meta Canadian AI Market Share in Dairy: 2023 Sire Semen Controller Stats | The Bullvine

Canadian AI Market Share in Dairy: 2023 Sire Semen Controller Stats

Uncover the 2023 AI market share among Canadian AI companies. Which studs lead statistics for registered heifers this year? Delve into the national and provincial trends for a comprehensive analysis.

Lactanet’s recent report highlights the National and Provincial AI Market Share Statistics for A.I. semen controllers of registered dairy heifers born in Canada in 2023. Notably, Semex Alliance leads with a 59.5% market share, Select Sires Genervations holds a significant 19.4% share.

AI CenterTotal2023  Market Share2022 Market Share% change
Semex Alliance  121,32745.90%47.00%-1.10%
Select Sires GenerVations51,33519.40%19.50%-0.10%
Alta Genetics20,7857.90%8.60%-0.70%
ABS Global 16,5876.30%6.30%0.00%
Blondin Sires12,8204.90%2.80%2.10%
Validity Genetic Testing8,5023.20%2.90%0.30%

The recent trends show notable shifts in market sharesSemex Alliance experienced a slight decline of 1.1%, while Blondin Sires and CRI/Genex saw increases of 2.1% and 1.8%, respectively. These movements underscore the dynamic nature of the AI semen controller market in Canada, illustrating how competitive pressures and evolving breeder preferences are reshaping market dynamics.


(T59, D1)
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