each embryo flush where a donor is able to produce over 10 eggs per flush, you will typically see 24% greater return on your investment. It takes a rare case (1 in a million) to have a cow that flushes less than seven embryos per flush be a profitable cow. Therefore, as much as you spend a great deal of time researching the pedigree and looking at your potential purchase’s conformation, there really is nothing more important than hers and her families historical flush ability. Take the time to make sure that than animal will be able to flush 7+ embryos per time. If you are not sure they will, or don’t have any flush history on the family (strongly maternal) wait. Look for a new animal. Your pocket book will thank you.
The best time to think about how you will sell heifers is long before the actual sale date. Unless you are planning not to have sales, it pays to focus on who will be most interested in your heifer and where you will find these people in order to sell to them. Selected auction barns? Classified ads? Have a brainstorming session and see how many places you can come up with that would be possible venues for your animals, including your own barn. Then make sure you know what you have that will sell. “Don Johnston of Cherry Crest Holsteins recently told a Genetics Workshop, “Select what you would like to buy yourself.” If you are planning to focus on heifer sales, he has another hint, “Watch what the major players buy.” And finally, he urges breeders to remember, “This is a belly to belly business. Don’t overlook markets close to home.”
At one time or another, every dairy cattle breeder has sold animals. What sets you and your financial success apart, is the time you take to get the best price for your heifer. Good preparation doesn’t happen in a couple of days or even a couple of weeks. A couple of months ahead is a good lead up time for the best presentation of your animal. Even better is the philosophy that every animal in your string is presented at her best on a daily basis.
For the purpose of this article, let’s look at the best way to prepare a heifer for a sale off of your farm. There are five main areas to focus on:
Feeding and managing your animal well before the sale
Achieving the condition sale management expects the animals to arrive in.
Up-to-date and accessible paperwork, including the registration certificate, on each animal you plan to sell and pictures, if necessary, for the sale catalogue.
Meeting all health requirements. Standard vaccinations complete.
Trucking arranged well-in-advance
Breeders who pay attention to these details are usually the most successful at the end of the sale.
The easy way to prepare an animal for a sale is to pack your heifer on the truck and wave goodbye. The best way to prepare your sale heifer is to begin with a rope and halter two months before she leaves. Tie her up for a while every day. Move her around the stall or pen until she is used to it. It’s not the easiest way. It involves time and patience. At the end of the day, you want your animal to do her best. If she is out of control, not only could you lose substantial monetary returns, she will not get the best treatment from busy cattle fitters nor present the best view of herself to potential buyers. Training makes a difference that can add or subtract hundreds of dollars.
At least two months before the sale is also a good time for the first clipping of your sale heifer. You want her hide to shine with health. It also gets her used to being handled which can be good for the fitters at the sale. Don’t attempt more than you can do a good job of. The main goal is to have her hair in good condition to highlight her best features.
The way your sale heifer moves is directly impacted by the condition of her feet. In some cases the feet may require two trimmings. Don’t leave it too long and then try to do too much. It could be dollars down the drain if the heifer can’t move well or, worse yet, is lame. Decide the condition of your heifer’s hooves and set your trim dates based on what you see.
When the feet are dealt with, consider the other treatments that can turn negatives into positive cash. Your sale heifer should be de-horned, free of lice, mites, ringworm and warts. Extra teats should be removed as well.
Preparing your animal for the sale or show starts with the right feeding! Unlike the show ring animal, your heifer is better on the heavy side than too thin. You can best control your heifer’s body condition by the amount of grain she is fed. If your animal is in good condition, she will need very little grain. On the other hand, if she is thin and in poor condition she may need, 6 or 8 pounds of grain per day. Some heifers gain much more rapidly than others. The diet will be drastically altered when sent to consignment sales, adds Dave. Also recognize that sale cattle will be placed on a hay diet to expand rib cage, tighten up manure, etc. It will be a week’s time well spent, if your animal learns to eat dry hay. Another good plan is to teach her to eat and drink from pails or tubs, especially if this is not something she is used to in your barn.
The last phase in the preparation is a few days before the sale. Wash them again and train a few times on the halter, “Well trained animals show themselves better and the potential buyers can see her much better.” You may do some clipping, but remember hair can always be taken off, but clipping too much cannot be corrected.
To help your potential buyers, it pays to have a professional photo included in the sales catalogue. But don`t leave all the marketing up to the sales team. Do your part and take every opportunity to let people see your sale heifer. Post that picture. On your personal website. On Facebook. Create your own farm brochure. People buy on looks. Put something in front of them in as many ways as you can. You never know what piece of information will the one that makes the difference to an undecided buyer.
There is no doubt that in today’s marketplace genomic testing is focusing attention on the numbers! Having said that, there is still the emotional factor that comes into play when watching animals circle the ring at a sale. Make sure that your good preparation get’s your heifer “Sold!”
Reserve & Res. Grand: MS Hack SS Ella Rae-Red-ET (Pursuit September Storm-ET), 1st 5-year-old, Nora Hackmann, Marthasville, MO
Virginia Spring Show
The Virginia Spring Show was held Saturday, April 7th at the Rockingham County fairgrounds in Harrisonburg. It was a beautiful spring day as Amanda Stiles Lutz from South Carolina judged 50 head. The Grand Champion was four year old, Mer-Gold Jet Montana, who said “win with me with her style, balance and correct mammary system.” She is owned by Janney Holsteins and Malorie Rhoderick. Judge Lutz chose winning senior two year old, Ron-Rou Lou Kay as the Reserve champion of the show with Heiz-Acres Mailing Fish, first place five year old, as Honorable Mention champion of this year’s show.
Two Aftershocks rose to the top of the heifer classes with their balance and correctness. Junior champion, owned by Steve Zirkle and James and Julie Barb of New Market, was Butlerview After Alameda-ET, the winning fall yearling. Judge Lutz followed with the same pattern naming winter yearling, Ron-Rou Aftershock Sprinkle as reserve junior champion, owned by Ron-Rou Holsteins of Mount Solon. (source:
Maryland Spring Holstein Show Results
Apr. 7 – West Friendship, MD
Judge – Steve Shaw, Williamsburg, PA
Total shown – 150
Grand Champion Rainyridge Mr Burns Eara, 4 Year Old, (Mr Burns), Rainyridge & optimal, MB
Reserve Grand Champion Oakparke Shottle Jackalope, 5 Year old, (Shottle), Oakparke holsteins, MB
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor Benner Holsteins, MB
Cherry Crest Dispersal Averages $5,300
The Cherry Crest Dispersal, Martintown, ON took place on April 7,2012 with a “monster” crowd on hand to claim some of the most recognizable bloodlines in the Holstein industry. The result was a $5,300 average on 170 lots. (source:
Catching everyone’s eye was the sale top, Cherry Crest Goldwyn Aspire. The March 2010 Goldwyn was nearly a mirror image of People’s Choice Winner, Eastside Lewisdale Goldwyn Missy (EX-95). From the same family, her dam is a VG-88 Damion daughter of Canadian Cow of the Year Nominee, Stadacona Outside Abel (VG-88 25*). Aspire was due April 22 to Pine-Tree Sid. When the gavel fell at $43,000, she became the property of Loren Brisco, Adam Hunt, Ed Rusenstrom and Alex & Reg Wallace.
Brining the 2nd highest bid of the day was another Goldwyn. Annalea Goldwyn Alinda (EX-91 EX-93-MS). Nominated All-Ontario Jr. 3-Yr-Old 2011, she was fresh in February 2012 and will be primed for a run at the 4-Year-old competition for this show season. The final bid was $29,500 from Ransom Rail Farm in Perry, NY, USA. Her dam is 3E-92 Annalea Gibson Alison and her second dam is a VG-85 Comestar Leader.
Glenalcomb Dispersal Results
The Glenalcomb Dispersal of April 9th, in Belleville, Ontario, Canada brought down the curtain on 70 years of dedicated cattle breeding that resulted in 2 Master Breeder Shields. The sale averaged $2,756.47 on 85 lots. (source:
The highest bid of the day was $7,000 that was placed by Maple Ain Holsteins of Smith Falls, Ontario on Glenalcomb Final Cut Boomboom (VG-88 VG-89-MS). Sired by Gillette Final Cut, she is working on the following record at 3-11 2x 187 18,414 4.0 741 3.3 585. Her dam is Glenalcomb Titan Boomer (VG-85, 3y) sired by Tobis Durham Titan, then Glenalcomb Milan Boots (VG-87 2*), Glenalcomb V T Boutique (VG-85), Glenalcomb S Barbara (VG-87), Glenalcomb Grand Barb (VG-85), Glenalcomb Citation Bee (VG-86).
A $6,000 bid brought ownership of Rynland Rustler Mable –Red (EX-90 US & Can) to Werrcroft Holsteins of Oshawa, Ontario. Mable was in calf for December 14th to Fradon Jigsaw and showing the following completed record: 4-00 2X 317 18,390 4.2 763 3.1 574. Her dam is Rynland Bob Malissa (2E-90) 5-05 2X 341 25,872 3.6 920 2.8 715.
WCLE (Saskatoon) Sale
April 13, 2012
Saskatoon, SK
Average $2800 on live lots
$4300- Rhein Sanchez Esmeralda (Fresh sanchez x RF outside Silver VG-87 x Contnental Leadoff Susie VG-88 2* x Ex-90 2E x VG-87 x VG-88) Buyer: Kenbert Acres, SK & Crestomere Holsteins, AB Consignor: Joe Guenther, SK
$4000- Kenbert goldwyn Brittney (Goldwyn x Kenbert Dundee Brendie VG-87 x Briana Milan Ex 2E 6* x Tony Beauty EX 5E 9*) Buyer: Balgonie Holsteins, SK Consignor: Kenbert Acres, SK
$4000- PDF Bonair Bongo VG-85 (Bonair x PDF Allen Balance VG-85 x VG-89 Counselor x EX 2*) Consignor: Prairie Diamond Farms, SK
$3100- Lampada Damion Tulip VG-85 (Damion x Lampada Approval Theone EX-90 x EX 95 2E, VG -85) Consignor: Lampada Holsteins, SK
Neuday Holsteins Dispersal
April 13, 2012
Saskatoon, SK
Managed by R&F Livestock
$9700- Neuday Zircon Glitz (fresh Feb 21 Zircon x VG-85 Blitz plus 7 more VG or EX) Buyer: Continental Holsteins, AB
$5000- Neuday Talent Electra VG-86 (Talent x EX 2E Lheros plus 3 more VG or EX)
$4800- Neuday goldwyn Erin (Goldwyn x EX-92 2E Lheros plus 3 more VG or EX) Buyer: Chris Aide Holsteins, SK
15th Eurogenes Online Heifer Sale Averages 13,064 Euros
The 15th Eurogenes Online Heifer Sale finished with an average price of 13,064 Euros, with over 21 animals selling to six different countries. The top seller of the sale was Drouner AJDH Cosmo, a Freddie daughter of well-known American brood-cow, Larcrest Cosmopolitan (VG-87). Cosmo combines a high GTPI of +2375 (12/11) with a skyhigh German index of RZG +155. Cosmo sold for 42,000 Euros to Dr. C. Lupschen from Germany. Dymentholm Genetics from Canada and Diamond Genetics purchased one of the very highest polled animals in the breed, Capnation Sosecret Colt *PO *RC. This polled Colt P daughter is also the #1 Productive Life animal in the world with a 12/11 PL of +10.2! Sosecret P is a granddaughter of the Global Red & White Impact Cow of the Year 2011, Gen-I-Beq GW Secret (VG-87, 2y Can). Rounding out the top five high sellers were Twin Sheray 2 (Super x UFM Dubs Sheray) for 23,000 Euros; Wiltor Observer Sugar (Observer x Washfold Bolton Sharon 2) for 22,000 Euros and Oelhorst Ali 299 *TV (Observer x Oelhorst Ali 141) for 14,250 Euros.
Spring Genomic & Type Spotlight Sale Averages $4,440
The Spring Genomic & Type Spotlight Sale was held Thursday, April 5th in Angola, IN and averaged $4440 on 105 lots including ten lots selling for $10,000 or more. With interest worldwide, cattle sold to several states along with Canada and Europe. (source:
Topping the sale was Lot 1 – Ri-Val-Re Bookem Hero-ET *TV GTPI +2474 sold for $90,000 to Bovine Genomic Partners, MI. Born in December, 2011, this Bookem sold in absentia with unlimited contract potential for sons and embryos.
Second high seller was Lot 4 – Ms Alexis Alice-ET *RC *TV *PO sold for $30,000 to John Schneller, Dodgeville, WI. Alice is 10/2011 Colt P from VG-85 VG-MS Shottle from reknown All-American EX-95 2E Apple.
An 11/2011 Bookem from Ms Apple Brandy, Ms Brandys Blush-ET *RC *TV sold for $20,000 to Ri-Val-Re Farms, Aaron and Jerry Jorgensen, Webberville, MI.
Purple Ribbon Classic Sale Highlights
The Purple Ribbon Classic Sale was held on March 31st in Marshfield, WI and averaged $2483 on 40 live lots. (source:
Top seller at $6,200 was Lot 24 – Scientific Brax Didi Rae-ET, a 9/11 Braxton daughter out of a fresh and very promising *RC Sanchez out of Scientific Gold Dior Rae-ET (EX-92 DOM), who in turn is out of world-famous Debutante Rae (EX-92 GMD DOM). Consigned by Scientific Holsteins, Didi Rae was purchased by Lakecrest Holsteins of WI.
$5,000 was the winning bid by Jim Bos of CA for Lot 1 – Regancrest R Belondi-ET, a 4/11 Robust out of Regancrest Belara-ET (EX-94), the Shottle daughter of Regancrest-PR Barbie-ET (EX-92). It was a very timely purchase before the April, 2012 run as a Sanchez maternal sister to Belondi came out as #1 on the Top PTAT Heifer list the next week. Belondi was consigned by Regancrest Farm of IA.
Todd & Cade Stanek of WI consigned the third-high seller – Lot 2 – Our-Favorite Obsr Baylis-ET, a 10/11 Observer with a +2206 GTPI out of Sandy-Valley Bashful-ET (VG-87), from the maternal line of Bolton. She was purchased by Doug Lemke and Tim Natzke of WI for $4,900.
For many years Canada has considered itself to be at the center of the Holstein universe. But a closer look at the top ranking lists reveals that the world is changing. The following are some interesting stats about who is dominating the top lists:
One of the top five LPI sires is sired by a CAN bull
5/10 are CAN bred and proven
19/50 top LPI sires are CAN sired.
1/50 of the top TPI sires are CAN sired
The # 1 CAN proven and bred sire (Topside) only ranks #42 for LPI worldwide.
The world has changed. Previously most world markets came to Canada to buy their seed stock. Today the proof is in the pudding. Countries that began by using our genetics are getting results that are as good or better than ours are.
Not only has there been a shift in the top sires from around the world reside, it is interesting to note that the following countries all have sires higher on the MACE LPI list than the top Canadian bred and proven bull
USA x 25
While it’s understandable to see the US dominating this list, it’s also interesting to note the countries like Great Britain, Japan, Denmark, and Holland all have multiple sires that rank higher than Canada on the MACE LPI list.
In 21st Century cattle breeding, genomics is increasing the accuracy of MACE conversions and the global marketplace has the tools to share and compare the results accurately. Canadian breeders can no longer discredit top international sires as not being good enough to use in their breeding programs. Planet’s recent domination of the top LPI cow list and the fact that only five of the top fifty cows are Canadian sired, demonstrates that even Canadians are using international bulls.
So what does this mean? Does it mean that Canadian breeders are not as good as the ones in other countries? I think it’s more evidence that much like other industries the world has become flat. (Don’t tell Christopher Columbus). In the same way that the internet and global sourcing of products have changed other industries, the internet and Genomics have changed the Holstein breeding industry.
It no longer matters weather you are looking at TPI, LPI PLI or net merit you no longer need to look at country of origin but rather a world list. With top genetics coming from many countries, it’s no longer about what countries dominate the list but rather what breeding programs produce the chart toppers. In the same way that companies like Apple, Microsoft and Wal-Mart have expanded, many herds or rather breeding programs will become bigger than their country of origin. They will become global entities. Look at how Semex is no longer just Canadian genetics, or ABS is no longer just US. They are global organizations with global programs.
Finally, , look at the way herds like Morsan, Gillette, and De-Su among others, now have global sales representatives and are multinational breeding organizations. More and more herds are getting dedicated marketing and sales staff whose sole job is the international promotion of their genetics.
The world is changing at a very rapid pace, and if you try to rest on your laurels too long, the world will simply pass you buy. Now is not the time to say, “Hey we are Canada and, therefore, we are amazing!” Instead it’s time to say, “We are Canada and look how we are using our know-how to take breeding to the next level, no matter what the source or country of origin of our Holstein Genetics” Our systems of evaluation are world class. We can trust them to give us the information Canadian breeders need to be leaders of the pack.
When it comes to investing in cattle, there are those who only get it right some of the time and there are those who get it right quite often. Such a case could be made for Pierre Boulet, who has built Ferme Pierre Boulet Inc. on successful cattle investments based on his first impression. “The way that I have always bought, and the way that I will always buy, is to look first and foremost at the cow or heifer in front of me. If I don’t like what I see in front of me, I don’t go any further.” Obviously, he has gone further more than once. Looking back at several winners he starts by saying, “In each of their cases, I fell in love with the animal first. When I looked at their pedigrees, the breeding consistency of their dams and the great sire stacks, I knew that I had a low risk investment.”
PEDIGREE AND SIRE STACK: Don`t have one without the other
Pierre considers other factors before he makes the final commitment to invest. “When I like what I see, the next thing that I check is the pedigree for the family and the sire stack. The family is obviously important because a solid family that consistently breeds well takes away a lot of risk. At the same time, the importance of the sire stack is often disregarded. When a cow or heifer is backed by several generations of great bulls it gives you the reassurance that there is solid, well proven genetics in her blood.” Located in East Central Quebec, Pierre is enthusiastic about cattle breeding and his growing list of winners.
STAR QUALITY: Laws of Attraction:
Pierre has no problem singling out the cow that rises to the top. “There is obviously Thrulane James Rose with all of the success that she has had she obviously creates an enormous amount of demand for genetics from her and her daughters.” And this leads him naturally to the most important reason Rose is special. “There is a whole other aspect that we have to consider with Rose and that is the publicity that she has generated for us. A cow like her puts our name out around the globe, attracts people to our farm and indirectly generates business for the other genetics that we offer.” Once the word is out, it’s a lot easier to share your breeding philosophy and the successes that have come from it.
FOUNDATION FAMILY: The Flush of Success
Ferme Pierre Boulet has excelled in both sales and the show ring. One investment has been especially important says Pierre. “I have to point out Viapax B C Madison who is now VG 6*. I purchased her as a heifer in a sale. She has become the source of a fantastic family for me which has had several show winners and breeds all around great cows. I have been able to heavily flush her, her daughters and her grand-daughters, so she is really the foundation of a family that has generated lots of business for me.”
PEDIGREE POTENTIAL: The Future Looks Great
Pierre’s philosophy of love at first sight and strong cow families is working consistently for him. “Other cows that have turned into great investments for me are Howes B C Sassy EX-2E 7*, Pineland Goldwyn Tidbit VG-89 and Lindenright Goldwyn Royce VG-89-2YR. Sassy I bought as a heifer, Tidbit and Royce as fresh young cows. I always look for the future of an animal, how she will develop and her long-term potential. In all of these cases they were animals that had the build to mature and develop extremely well.”
COMMON SENSES TELLS US “You Can’t Take The Bad Ones Back!”
There is no way to turn back the clock on a bad investment. It’s tempting to think that those who are extremely successful in the cattle breeding business don’t ever make mistakes. Pierre sets that legend to rest. “There are always some that you wish you could take back, but that’s the name of the game. One cow that comes to mind I had invested $40,000. She was a great cow with a great pedigree. She did really well for us at the shows and we had fun with her. However, we were never able to make our money back since we couldn’t get any embryos out of her and no calves either. But that’s all part of the business. Every investment has risks and you have to be prepared to assume losses when there are risks involved.”
GENOMICS: Using This New Trend as an Added Tool
Obviously, in the last five years the whole genomics question comes into play for everyone in the cattle breeding business however Pierre feels it hasn’t changed his viewpoint. “Personally, the impact has not affected me all that much. I still go with the basics, look at the animal in front of me, consider the sire stack and family. If she has these basics and the genomics are an interesting aspect of that particular animal, then I start to consider her numbers. At the moment many people rely entirely on genomics, and I think that we will see that tendency turn more toward using genomics as a tool that people consider (much like the way we used LPI scores) rather than relying entirely on its outcome.”
BEAUTY AND FUNCTION: They Work for Everybody
The functional cow is a huge focus for our industry, as much for the show ring cows as the commercial cows. Great feet and legs, great udders, and the importance of health traits will just continue to grow in popularity. We work with lots of show cows and deal thousands of commercial cattle, udder quality, teat placement, rump angle and locomotion are characteristics that both markets put a lot of emphasis on. I think that the tendency to work towards a well-balanced, functional cow will continue to grow in popularity.
IT`S YOUR BUDGET: Make it Work for YOU!
Of course the budget that you have is a big consideration, when you have a considerable amount to invest, looking into good young cows (who have gone through the riskiest part of calving) who come from families reputed for their breeding capacity with great sire stacks is the best way to go. I am not saying invest in a cow you think will clean up the Jr 2 class at The Royal, but you can go a long way breeding from a young cow that is VG first calf. When someone has a bit less budget, investing in embryos from this same type of family, a family that has proven its breeding capacity and great sires is probably the best way to go.
The most important thing to consider and the first thing to look at is whether you like what you have in front of you or not. If you don’t like the cow, no matter what is behind her, you don’t go any further than that.
Continuing our look at the top genomic young sires, we now look at the top 10 GPA LPI young sires from Canada. Unlike the US list (Top 10 Genomic TPI Young Sires Review – April 2012) we see a more balanced mix of type and production, as is expected given the differences between the TPI and LPI formulas.
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The following is our analysis of the top 10 GLPI young sires from the April 2012 Genetic Evaluations:
#1 – DE-SU PHOENIX 588
Maintaining his top rank as the #1 GPA LPI young sire in Canada is PHOENIX. From Select Sires, PHOENIX is a Planet from DE-SU 7902 GP-81-2YR-USA DOM, whose dam De-Su Oman 6121 VG-86-2YR-USA DOM GMD has over 20 daughters on the locator list and is the dam of De-Su Observer, the high genomic young sire from Select Sires. PHOENIX combines outstanding production and components with strong conformation. Though a Planet x Bolton cross may raise some concerns about rumps, PHOENIX should inherit his maternal line’s rumps and be ok. The area of strong concern that he does need protected on is his Health and Fertility traits, specifically his daughter fertility and milking speed. PHOENIX will work well on GOLDWYN, SHOTTLE, FEVER, LAUTHORITY, JORDAN blood lines.
The #2 sire on the list comes from Semex, and WABASH-WAY-I SHOTTLE EMBER VG-85-2YR, who is the Shottle sister to Wabash-Way Emilyann-ET VG-88 DOM who is a former #1 GTPI & CTPI cow of the breed who is the 2nd generation to hold that title as their dam CROCKETT-ACRES ELITA VG-87-4YR-USA DOM 2* was also a list topper. Look for ETERNITY to sire outstanding production though he may be slightly lower on his components than his pedigree would indicate. Much like his young sire father, Observer (Planet x O Man), ETERNITY will transmit the outstanding mammary systems that come from Observer’s maternal line, DE-SU OMAN 6121-ET VG-86-2YR-USA DOM GMD. Also look for ETERNITY to hold true to his sire stack and need protected on Feet & Legs and Dairy Strength though he has a much better Rump, much like his sire. Look for ETERNITY to work well on GOLDWYN, FEVER, JORDAN, LAUTHORITY blood lines.
Coming in at #3 is the French bred sire CABON FERNAND. FERNAND’s mother, DANOISE VG-87-3YR-FRA is a fantastic Bolton daughter who stood 3rd in a strong class of Jr. 2yr-olds at the National Show in Le Mans ’11. According to Angelo Pozzatti (Semex), “This is one of the most consistent transmitting cow families in Europe.”, as is evident by the fact that FERNAND’s direct genomic values far out perform his sire stack and parent averages. Watch for FERNAND to sire much more production and components than his pedigree would indicate, with solid conformation, and better feet & legs than expected. However, he will need to be protected on dairy strength and especially rumps. FERNAND will work best on FEVER, LAUTHORITY, MR BURNS, SHOTTLE blood lines.
Despite dominating the US GPA TPI list, Selects top Canadian GLPI sire comes in at number 4. SHAW is the Freddie brother to US chart toppers Supersire and Headliner, from AMMON-PEACHEY SHAUNA VG-87-2YR-USA who is the popular Planet bull dam at Seagull-Bay, tracing back to WESSWOOD-HC RUDY MISSY EX-92-3E USA DOM GMD. As is consistent with the Seagull-Bay breeding program, SHAW has an extremely impressive sire stack (Freddie, Planet, Shottle, O Man) with many of the top sires represented. Watch for SHAW to sire extreme production and component kgs. Similar to his brothers, SHAW will transmit solid conformation and much more dairy strength than his extended pedigree would indicate. SHAW will offer breeders a solid option that can mate well with many top bloodlines.
Former #1 LPA-LPI sire LEXOR holds strong at #5 for GenerVations. LEXOR is from the illustrious COMESTAR GOLDWYN LILAC VG-89-5YR-CAN, All-Ontario Sr. 2-YR 2008 and Nom. All-Canadian Sr 2YR 2008 from the legendary 1.15 million dollar cow LYLEHAVEN LILA Z EX-94-CAN 11*. Watch for LEXOR to sire the Canadian Kind, solid components, and balanced production, with better fat and percentage components than his pedigree would indicate. Picking up from his maternal grandsire, Goldwyn, LEXOR will sire much better feet & legs than you would expect as well as greater dairy strength, coming from his maternal side. LEXOR should work well on FEVER, GOLDWYN, JORDAN, LAUTHORITY, SHOTTLE blood lines.
The second OBSERVER son on the list and #6 is ARTFUL. ARTFUL is from the same maternal family as former #3 LPI sire Morningview Ashlar also from SEMEX. Tracing back to the great foundation cows MORNINGVIEW CONVERSE JUDY EX-93-5YR-USA DOM GMD. According to Tom Schmitt, “Judy was 15 years ahead of her time from a health trait standpoint.” This cow family has done extremely well in many different herds all around the world, with Heidenskipster Shottle Silver VG-87-NL-2YR and La Felce Seratta VG-88-IT drawing great attention in Europe. Look for ARTFUL to sire extreme fat improvement with solid production. ARTFUL will also sire the balanced type that is the core of the Semex program. He leaves much greater dairy strength and rumps than his sire stack would indicate, offering the outstanding mammary system improvement that is the staple of his paternal line. Expect him to mate well on PLANET, FEVER, GOLDWYN, JORDAN, BOLTON daughters.
In much the same way that Select Sires dominate the GPA TPI list, Semex is dominating the CDN GLPI list with their third of five sires. DEXTERMAN offers outstanding component improvement though he should be protected on overall production. Not surprising considering his dam LEOTHE BAXTER DAPHNEE VG-86-2YR-CAN just squeezed out 10,799 kgs in a 365-day record. DEXTERMAN’s maternal line shows generation after generation of solid confirmation with average production. Look for DEXTERMAN to offer solid durability and health traits with balanced conformation. DEXTERMAN will fit the bill when looking for extreme component improvement, though considering his sire stack (Man-O-Man x Baxter) he does underperform on the milk side. Look for him to breed much as his maternal line strong conformation, outstanding components, but needs protected on overall production. Watch for DEXTERMAN to mate well on MR BURNS, SHOTTLE, LONGTIME, ALTAALLEGRO, ALADDIN daughters.
BARLETT’s dam DE-SU 7049-ET VG-85-2YR-USA DOM is a Shottle sister to the popular Planet young sire DE-SU OBSERVER. Progeny from DE-SU OMAN 6121 VG-86-2YR-USA DOM GMD has dominated the top GTPI cow lists. BARTLETT, Select’s 3rd sire on the list, to offer a very balanced package, with much greater fat improvement than his pedigree would indicate. Much like his sire, Planet, BARTLETT will sire outstanding mammary system improvement, as well as good feet and legs. However, I would be cautious in looking for him to be a rump improver, as other than Shottle, many of the sires in his pedigree need to be protected in this area. BARLETT should work well on FEVER, GOLDWYN, JORDAN, LAUTHORITY blood lines.
MERIDIAN is another son of a young sire RONELEE TOYSTORY DOMAIN (Toystory x Outside) from Trans-America Genetics. His dam SULLY PLANET MANITOBA GP-83-2YR-USA DOM is a Planet sister to US chart topper MCCUTCHEN from SULLY SHOTTLE MAY VG-85-3YR-USA DOM. May is believed to have more offspring genomic tested over 2200 & 2300 GPTI than any other cow in the breed. Much like the other sires in his family MERIDIAN will sire extreme balance of production and conformation with the potential for breed leading conformation. His direct genomic value (DGV) for conformation is an outstanding 21 and his DGV’s for mammary system (20) and dairy strength (19) are equally impressive. One area to protect MERIDIAN is %F as his DGV’s for % fat is -0.38.
AltaAQUANTUM’s dam, BERSAGLIO O-MAN QUALISIASI VG-87-2YR-ITA is one of the highest contracted dams in Europe and one of the best O Man’s in the world. During her first lactation this well balanced, shallow uddered )-Man daughter scored the maximum score of VG-87 as a 2YR old and produced almost 13,000 kg of milk. Grand dam of AltaQUANTUM is the very fancy BERSAGLIO MTOTO LOCANDA VG-87-3YR-ITA, one of the best and most requested Mtoto daughters in Europe. Next dam is Bersaglio Corsa VG86, a powerful, deep cow sired by Del Santo Corsaro (Aerostar x Chief Mark). The cow family behind AltaQUANTUM has lots of production, health and functional type in the pedigree. Watch for AltaQUANTUM to sire strong production with balanced type. Contrary to what his sire stack would indicate, he will sire strong conformation improvement (DGV of 17 for conformation compared to EBV PA of 7). Also, expect AltaQUANTUM to be a strong mammary system improver with a very similar type-breeding pattern to his sire, Planet, but with a little bit better rumps.
With 8 of the top 10 Genomic TPI™ young sires being themselves sons of young sires, there is no question that breeders of these top animals have confidence in genomics and are using it to shorten their genetic intervals.
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The following is our analysis of the top 10 GTPI young sires from the April 2012 Genetic Evaluations:
Holding on to his #1 spot despite 7 new members in the top 10, NUMERO UNO from Semex possess an international pedigree. Sired by a MAN-O-MAN he is only one of two sires on this list that are not themselves sired by young sires. His dam AMIGHETTI SHOTTLE AVE VG-88-2YR-ITA in an unparalleled Italian source for GTPI. The foundation of the family is Center-Field Elevation Berta, directly imported from the U.S. Watch for NUMERO UNO to sire well-balanced cattle that have strong mammary systems and great feet and legs. Surprisingly watch for him to be an outstanding Rump improver that you may not expect from a Man-O-Man son. A couple of areas that he may not perform as well as his sire stack may indicate are his overall production and protein kgs. NUMERO UNO will mate well with typical daughters of Planet, Bolton, Stol Joc and Mr Burns.
#2 on the GTPI list is SUPERSIRE, the more genomicically gifted of the Robust full brothers from AMMON-PEACHEY SHAUNA VG-87-2YR-USA who is the popular Planet bull dam at Seagull-Bay. Both being sampled at Select Sires, and tracing back to WESSWOOD-HC RUDY MISSY EX-92-3E USA DOM GMD. SUPERSIRE himself is a son of a test sire ROYLANE SOCRA ROBUST (Socrates x O-Man) that is from another Seagull-Bay cow family SEAGULL-BAY OMAN MIRROR VG-86-3YR-USA DOM who is the #1 O Man of the breed. SUPERSIRE sires outstanding production with solid components and sound durability and health and fertility traits. SUPERSIRE will sire solid confirmation across the board. Watch for SUPERSIRE to sire much better components than his full brother. Though some may consider it risky using a young sire who himself is a son of a young sire, SUPERSIRE will work well on many of the top sires though he needs to be protected on milking speed.
Also from Select sires comes MCCUTCHEN from SULLY SHOTTLE MAY VG-85-3YR-USA DOM. May is believed to have more offspring genomic tested over 2200 & 2300 GPTI than any other cow in the breed. MCCUTCHEN is himself a son of a young sire DE-SU 521 BOOKEM (Planet x Ramos). MCCUTCHEN`s genomic pattern shows the potential to sire extreme balance of production and conformation with the potential for breed leading conformation with the ability to improve all major composites. Similar to SUPERSIRE, MCCUTCHEN will work well on many of the top sires though he needs to be protected on milking speed.
The full brother to #2 on the list, SUPERSIRE, HEADLINER will sire a little more protein than his higher ranked full brother. The biggest difference between the two may be SUPERSIRES ability to leave more desirable rumps. HEADLINER and his full brother SUPERSIRE are a testament to keeping the genetic interval as tight as possible, with the tight cross of young sire on Planet then Shottle followed by O Man and Rudolph. Their dam Shauna has the unique ability to sire top ranking sires in both the US (TPI) and Canada (LPI). HEADLINER will work well on many of the top sires though he needs to be protected on milking speed and calving ease.
The second of the previous top 10 GTPI young sires to retain his top rank is MOGUL. He, is also a son of a young sire COYNE-FARMS DORCY and like many others on this list is also from Select Sires. MOGUL is a testament to his strong maternal lines as his EBV’s far outperforms his sire stack. Look for MOGUL to offer a strong balanced offering but needs to be protected on his rump. Though he will leave much greater dairyness and strength than this sire stack would indicate. Similar to SUPERSIRE and HEADLINER, MOGUL’s maternal pedigree traces back to WESSWOOD-HC RUDY MISSY EX-92-3E USA DOM GMD. Mogul’s Dam MOUNTFIELD MARSH MAXINE VG-88-2YR-USA DOM being a great granddaughter. MOGUL offers a nice outcross as there is no GOLDWYN, PLANET, or SHOTTLE in it. MOGUL makes a nice cross for SHOTTLE bloodlines.
Continuing their dominance of the top GTPI lists Select adds LITHIUM. Similar to the other additions LITHIUM is himself a son of a young sire, RONELEE TOYSTORY DOMAIN (Toystory x Outside) from Trans-America Genetics. LITHIUM is a riskier choice to use, as his Genomic values are significantly lower than that of his parent averages, or sire stack would indicate. Of specific note is the much lower values for dairy strength, rump, fat and overall production. LITHIUM will sire strong udders and feet and legs with solid production. Though additional consideration should be given to lactation persistency and milking speed.
#7 – DE-SU 1263 “RANSOM”
From Androgenetics comes another ROYLANE SOCRA ROBUST (Socrates x O-Man) son. Similar to SUPERSIRE and HEADLINER, RANSOM is genomically gifted beyond his sire stack, transmitting much more milk, fat and rump improvement than his pedigree would indicate. RANSOM will sire extreme improvement in feet and legs though may need to be protected on dairy strength. Continuing in the breeding pattern of other sires from De-Su, RANSOM has a tight genetic sire stack with a young sire being used on a Romas daughter from Shottle followed by O Man.
At this rate we are going to need to start to call this the Select Sires New Release list (For more on this read Should A.I. Companies Own Females?). Like so many others on this list, DADDY is a son of a young sire himself (For more on this read The Genomic Advancement Race – The Battle For Genetic Supremacy) that also traces back to breeding at De-Su. His sire is Observer (Planet x O Man) son of DE-SU OMAN 6121-ET VG-86-2YR-USA DOM GMD. However, unlike many of the other sires on our list after his sire, DADDY’s pedigree is actually a little dated and contributes to him being one of the lowest sire stacks in the top 10. This puts a lot of weight on his sire to carry a lot of the genetic weight. Daddy will sire strong production though will need to be protected on Fat. The surprising part, given his sire stack, will be his ability to sire strong dairy cattle that walk on a solid set of feet and legs. However, much like his pedigree predicts he will need to be protected on Feet & Legs. His daughters should be extremely durable though may need to be protected on milking speed.
Would you be surprised if I told you that PUNCH is also from Select? Well he is. Again he is a son of young sire, Boxer (Shottle x Goldwyn) that is from the Barbie’s at Regancrest. PUNCH is a brother to the heavily used young sire ROBUST, that is the sire of SUPERSIRE, HEADLINER, and RANSOM from our top list. Watch for PUNCH to sire strong components and very balanced type. Watch for PUNCH to sire much more durable daughters with better health traits that his sire stack would indicate. His daughters will be much stronger than you would expect with O Man, Manat, and Celsius in the pedigree. While his daughters may not be as high production as others, watch for PUNCH to add the balanced that you would expect from the conformation from his paternal side and production from the maternal side.
The third sire of the previous top 10 sires to maintain their status on the list, DAY, offers a great combination of type and production. While DAY’s pedigree might spell just average type watch for him to be a potential breed leader. He will sire outstanding udders, feet & legs and surprisingly rumps and strength. The part that he does not live up to his pedigree or sire stack on is his production. He does need to be protected on production, though he will sire better components than expected.
Dany-Pierre Rondeau bought FARNEAR BROCADE P BUFFY at the Regancrest sale in May 2010. He explains how it came about, “Before the sale, we went to Farnear farms and had the chance to see Brocade herself.” This visit turned out to be a determining factor. “We were extremely pleased with her and she had many good looking daughters on the ground.” Rondeau gives several good reasons for why they were interested in Brocade. “We really liked the fact that she combines extreme type, high index and an irresistible sire stack. The popular bull Braxton is confirming that type is being transmitted into this family. By adding Planet to Goldwyn and Durham, we thought that was the perfect mating to increase production and healthtraits. The Barbies are a hot commodity and we are thrilled to work with arguably the hottest branch of the family.”
Set To Shine
With such a good start, you might expect that Buffy’s owners would rush her to market but that isn’t what has happened. “So far, we haven’t over-advertised Planet Buffy. We did sell some of her embryos as a heifer but we liked her potential so much that we wanted to have calves on the ground as fast as we possibly could. Currently, she is 2/2 with her daughter being #1 GPA LPI Windbrook and her Hill son going to Semex! Now being 87 points as 2 yr old only 64 days fresh, she is confirming her elite status and we look forward to working intensively with Planet Buffy.”
Pretty, Polished and Persistent
As she matures, Dany is quite pleased. “Planet Buffy is a youthful cow with a tremendous mammary system. She has a lot of Brocade in her, which is a good thing. She is the kind of cow that will always look good even late in the lactation. Mostly black, she has style, length and great feet and legs. Her udder is the best part about her: perfect texture with exceptional height and width and a strong median suspensory that translates into an ideal teat placement. With her strong appetite, we are confident that she will have a great persistency throughout her lactation.”
To Infinity and Beyond
Buffy is set to get lots of attention. Dany reports, “Recently, Oakfield Corners in NY sold an AltaIota heifer for 140 000$ from Buffy’s full sister. Since then, the demand has been increasing. Buffy will have her own indexes in April and more people will be aware of her unlimited potential.” In the meantime he outlines her progress. “We have used Windbrook and Hill on her. So far, the best cross has been Windbrook. Her daughter Cleroli MP Windbrook Bluffy is #1 GPA LPI Windbrook at +3155 DGV +3489 and she is also tied at #1 GTPI at +2257! Using Windbrook on Buffy was a “perfect match”, Planet has tremendous health traits and Windbrook would protect the feet and legs and adds strength. We have flushed her twice as a heifer and will start a flushing program shortly into her lactation.”
The Mating Plan? Aim Sky High!
We will decide which sires we will use after reviewing April’s proofs. We will keep an eye on milk because this is only thing we need to protect on the Barbies. Secondly, we will use bulls with great sire stacks that will help us to create the next generation of outstanding individuals with sky high indexes. Bullvine followers can provide us mating suggestions!
We will try to develop the next generation of outstanding individuals with sky high indexes.
IVF, GENOMICS — focus on the best branch available
“With technologies like IVF and genomics, it is crucial to have the best family branch available. Also, we put a huge emphasis on sire stacks and proven cow families. Furthermore, we still think conformation matters and having high scoring 2 yrs old like Planet Buffy VG 87 and Baxter Caramel VG 89 2yrs old will always remain attractive. Those 2 elite young cows will stay appealing for a longer timeframe because they proved to be outstanding individuals.
“The market always wants to go faster and reduce the generation interval but at the end of the day, we are all in this business to work with cows like Planet Buffy!” Out of this world.
Grand Champion- PEPITA Everdes Holstein 1646 Echarlens
Reserve Grand Champion – Bopi Talent LOTANIE Oberson Pierre + Savary Nicolas 1625 Maules
HM Grand Champion – La Waebera Acme SUBLIME Clément Michel 1724 Le Mouret
Best Udder – Mox Talent MANDY Red ET GS Alliance 6463 Bürglen UR
Reserve Champion Best Udder – Kolly-JL Rocco FELSBROOK Gobeli Alexander 3792 Saanen
Premier Breeder – Clément Michel 1724 Le Mouret
Taste of Ontario Tag Sale Highlights The 3rd Taste of Ontario Tag Sale hosted by Cranston Farms concluded Thursday evening, March 29th after the Ontario Spring Show. When everything was tabulated, an average of $7301 was realized on 32 lots. Sales were brisk with cattle selling to 3 provinces and 5 states.
$25,000 – Ducket-SA Jordan Fargo, a 9/11 ‘Jordan’ granddaughter of Harvue Roy Frosty EX96-2E, who exhibits her granddam’s extreme style and should be a force on the show circuit this year. Fargo’s dam is a VG86-2yr ‘Shottle’. Buyer: Fargo Syndicate c/o Vale-O-Skene Holsteins, Little Britain ON. Consignor: Mike and Julie Duckett and Scott Armburst, WI.
$25,000 – Dymentholm Sunview Spree, a Red Carrier 1/12 ‘Dempsey’ backed by a VG-87-2yr ‘Planet’ and 10 more generations of VG & EX cows from the Splendor family. She sold with a GPA LPI of +2802 making her one of the highest genomic red carrier heifers in the country. Buyer: Lesperron Holsteins, QC Consignor: David Dyment, ON and Sebastien Dion, QC
$12,500 – Ms Ideal Goldwyn Lashes-ET, a 9/11 ‘Goldwyn’. This fancy, long bodied heifer is a full sister to Brainwave Goldwyn Lauramie EX-92 Reserve All Canadian & HM All American Junior 2-Year-Old in 2009. Buyer: Dan Dewitt, WI Consignor: David Dyment, ON
$10,000 – Towervue Jemi Taquita, a 9/10 ‘Primetime’ daughter of Pleasant Nook Sambo Teal EX-94-5E. Due in September to “Impression’ this fantastic milking yearling prospect sold to Rapid Bay Jersey, QC Consignor: Jeff Stephens and Alex McIntosh, ON.
MilkSource Tag Event Highlights The Milksource Tag Event took place on Saturday, March 31st at the dairy in Kaukauna, WI and was attended by over 400 people. The sale opened at 10:00am and continued until 4:00pm and the market was strong all day long as 63 head sold with an average of $8,100.
Brainwave Goldwyn Lauramie ‘ Sold to Westcoast Holsteins, BC for $160,000
Gloryland-JG Julia-Red-ET ‘ Sold to Morsan Farms, Ltd., AB for $30,000
Pyramid Goldwyn Shimmer ‘ Sold to Jordan & Whitney Ebert, WI for $20,000
Siemers Spring Showcase Sale Averages $11,208 The 2nd edition of the Siemers Spring Showcase Sale took place on Friday, March 30th and a huge crowd gathered at the Great Northern Sales Arena in Fond du Lac, WI. The early spring day may have been damp and chilly but the sale was hot, hot, hot as it averaged $11,208 on 106 full lots. Hosted by the Siemers family of Newton, WI and managed by Rick and Paula Bovre of the Great Northern, the sale featured a high-end, hand-selected lineup of both high genomic and high type individuals from guest consignors and the Siemers herd and they were well appreciated by those attending the sale. (Source:
Topping the sale at $90,000 was Lot 1 – BAF-ZBW Shamrock Tracey-ET, a 6/11 Shamrock who carries a +2482 GTPI and a +3100 GLPI, ranking her as the #9 Shamrock of the breed. Tracey sold with multiple AI and embryo contracts and is out of a VG-87 Bolton dam that has multiple AI contracts. Consigned by R-E-W Farm of CT, Tracey was purchased by Daisy Farm of TX.
2nd high at $53,000 was Lot 3 – Ms Alexis Ashton-Red-ET, a 10/11 red, polled Colt P daughter of Ms Apples Alexis (VG-85 VG-MS), a Shottle daughter of 2E-95 Apple-Red, the All-American R&W Aged Cow in 2011. Blake Hansen of Iowa was the final bidder on Ashton.
Siemers Expld Margarita-ET – Lot S1 – was the high selling Siemers consignment at $38,000 and was purchased by Golden Oaks Farm of IL. Margarita is an 8/11 Explode +2258 GTPI out of Calori-D Goldwyn Marrita-ET (EX-94) who was shown extensively by the family. Her 2nd dam is Lylehaven Durham Marriet (EX-94 2E), the All-American Senior 2-Year-Old in 2004.
Buckeye Classic Holstein Sale Report
April 4, 2012
The 32nd annual Buckeye Classic Holstein Sale was held on March 30, 2012 during the Spring Dairy Expo at Columbus OH. The first lot stepped into the ring at 12:50 p.m. to continue the tradition of this student activity begun on May 16, 1981 in the Plumb Hall Arena at the Ohio State University.
Commanding the top bid of $5100 from Kurt Wyler of Fresno OH was lot #21 Weikland Lou JW Rae, an EX-90 consignment from Victoria, Ian and Bryce Watson of Republic OH. A 4-yr old, she was fresh 2 weeks and milking 130 lbs on her first test day. She was the 2010 Reserve All-Ohio and Jr All-Ohio Sr 2 yr old.
Also struck off at $5100 was Lot #1, Pierstein Goldwyn Delta-ET on the bid from Chuck Curtiss of Ballston Spa, NY. She was carrying a Windhammer ultrasound heifer and scored VG-86 at 3 yrs of age. Her dam was scored EX-2E in Canada and had been nominated All-Canadian 3 yr old in 2002.
A pair of high genome (GTPI over +2000) yearling heifers from outstanding pedigrees with EX dams and grand dams, were sold for $4100 and $4000, respectively. Quality-Quest D Mainfire, a daughter of Domain from Doug Dye of Beloit OH was sold to Jake Hein of Celina OH. Her dams were EX-90 3E and EX-93 3E with lifetime production well over 200,000# milk. Bringing $4000 on the bid from Emerald Quest of Jeromeville OH and Brett Besancon of Wooster was Golden-Oaks Obsrvr Paris-ET, an Observer daughter consigned by Golden Oaks Farm of Wauconda IL. She was backed by 7 generations of EX dams, six of them DOM and/or GMD and tracing from Roxy herself.
Guernsey Edition of the Buckeye Classic Sale
The 2012 Guernsey edition of the Buckeye Classic Sale was dedicated to Ralph and Martha Turley and was a celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Ohio Guernsey Breeders’ Association. The sale lived up to all that excitement with a $2,859 average on 16 live lots on March 30. (Source:
The high seller of the day was a September 2011 calf consigned by Walnut Ridge Farm of Middletown, Maryland. This tall, fancy calf is sired by Walnut Ridge Spider Ninja, a Spider from a Perfecto. Her dam is sired by a Monte son and is from a VG dam with six lactations to her credit. Spring Walk Farm of Big Prairie, Ohio, paid $5300 to take her home.
The 2011 HM All-American Winter Calf sold as Lot 1 and commanded a price of $5000 after being named Junior Champion of the Spring Dairy Expo show the night prior to the sale. Sired by Indian Acres American Pie, she is from the well-known Queenella cow family. Her dam was a VG-87 Tiller with over 900F. The third dam was an EX-90 Fayette that was named All-American Sr. 2-Year-Old. The EX-93 fourth dam was All-American as a 4-Year-Old. The heifer was consigned by Chupps of Oklahoma and Starmark of Ohio and was purchased by Springhill Farm of Big Prairie, Ohio.
Selling for $4400 to Nathan Rhodes of Bucyrus, Ohio was a Grumpy bred heifer due in June from the famed Marodore Jay Lana family. Consigned by Marodore Farm of Baltimore, Ohio this heifer is out of a VG-86 Mission daughter followed by a VG-87 Tiller daughter. The 3rd dam is Marodore Jay Lana EX-91 with lifetime credentials of 233,960M 5.3% 12,351F 3.6% 8,477P. 7 more generations of VG or EX cows back this pedigree up.
Midwest Revue Brown Swiss Sale concludes with $16,250.00 Top
Columbus, OH—The Midwest Revue Sale was again held in conjunction with the Spring Dairy Expo at the Ohio State Fairgrounds and saw 47 head average $2,807. Several consignments sold with show promise and included three animals winning their class at the Spring Dairy Expo Show on Friday evening, March 30. (Source:
Topping the sale at $16,250, Top Acres Garbro Brite ET is an Agenda daughter from the 3 time All-American Top Acres Pre Bouquet ET “3E94”. Showing as a 3 year old, Brite won her class at the show for the purchasers—Richman Farms, Lodi, Ohio. Wendy Krehbiel, Yankee Hill, CA consigned this special young cow with Chris Durbin, Leitchfield, KY placing the final contending bid.
Next in line on the high sellers list was Ki Ja Mar Agenda Zinc ET “VG87”, another Agenda daughter with promise for a much higher score. She was consigned by Blessing Farms and Garrison Bros., Fort Wayne, IN and sold for $8,250. to Brian Nierman and Family, Brownstown, IN. Zinc sold milking over 100 pounds and sported a loaded maternal line direct to the famous Idyl Wild Improver Jinx.
A fancy September 2011 Old Mill WDE Supreme calf was also taken by the Niermans for $5,000. She was consigned by The Worden’s Forest Lawn Farm, Wausau, WI and is from one of 8 “EX” Jet Pilot full sisters from Bo Joy Ensign Gredel “5E94”
Midwest Spring Special Jersey Sale Results The Midwest Spring Special Jersey sale took place on March 31, 2012 at the Olmsted county fairgrounds in Rochester, MN. This annual Jersey sale is managed by Greg & Ole Nelson and averaged $3,192 on 83 live lots. (Source:
Topping the sale was Lot 2 at $10,000. Elliots Exciting Cabernet-ET is a September Excitation daughter of Arethusa Veronicas Comet EX-94. She was consigned by Ernest Kueffner and sold to the Cabernet Syndicate.
Second high seller was Lot 14- Gordons Nevada Indigo VG-88 at $9,400. This Nevada daughter of SSF Governor Iris EX-91 (All-American Fall Calf 2008) will show as a Sr. 2-year-old this year and is entered in the 2012 Indiana Futurity, the 2013 Jersey Jug and the Futurity at World Dairy Expo. She was sold to Andrew Weber of Groton, SD.
Lot 8 achieved the third high selling price at $7,800, Enniskillen Centurion Mamie EX-91 CAN. She is a Comerica daughter from seven generations f Excellent dams and will also show as a Sr. 2-year-old this year. She was purchased by Lance and Ryan Kamm, Nova Holsteins Baldwin, WI.
65th Springtime Show Window Sale averages 3,141.47
The March 31, 2012 65th Springtime Show Window Sale held in Elkhorn, WI was a good one. 58 head sold averaged $3131.47. Lot 4, Cutting Edge B Trussel, from Woodwind Farm, Independence, WI brought $8000.00 and after all negotiations were final she will make Elite Dairy, Copake, NY home. Three really nice uddered cows rang the bell in the $7000 level. Lot 3 Riedland Faust Geneva consigned by Dan & Angie Rieder, Monroe, WI sold to Powerline Swiss, Markesan, WI for $7600. Lot 24 Daveco River Bounce ET from Jill Cowles, Roberts, WI brought $7100 and is heading to Elite Dairy as is Lot 31 Cutting Edge Wonderment Star at $7000. This potential 8th generation EX was consigned by Royal Hill Farm, Ft. Wayne, IN. The high selling open heifer also came from Woodwind Farm, Independence, WI. Lot 1 WF Wonderment Laurel ET a 12/11 calf with 8 Ex dams is headed to Watkins, MN with Holly Anderson. The sale was managed by Brown Swiss Sale Service LLC, Norman C. Magnussen, Lake Mills, WI. The active sale force consisted of Lee Barber, Gary Magnussen, Dennis Mashek, Dave Sprengeler and Darrell Worden at the gavel.
Clinton County Classic Averages $2,434
The 38th Clinton County Classic was held March 31st at Carlyle Illinois, The sale average was $2434 on 106 lots. (Source:
Topping the sale at $10,500 was Lot 1 – Golden-Oaks AS Chelsea, a big fancy Aftershock from Golden-Oaks Champ Rae EX-93. Champ Rae is an 8th Generation Excellent from the Roxy family. Consigned by Oertel Farms, Nelson Heinzmann, Ryan Grahm, and Ralf Twenhaefel and was purchased by Springbrook Farms, Marshall, IN.
Next high at $5500 was a +1868 GTPI *RC, polled Mitey-P yearling from the Ralma Juror Faith family, consigned by Jerry Gaffner, IL and purchased by GAIL Cattle Company.
31st Annual Cobleskill Dairy Fashions Sale a Success The 31st annual Cobleskill Dairy Fashions Sale was held Mar. 31 at the SUNY Cobleskill campus in Cobleskill, NY. Ninety-one full lots averaged $2,168 in the event managed by the SUNY Cobleskill Dairy Cattle Club (Jesse Phillips, sale chairman) and The Cattle Exchange. Topping the sale at $4,750 was Lot #1, Ms Atlees Shamroc Alisha, an 11/11 Shamrock from Ms Atlees Goldwyn Arista-ET (VG-88). Arista is a full sister to EX-92 Goldwyn Ariel, as well as popular AI sires Atwood, Atlantic and Avalanche. Alisa was consigned by Allyn, Lloyd & Heath of Middleburgh, NY and sold with numbers of +1993GTPI +1546M +73F +42P +3.25T. She was purchased by Sherry McNeil of Ellenburg Center, NY. The second high seller at $4,000 was Ms Mapleslp Ostyl M13318-ET, a 10/11 O-Style with numbers of +2147GTPI +1511M +59F +52P +603NM +4.oPL and +2.24T. Her dam is a VG-88 Goldwyn followed by nine more VG and EX cows. Consigned by Thomas, Shenk & Addis of Warner Robins, GA, the high genomics heifer went to Sam Potter of Union Springs, NY. (Source:
Southeast PA Spring Fever Sale Averages $2,088
The Southeast PA Spring Fever sale was held on Saturday, March 31st in Lancaster, PA. Managed by Landis Marketing the sale averaged $2088 on 81 full lots. (Source:
Topping the sale at $11,200 was lot 1, a 1st choice female by Mayfield from Ammon-Farms Mac Classic (EX-90). Classic is a 10th generation VG or EX and is the dam of the #1 type female of the breed at 5.00, who sold for $62,000. This consignment of Evan & Darla Stump of Myerstown, PA was purchased by Oakfield Corner Dairy, Oakfield, NY.
Commanding the 2nd high price of the day was lot 3, a 1st choice Colt P from a just fresh Destry daughter of EX-92 Beulah. There are 4 females to choose from, 2 R&W and polled, 1 B&W and polled , and one R&W. Oakfield Corners Dairy bid last at $6,200 on this consignment from Duane Stoltzfus, Honey Brook, PA.
The third highest seller at $5200 was another choice of flush, consigned by Ensenada Holsteins, Doylestown, PA. Joe Lusby of Atglen, PA was the successful bidder on lot 13, 1st choice Ladd-P from 7 pregnancies due in Oct. The dam is an EX-92 Advent x EX Rubens x 2E-96 Storm Cristal.
Every genetic evaluation round I am reminded of some of the major differences between the different support systems breeders have around the world. Breeding great cattle can be challenging enough, but having a great support and marketing system around them can help greatly. With this in mind, I take a look at the differences that breeders on both sides of the CAN-USA border have available to them.
Genetic Evaluations
Probably the most glaring difference that comes to light for me is the difference in availability of information. While both Canadian Diary Network (CDN) and USDA Animal Improvement Laboratory do a great job of calculation the genetic evaluations. There could not be a greater difference in how they share that information with breeders. USDA does provide the basic top lists, but if you want to get the top TPI list you need to go to Holstein USA. Even there you can only get the top TPI™ lists for domestic and International bulls.
Conversely, CDN provides the following at 8 am proof day for each release (for all breeds as well):
Genetic Evaluation Highlights
Top Bull Lists for
Genomic Young Sires
Top Cow Lists for
Genomic Heifers
Big deal you say! Well actually, it is a big deal. The ability to have such detailed information at the time of release gives A.I. companies marketing Canadian proven sires and breeders a great advantage over their competitors. They can have detailed analysis of what’s new, what’s changed, and what’s happening long before most other countries even have the list of top bulls.
Animal Inquires
Probably one of my biggest challenges between the two systems is the general access to information for researching cow families and top genetics. This really comes down to Holstein Canada vs. Holstein USA.
For free in Canada, you can get:
Ownership information
Production and Confirmation breeding values
Production and award records
Progeny Summary
Family Tree
Direct Genomic Values (for those tested)
Type Classification breakdown
Show records
In the US for $2 per inquiry
Maternal Siblings
This makes a huge difference when it comes to the marketability of cattle. If prospected buyers can do a detailed search finding the specific animals that, meet their requirements online, where do you think they will buy? Even when it comes to US sires, I find myself searching in Canada looking through pedigrees there and then only when I need official US information do I query that animal and purchase that pedigree when needed. This saves me a great deal of time and money.
While you can argue the merits and weighting of each of these. In reality, there is not a drastic difference. The bigger difference is the percentage of the marketplace that understands each index. Due to the sheer size of the US market, the number of breeders that understand TPI vs. LPI is far greater. While you will find many Canadian breeders who understand TPI you will not find that many US breeders that understand LPI. That is why if you are looking to market your Genetics in the US or the world for that matter, you are best to target the top TPI lists.
Canadian breeders and breeding companies also have the advantage, for breeding and marketing, of having only one combined index, LPI. In the USA there are two combined indexes, TPI and NM (Net Merit). LPI contains the important heritible traits for both breeders and milk producers. Whereas TPI is directed at purebred breeders and NM is directed at milk producers. Another, not often used, service that CDN offers is customizing of a total selection index. I have found this service useful when comparing bulls.
The Bullvine Bottom Line
It for these reasons that you can tell why Canada has such a disproportionate amount of the world market. I would say there is a far greater difference in the systems supporting the marketing of top cattle in the two countries than there is in the genetics. In a world where knowledge is power, the ability to share information with as many people as possible gives Canada a distinct advantage in marketing their animals. I wonder is the $2 per inquiry that Holstein USA receives not costing breeders more in the lost potential genetics sales?
The history of elite livestock breeding is littered with cattle men and women who gave up after becoming frustrated with the long wait for success! Some never achieved an Extra Sire from their breeding and many gave up on cow families, before they produced results. The turn of the century has seen tremendous reductions in these genetic turn intervals. Embryo transfer, genomics and IVF are fast tracking modern dairy cattle genetics.
Trans Ova Genetics is a reproductive technology company that aims to meet the needs of progressive cattle breeders who want to take advantage of the potential for speeding up the genetic timeline. “We work with breeders who want to utilize the advanced reproductive technology services from Trans Ova Genetics to take their herd to the next level of genetic gain.” says Mark Allan PhD, Director of Marketing and Genomics for Trans Ova Genetics in Sioux Center, Iowa.
He outlines the process. “The breeders identify the top genetics they possess in their herd and then they come to Trans Ova Genetics to multiply that success.” Dr. Allan points out the opportunities. “By utilizing the services of in vitro fertilization (IVF), in vivo produced embryo transfer (ET), and sexed semen technologies, these producers can maximize the reproductive production from their most elite genetics in greater numbers.” It is a good business decision and an expeditious one, “The technologies allow for increased selection intensity and shortened generation interval which result in an accelerated rate of genetic change.”
We all recognize that speedy turnover of generations is great but, in the end, genetics is about the numbers. One of the first numbers affecting eventual success, is the number of embryos harvested. Dr. Allan keeps an eye on these very important results and gives a more detailed picture. “Presently, across all of the participating centers and satellites of Trans Ova Genetics in the U.S., and across multiple breeds and ages of donors, we are averaging about 5.0 viable embryos per donor aspirated. As with ET technology, a producer will see variation from donor to donor with a distribution from zero to numbers in excess of 15 embryos per donor per aspiration.” This is good news from a knowledgeable source.
It is human nature, when presented with the latest greatest technology to look for the downside. You ask yourself, “What is the worst case scenario?” Some breeders may be concerned that the market is being flooded, leaving no room for the middle market cattle. To that comment, Dr. Allan gives this well-considered response, “Many technology improvements have led to dramatic increases in genetic improvement. One of the early changes that led to a giant leap in genetic gain was implementation of artificial insemination (AI) in the dairy industry. This technology is widely accepted today and used by producers large and small. Historically, each time a new technology has been introduced to the reproductive technology continuum, there has been some resistance and trepidation about how it will affect breeders. Changes in the marketplace may require that producers have to make a change in how they utilize their animals coupled with available technology. This may mean changing the current paradigm that exists for some segments of the industry.”
In the clearest terms possible, Dr. Allan summarizes “IVF is a technology that allows breeders to collect offspring from open cows, pregnant cows, virgin heifers, as well as problematic females that have had difficulty in conventional breeding attempts. It is also possible to retrieve oocytes (unfertilized eggs) from donors shortly after a death event to produce one final genetic collection.”
This technology can be used without altering other vital aspects of your breeding program. “Historically, breeders were forced to decide whether to risk future productivity of young donors by flushing them as virgin heifers or just postponing embryo production until after their first calf.” Says Dr. Allan. “Using IVF technology to create pregnancies from a donor gestating her natural calf allows breeders to generate offspring from the elite heifers and keeps them on an annual production cycle to calve on schedule with the rest of the herd.”
Breeders are seeing the potential and looking forward to entering international markets as a result of utilizing IVF technology. Dr. Allan feels the promise will be realized. “In time, IVF embryos will be available for export to most all locations where in vivo embryos are presently being exported.” His optimism is slightly tempered as he considers certain variables. “Getting off to a good start by setting and meeting pregnancy rate expectations and results will be important to the rate of acceptance in export markets.”
It isn’t surprising that Dr. Allan is positive when looking toward the future. “With IVF, one is able to capture genetics that were previously unavailable from pregnant donors, young virgin heifers, down and injured animals, and donors unsuccessful in conventional ET.” He elaborates further. “We are already seeing the impact of Genomics and this will continue to become stronger with a future that will include the potential to make faster genetic gain for low heritable traits related to reproduction and health.”
With changes coming fast, it becomes even more important to make well-considered decisions. Dr. Allan urges “Like all breeding programs, a breeder must have an end goal in mind when he begins a project.” He says that a successful breeding program must be based on good business strategies. Trans Ova Genetics encourages their clients to take three key steps:
Be fully aware of what makes your operation profitable.
Set goals both short and long term.
Use technologies that will help you accomplish your goals.
Dr. Allan outlines key aspects to be aware of regarding this technology. “When compared to conventional embryo transfer, IVF may further maximize the potential of an elite female in a short time period, as the interval between IVF aspirations is shorter than the interval between traditional embryo transfer sessions. It is possible to obtain IVF cycles every week or every other week, whereas most embryo transfer programs will collect donors every 40 to 60 days. While conventional embryo transfer generally requires the use of two or three units of semen per donor, IVF can be used to maximize the value of rare, sexed or expensive semen. One unit of semen can be applied to oocytes from up to five or more different donors, or semen from several different bulls may be used to fertilize a large group of oocytes collected from an elite female. Sexed-sorted semen or Reverse sorted semen (semen that has been sorted after thaw) coupled with IVF allows breeders to producer offspring with over 90% accuracy for the sex desired. ”
New technologies, including IVF, are proving to be cost effective. They give dairy cattle breeders the opportunities to improve both their cattle and their bottom line. The extra effort is worth it.
Planet is in an orbit onto himself With his first official domestic CDN proof Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET (Taboo x Amel) takes the coveted #1 LPI with #3 Milk, #2 Fat and #3 Protein. Displaying much greater type than his sire stack would have you believe Planet’s domestic conformation score comes in at +11. The first 15 GLPI cows are Planet’s and 5/6 top GPA LPI heifers are from Planet daughters.
Highest New Release – De-Su Gillespy #2 LPI The highest debuting young sire graduate, De-Su Gillespy-ET (Bolton x Shottle, full brother to Gavin in the US), lands #2 LPI (#7 Fat). Displaying outstanding production numbers and solid functional conformation traits Gillespy is a production and durability stand out, though does need to be protected on health and fertility traits.
New Release – Gen-I-Beq Topside at #3 LPI
Another newly proven Bolton son is Gen-I-Beq Topside at #3 LPI, who is out of the bull factory, Braedale Bailer Twine, and therefore a maternal brother to Goldwyn. Much like his brother, Topside needs to be protected on Rump, but offers high components with outstanding udders. Both Topside and Gillespy early sons of Bolton with signs of more to come.
Big Jumper – Butoise Bahamas jumps from #16 to #4
Catapulting from #16 last round with a gain of 167 points over and above the 160-point genetic base adjustment for LPI, Butoise Bahamas (Jefferson x Titanic) breaks into the Top 10 at #4 LPI. While offering outstanding mammary systems and strong production Bahamas needs to be protected on feet and legs
Previous Sires Holding Steady Previous LPI leader, Lirr Drew Dempsey (Goldwyn x Derry) drops 232 points but holds his own at #5 LPI and becomes tied at #1 Conformation (with Pine-TreeSid-ET). UFM-Dubs Olegant-ET (Elegant x O Man) climbs from #10 to #6 LPI experiencing little change to his proof profile. Kilobyte (Goldwyn x Durham) increases 160 LPI points and jumps from #20 last round to become #7 LPI. Three bulls lose their placing, but remain in the Top 10 LPI, namely O-Bee Manfred Justice becomes #8 LPI, Skalsumer Jorryn takes #9 LPI and Crackholm Fever (Goldwyn x Blitz) completes the lineup at #10 LPI.
Planet Daughters Dominate Top GLPI Cows Twenty-one of the Top 25 and the complete list of Top 10 GLPI cows are daughters of the newest breed leader, Planet. In fact, his domination is so strong that seven of the Top 10 GLPI cows are Planet daughters with their first official LPI.
Noticeable Red Daughters in Top GLPI Cow List Three red carriers still rank among the Top 50 GLPI cows this round. Misty Springs Planet Brice*RDC increases 126 points to land at #29 GLPI, KHW-I Aika Baxter*RDC drops from #12 to #41 GLPI after losing 188 points in concordance with the genetic base adjustment and Charpentier Mr Burns Sibelle*RDC slides from #39 to #47 GLPI.
Freddie Still #1
BADGER-BLUFF FANNY FREDDIE (O MAN x DIE-HARD) holds his #1 ranking with no real change in daughter numbers
Man-O-Man moves to #2
LONG-LANGS OMAN OMAN-ET (O MAN x ALTAAARON) rides a 40 point increase in his TPI™ to move into the #2 spot with the addition of more 2nd crop daughters to his proof.
#1 New Release Sire is Massey CO-OP BOSSIDE MASSEY (Mascol x Bret) a graduate of the Genex Genesis Program is the #1 new release sire. Transmitting outstanding production, durability and health traits Massey offers a functional type break down but should be protected on Rump and Feet & Legs.
Hill Jumps from #11 to #6 Climbing into the top ranks is LOTTA-HILL SHOTTLE 41-ET (Shottle x MW Marshall) with the addition of 171 daughters into his proof.
Steady as She Goes
Seeing little change to his numbers CO-OP O-STYLE OMAN JUST (O Man x Teamster) see himself move into the top 5 TPI. Followed by CHARLESDALE SUPERSTITION (Boliver x O Man) who holds his numbers but sees his rank drop from #4 to #6. Also holding steady and maintaining their top ranks are REGANCREST ALTAIOTA-ET (O MAN x ITO), MORNINGVIEW LEVI (BUCKEYE x O MAN), and CO-OP OMAN LOGAN-ET (O MAN x BW MARSHALL) holding on to their top 10 rankings.
New Top Genomic Young Sires
International Sires
SNOWMAN Still #1 International Sire FLEVO GENETICS SNOWMAN added 39 daughters to his proof and only slight change when taking into the 160 point base adjustment. With 874 daughters in his proof and strong Direct Genomic Values sees Snowman as the #1 demand sire of sons worldwide, though limited semen supply has caused challenges filling the demand.
New Release from Italy – MASCALESE Coming from a Italian maternal line well-known for high production records with extreme protein tests ZANI BOLTON MASCALESE (Bolton x Justice) combines extreme production and components. Possessing greater conformation than his sire stack would indicate MASACLESE sires strong dairy cattle that are durable and poses good health and fertility traits.
ALTAESQUIRE Jumps Adding 168 daughters sees UFM-DUBS ALTAESQUIRE (Justice x AltaSam) jumping and drawing close to his Direct Genomic Values. Offering a very functional proof, AltaEsquire sires strong components from product healthy cattle, though needs to be protected on teat placement and udder depth.
Little afraid of this Shark Coming in as the #3 non USA or CDN sire is VH SHARKY SILAS. This Sharky X O Man has strong production numbers with great component deviations. The scary side comes to his type numbers. Sitting at 0 or below for all major traits (except F&L where he is a 2), offers great production, durability and health and fertility numbers but will probably see limited use with such low type and no genomic information at this time.
New Shottle son from Strong International Sire Stack
Coming from a Italian show cow CHEMELLO JOCOBENGE VG-87-2YR-ITA, BG E T SHOTTLE is a Shottle X Jacko Besn X Mtoto. He sires strong productive cattle that have functional type.
The next time dehorning rises to the top of your to do list, you might want to think about information provided by Bryan Quanbury and Roy MacGregor of Dairy Bulls Online. They are promoting polled genetics as the solution that saves labour, reduces stress and improves consumer image. What more could you ask when faced with one of the most disliked jobs on the farm?
NO Horns PLEASE! It solves problems on both sides of the fence
Consumers both on and off the farm are concerned with animal welfare issues. Good farmers always seek the best for their livestock. In Europe many details of animal treatment have become legislated. Dairybullsonline states it in easily understood terms. “Any job on your farm that you cannot do in front of a bus load of school children is a job that will not be tolerated in the very near future.” Therefore “Dehorning at conception is the cleanest, easiest, safest, and most humane way to remove horns, and because the polled gene is also a dominant trait it can be bred into existing lines quickly. With polled you see the value 50% of the time on Heterozygous bulls and 100% polled calves with bulls carrying both genes (Homozygous).”
Find Your Niche in this Un-Common Market
For Holstein breeders the market for polled cattle is relatively new, yet the challenge of the small population is a potential opportunity. “The biggest challenge without question has been the small population, however, there are breeders who would argue the rarity or scarcity of polled genetics has been its biggest marketing advantage and provides them with a niche in a crowded marketplace.” There have been many changes in the past five years with the shifting focus toward genomics. Bryan recognizes that “Bulls with genomic potential are selling briskly in the genomics market.” Having said that he notes “The best young genomic bulls are selling out!”
The Market is Hot on Polled
The market is looking closely at polled genetics for several reasons. One, as stated previously, is that animal welfare concerns are growing and the presence and power of social media is demanding transparency in regards to the animal welfare practises on our farms. Polled genetics is a proactive response to this concern. Secondly the potential is huge. Bryan points out, “Less than 1 % of the Holstein population is polled. When you factor in the prices polled females have been bringing lately and take a look at those who have been buying them you can see the market is heating up.” Everyone takes notice when there is market demand and good sale prices coming together. “Ask anyone with a polled female at or near 2000 GTPI what kind of interest they are getting, and they will all tell you everyone is trying to buy them, and the A.I and embryo interest is extreme.” These are all good indicators that the time is right for polled genetics. Roy and Bryan add two more: “Breeders are mating some of the world’s top cows to polled bulls. There is a six month waiting list for the best young genomic heterozygous polled bulls.”
Broad Market Appeal
It is just good business to know where your market is before you jump onto the latest bandwagon. Dairybullsonline see a reassuringly wide response. “All markets have expressed interest from breeders to large scale commercial operations to organic producers and European markets. There are some who are looking for an outcross alternative or for genetics with that little extra edge for embryo and A.I. interests.” Having said that the partners sum up with, “It may actually be easier to ask what markets are not pursuing polled genetics!”
Answer the Tough Questions
At this point, you might be asking yourself, “Why would I use a polled sire that is much lower genomically than non-polled sire?” The DairyBullsOnline team answers, “They are not much lower. In fact they are within one generation. The Genomic predictions on polled bulls are comparable to proven bulls. In December there are 50 Proven bulls over 2000 TPI and there were 9 Polled bulls above 2000 GTPI.” If you need more convincing, they say to consider this, “Genomics has shown polled is within one generation (9 months) of being on an equal playing field with all the top animals. Anyone that breeds their top animals say 2400 GTPI to one of those top genomic Polled bulls can instantly create polled offspring that PA’s around 2200, and the law of averages says half of these will be higher genomically than their PA. Any polled bull this high is extremely marketable. The next generation can be bred back to the very top of the gene pool creating even more marketable polled genetics.”
VENTURE GOLDWYN SOUP P, Dam of #1 & #6 TPI Polled Females
The Time is Right to De-Horn In
If you’re still sitting on the horns of this dilemma, you will be interested in the success stories that Bryan and Roy give as examples. “In 2011 16 polled females from the top of the polled list sold at public auction. They averaged over $35,000 and two polled picks averaged $40,000 At $82,000 the top seller at the 2011 World Classic was a polled female.” If that whets your appetite, here are some more great stats: “The two largest offerings of top Polled animals at auction were at Arron Doon Dispersal 2008. The herd average was $4800. The average of the 12 Polled females was $13000. The Pine-Tree 2011 Sale averaged $11,000 with 14 Polled animals averaging over $15,000.” Everyone in the market place is looking to stand out. Quanbury says, “Anyone with a female at or near 2000 GTPI today knows it’s hard to draw attention, but if you have a polled female that high both A.I and embryo contracts will be coming at you from all directions.” If that makes you want to sharpen your investment pencil, there are obviously many considerations ahead of you.
LOOKOUT PESCE MAGNA P SARAH, #2 GTPI Red Polled heifer in North America and Top Seller at World Classic 2011 Holstein Sale
Polled Genetics is as easy as 1,2,3,4
MacGregor and Quanbury list four guidelines for taking advantage of this market.
Pay attention to who is buying those top polled females. Watch what they are doing.
Use a polled bull on only 10% of your flushes, to create that polled female or male everybody wants.
As top polled females are currently very expensive you may need to partner up and spread your risk.
“We know the breed will not be polled in 10 years, but we believe in 10 years bulls that transmit the recessive horn trait will be very hard to market. Today there are about a dozen polled bulls over 2000 GTPI. Next year that will double. We expect that trend to continue for some time.” Bryan Quanbury and Roy MacGregor.
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