meta Holstein USA’s New Fertility Index – August 2024 | The Bullvine

Holstein USA’s New Fertility Index – August 2024

Learn about the new Holstein genetic evaluations for August 2024 and see how they’ll boost your farm’s fertility and productivity. Don’t miss out.

Come August 2024, the Holstein Association USA is shaking things up with an updated Fertility Index, rolled out alongside the official genetic evaluations. This game-changing move follows a recommendation from the Genetic Advancement Committee and has received the green light from the HAUSA Board of Directors. 

The revamped Fertility Index brings together multiple reproductive components into a unified measure, including: 

  • The ability to conceive as a maiden heifer
  • The ability to conceive as a lactating cow
  • The cow’s overall ability to resume cycling, show heat, conceive, and sustain a pregnancy

The new Fertility Index formula is:

FI = (0.4 x Daughter Pregnancy Rate) + (0.4 x Cow Conception Rate) + (0.1 x Heifer Conception Rate) + (0.1 x Early First Calving) 

Significantly, this update involves a shift in weightings: The Daughter Pregnancy Rate has been scaled down from 0.7 to 0.4, while the Cow Conception Rate sees an increase from 0.1 to 0.4. This revamped Fertility Index is a crucial element of the Holstein Association USA’s Total Performance Index® (TPI®), a cornerstone for breeding decisions aimed at maximizing profit, efficiency, and fertility. 

By focusing on TPI, dairy farmers can dramatically improve their bottom lines; the genetic excellence expressed by these high-TPI cows isn’t just a short-term advantage—it’s a legacy for future generations. 

Curious to see the top-ranking animals, delve into sire summaries, or get the nitty-gritty on the TPI formula? Head over to for all the details.

(T196, D3)
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