Archive for Calving Ease

Harnessing EPDs in Your Beef-on-Dairy Program: Maximize Your Profit

Maximize your beef-on-dairy profits by harnessing EPDs. Discover how understanding expected progeny differences can boost your program’s success and market appeal.

Amidst the ever-changing market dynamics, one breeding strategy stands out for its financial rewards: beef on dairy. With beef calf prices skyrocketing and milk prices struggling, venturing into the beef market is enticing. Native beef producers are grappling with the double whammy of drought conditions and escalating costs, resulting in a shortage of beef calves. This presents a golden opportunity for dairy producers to supply crossbred cattle to the beef market, reaping the benefits of high beef prices. In certain regions, day-old calves are commanding prices exceeding $1,000, a testament to the potential profitability of beef-on-dairy programs. 

Beef-on-dairy programs are filling the void left by native beef producers and setting the stage for long-term profitability by creating cattle that meet market demands. This article explores navigating Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) to make informed breeding decisions, optimize calf growth, and meet market demands. Discover essential traits—fertility and calving ease to carcass quality—ensuring your beef-on-dairy program thrives. Get ready to transform insights into profit and maximize this evolving market opportunity.

Harnessing EPDs: Elevating Your Beef-on-Dairy Program for Profitability and Market Success 

Expected progeny differences (EPDs) are not just tools but strategic weapons for dairy producers looking to enhance their beef-on-dairy operations. These predictions estimate the genetic potential of future offspring for various traits, utilizing data from breed associations and advanced genomic tools. By harnessing the power of EPDs, dairy producers can make informed decisions that can significantly improve their operations’ profitability and market success. 

By leveraging EPDs, dairy producers can significantly improve their operations’ profitability. Key traits like calving ease and fertility are essential for ensuring healthy births and minimizing labor, directly impacting operational efficiency and continuous milk production

Growth traits, such as Weaning Weight and Yearling Weight, enable producers to raise calves that reach market weight more efficiently. This maximizes financial returns, especially when retaining calves to heavier weights before sale. 

Terminal traits like carcass weight and marbling are vital and strategic for downstream customers, including feedlots and packing plants. Selecting sires with favorable EPDs for these traits is not just a choice but a strategic move that helps dairy producers build long-term relationships with buyers who value high-quality, predictable carcasses. This strategic approach often leads to premium payments, a testament to the importance of tailoring genetic selections to market needs for lasting market success. 

Strategically applying EPDs in beef-on-dairy programs boosts immediate operational efficiency and ensures sustained profitability by producing desirable, high-quality cattle that meet market demands.

Fertility and Calving Ease: Cornerstone Traits for Optimizing Dairy Operations

Fertility and calving ease are not just important; they are the cornerstones of optimizing dairy operations. Fertility directly impacts herd productivity and profitability, making it crucial for cows to conceive efficiently. Difficult calvings can severely affect cow and calf health, delaying the dam’s return to milk production and increasing costs due to extended days open and potential veterinary care. Therefore, prioritizing these traits is essential for dairy operations’ smooth functioning and profitability. 

While beef breed association EPDs lack direct fertility markers, available genomic estimates and internal fertility indexes provided by A.I. companies can be valuable. Selecting sires with proven fertility metrics ensures a smoother breeding program

Calving ease is equally important. Hard calvings can reduce subsequent lactation milk yield and cause severe health issues for both cow and calf. Beef sires’ Calving Ease EPDs provide statistical predictions based on observed calving ease and birth weights in progeny. Higher Calving Ease EPDs in beef indicate a higher percentage of unassisted births, thus a desirable trait in sire selection. 

For breeds where Birth Weight EPDs are available, lower birth weights often correlate with easier calvings as lighter calves present fewer delivery complications. However, since Birth Weight is included in Calving Ease EPDs, focusing on Calving Ease can be more beneficial against calving difficulties

In summary, prioritizing fertility and calving ease enhances reproductive efficiency and secures her well-being. This strategic focus leads to improved milk production, reduced veterinary costs, and a more profitable dairy operation.

Maximizing Growth and Efficiency: The Critical Role of Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight, and RADG in Beef-on-Dairy Programs

The impact of traits like Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight, and Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG) is pivotal for dairy producers raising beef-on-dairy calves. These traits aid in selecting sires that produce desirable growth, ensuring calves reach optimal weight at various growth stages. 

Weaning and Yearling weights predict differences in calf weight at 205 days and 365 days, respectively. Higher values indicate better growth performance, translating to heavier, more marketable calves. This bolsters immediate profitability and enhances the herd’s long-term reputation. 

Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG) measures weight gain efficiency for the same feed amount. A higher RADG value means calves gain weight more efficiently, reducing feeding costs and accelerating market readiness. This aligns with buyer specifications for weight and size, which is crucial in a competitive market

Producers raising heavier beef-on-dairy calves will benefit from these growth traits, ensuring consistent, predictable performance. Selecting for these traits fosters strong buyer relationships, enhancing market opportunities even amid market fluctuations.

Strategic Selection for Terminal Traits: Enhancing Carcass Quality and Profitability 

Carcass traits are pivotal for beef quality and profitability, centering on Carcass Weight (C.W.)Marbling, and Ribeye Area (REA). A higher C.W. means more pounds, which translates to better economic returns since grid pricing rewards heavier carcasses. Marbling, essential for superior USDA Quality Grades (Q.G.), ensures consumer satisfaction with tenderness and flavor, fetching premium prices. REA indicates muscling; an optimal size means a well-muscled carcass. However, overly large ribeyes can be discounted if they don’t fit specific branded programs. Selecting sires with strong EPDs for these traits is critical to producing high-quality beef-on-dairy crossbreds that meet market demands and boost profitability.

Aligning Strategies with Scenarios: Tailoring Traits for Maximum Impact 

Let’s explore a few scenarios to see which traits should be prioritized: 

Scenario 1 – Typical Tim: This dairy uses beef sires on mature cows and younger females, often having calving difficulties. They sell day-old calves through a supply chain program that values Quality Grade (Q.G.) at the end. The focus should be on Calving Ease and Marbling to meet terminal trait thresholds suggested by buyers. 

Scenario 2 – Smaller Sam: A small dairy not serviced by a pickup route but markets elite beef-on-dairy calves through a local sale barn. Without knowing the calves’ final destination, this producer should prioritize Fertility and Birth Weight EPDs to avoid overly small calves, as sale barns often differentiate prices by weight. 

Scenario 3—Feedlot Fred: This dairy raises crossbred calves to 500 pounds, marketing directly to a feedlot that favors heavier carcasses. The focus should be on growth traits like Weaning Weight and RADG for feedlot efficiency and Carcass Weight to align with the feedlot’s performance grid. 

It is crucial to address fertility and calving ease while considering buyers’ needs for growth and carcass traits through genetic selection. This approach will help build lasting relationships and set your beef-on-dairy program up for long-term success.

The Bottom Line

Using Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) in your beef-on-dairy program yields significant benefits by enabling precise breeding decisions that meet market demands and drive profitability. Focusing on crucial traits like fertility, calving ease, growth, and carcass quality optimizes operations, produces high-quality calves, and strengthens long-term buyer relationships. Customizing genetic selections to market needs ensures dairy producers can consistently supply predictable crossbreds, building a sustainable business that adapts to market changes. Balancing these factors boosts immediate financial gains and lays the groundwork for lasting market success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Market Opportunity: Beef-on-dairy crossbreds are in high demand, with day-old calves fetching substantial prices due to beef calf shortages.
  • Fertility and Calving Ease: Prioritize fertility and easy calving traits to ensure smooth reproduction and quick return to production for dairy cows.
  • Growth Traits: Focus on Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight, and RADG to ensure efficient growth and higher sale weights, whether retaining calves or selling early.
  • Terminal Traits: Select for desirable carcass traits such as Marbling and Ribeye Area to meet the specifications of feedlots and packing plants, optimizing carcass quality and yield.
  • Buyer Relationships: Understand your buyers’ requirements and tailor your genetic selection to meet their needs, fostering long-term profitable relationships.


Beef-on-dairy programs are gaining popularity due to rising beef calf and milk prices, benefiting dairy producers by supplying crossbred cattle to the beef market. Genetic Predictions (EPDs) are strategic tools used to enhance beef-on-dairy operations by estimating future offspring’s genetic potential for various traits. Key traits like calving ease and fertility are essential for healthy births, minimizing labor, and maximizing operational efficiency. Growth traits like Weaning Weight and Yearling Weight enable calves to reach market weight more efficiently, maximizing financial returns. Terminal traits like carcass weight and marbling are vital for downstream customers, and selecting sires with favorable EPDs helps build long-term relationships with buyers. Balancing these factors boosts immediate financial gains and lays the groundwork for lasting market success.

Download “The Ultimate Dairy Breeders Guide to Beef on Dairy Integration” Now!

Are you eager to discover the benefits of integrating beef genetics into your dairy herd? “The Ultimate Dairy Breeders Guide to Beef on Dairy Integration” is your key to enhancing productivity and profitability.  This guide is explicitly designed for progressive dairy breeders, from choosing the best beef breeds for dairy integration to advanced genetic selection tips. Get practical management practices to elevate your breeding program.  Understand the use of proven beef sires, from selection to offspring performance. Gain actionable insights through expert advice and real-world case studies. Learn about marketing, financial planning, and market assessment to maximize profitability.  Dive into the world of beef-on-dairy integration. Leverage the latest genetic tools and technologies to enhance your livestock quality. By the end of this guide, you’ll make informed decisions, boost farm efficiency, and effectively diversify your business.  Embark on this journey with us and unlock the full potential of your dairy herd with beef-on-dairy integration. Get Started!

Learn more:

Are Your Genetics Wasting Feed and Labor?

Throughout my education and my career in livestock improvement I have heard learned people say ‘the fields of nutrition, reproduction, management and genetics are independent of each other’. As recently as last week I had a nutritionist tell me that what geneticists do is secondary to what a nutritionist can do when it comes to on-farm profit. Well today I wish to challenge that theory of no inter-relationships.

Although I do not want to get into a back-and-forth between genetics and other disciplines, the purpose for this article is to challenge our thinking and see if there are in fact ways that genetics can be complimentary to nutrition, reproduction and management. It takes all disciplines working collaboratively to enhance on-farm profits thereby providing consumers with the dairy products they wish to consume.

If a stranger walked into your facilities and told you that you are wasting 20% of the feedstuffs you produce or that 20% of your daily labor could be eliminated would you throw them off the farm? Or would you stop and listen and consider taking action? If that stranger was your genetic supplier would you continue to consider their advice or would you scoff at them saying that “the genetics you use can not reduce your costs or increase your revenue”.

The following are areas that have a genetic component to them that deserve consideration:


Heifers not calving before 24 months or cows with an extra month or two in the dry pens each lactation take feed and labor at the rate of $2 to $4 (avg $3) per day. A heifer that does not calve until 27 months and takes an extra 45 days per lactation in the dry pen has costs an unnecessary $675 by the time she starts her fourth lactation at 69 months of age. By that time that heifer should be half way thru her fourth lactation. She not only costs an extra $675 but has lost $3000 in milk and progeny revenue by 69 months of age. The dollars lost add up quickly.

Genetically consider using only sires that are well above average for DPR  +1.0 / DF 105, cull heifers and cows with below average fertility ratings either their genetic rating or actual performance, and do not use bulls or retain females that are below 100 for Body Conditioning Score. If you are buying embryos or replacement females be sure to look at the genetic fertility ratings. Making excuses for buying below average animals or embryos is false economy. Another factor that is not a genetic rating, but has a direct bearing on reproduction is Sire Conception Rating. Remember that for each 21 days (one cycle) a female is open it costs $63 and that does not consider increased semen and insemination costs.

Productive Life / Herd Life

Improving just one year of herd life, from a herd average of three to four lactations, can markedly improve the revenue a cow will generate in her lifetime. An extra 26,000 pound or 12,000 kgs per cow per lifetime also reduces the number of heifers that need to be raised or purchased.  In a 300 milking cow herd the total of added revenue and reduced heifer costs can be as much as $300 net per cow per year. As heifer rearing is no longer a major profit centre, like it once was, why incur the feed and labor costs of extra heifers?

Using sires that are at least PL +4.5 or HL 110 is strongly recommended. Females should not be retained for breeding or replacement or purchased as embryos where the cow family members do not make it to third lactation.


The volume of fat and protein produced by each cow each day is a key factor for revenue generation (Read more: Is too much water milking your profits? and 5 things you must consider when breeding for milk production). When that can be done with a lesser volume of water it means less strain on the cow and less water to transport to the milk processor. High output of components means fewer cows needing to be fed and milked to produce a given quantity of fat and protein.  If daily yields are only moderate then feed is wasted feeding too many cows. At the processor more concentrated milk means less water needs to be removed and disposed of. It is a win–win for both the producer and the processor.

To achieve high fat plus protein yields requires that the sires used need to be ranked high genetically for total solids yield. In sire proofs that equates to bulls with 90 kgs fat + protein in Canada and 75 lbs in the USA. Cows should be culled for low total fat + protein yields per day not on volume of milk produced. When purchasing embryos make sure that the genetic merit for fat + protein yield is high.

Udder Health

On a continual basis the requirement for the maximum number of somatic cells in milk is lowered. It is estimated that each case of mastitis costs at least $300 in lost production and drugs. Add to that the extra labor required and the total cost, to all dairy farmers, associated with mastitis is huge.  Sometimes we forgive cows and bulls with poor SCS rating because they have a high rating for a single other trait. That is false economy when you factor in the cost of feed, labour and lost milk revenue. We need to be paying more attention to milk quality in the future than we have in the past.

Animals above 3.00 for SCS should not be used in your breeding program. Better still would be to aim for using bulls that are 2.80 and lower for SCS.  Of note is the fact that as of December 2013 CDN will be producing sire indexes for Mastitis Resistance (Read more: Official Genetic Evaluation for Mastitis Resistance).

Calving Ease

Producers have placed emphasis on calving ease over the past decade. It is now at the point where concern relative to calving difficulty is only mentioned for first calving heifers. Labor is saved with unassisted calvings. As well the dam and calf both get off to better starts. Less drug usage and quicker breeding back of the dam add up to major dollars saved no matter what the herd size.

Bulls receive indexes for both the ease with which their calves are born and for the ease with which their daughters give birth. It is advised to not use bulls that are rated below average for both direct and maternal calving ease.

Other Factors

  • Feet and Legs: Cows without mobility problems save on labor, lost feed and lost revenue.  Use sires that are average or above average for both heel depth and rear legs rear view. Calves and heifers with feet and leg problems seldom get better with age. (Read more: Cow Mobility: One Step Forward or Two Steps Back?)
  • Feed Conversion: In all livestock there are genetic differences in the ability to convert feed to end product. As yet we do not know those genetic differences in dairy cattle but we will know them in time. (Read more: Feed Efficiency: The Money Saver and 30 Sires that will produce Feed Efficient Cows) In is a fact that big cows, producing similar volumes to a medium sized cow, can not be as efficient as they must eat feed to maintain their larger body mass. Some (New Zealand, Ireland, NMS formula,…) already have a negative weighting for body size in their total index formula In the future breeders need to be prepared to select for feed efficiency and likely re-think the ideal cow size. Stay tuned. Research is already underway on feed conversion in dairy cattle.
  • Milking Speed: Slow milking cows were once tolerated in tie stall barns even though they required more labor. Now with parlour, rotary and even robotic systems, cows that slow down the parlour process or that mean fewer cows per robot are not tolerated. Sire indexes for milking speed are available on all bulls in Canada and are often available from bull studs in other countries. Avoid using bulls that leave slow milkers.
  • Polled: Labor required and animal set backs after dehorning are negatives at the farm level. For consumers animal treatment/care is often a concern that may affect milk product consumption. Polled is not just trendy it will be the norm in the future. (Read more: Why Is Everyone So Horny For Polled?, From the Sidelines to the Headlines, Polled is Going Mainline! and Polled Genetics: Way of the Future or Passing Fad?),  Genetic tests are now available that accurate identify animals as homozygous or heterozygous for polled. With each passing month the genetic merit for top polled animals for total merit (TPI, LPI NM$,..) is increasing. Producers need to decide when they will start to breed for polled.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Every discipline is important to improving on-farm profits. Research at CDN showed that improved genetics accounted for, at least, 40% of the increase in on-farm profitability. Genetics can help reduce the two biggest on-farm cost – feed and labor.  As well it can help drive up revenue per cow. Conclusion: Genetics can save on feed and labor costs. And Genetics can help generate more profit.

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Keep Your Mind Open But Not Your Cows

For generations dairy cattle breeders have had reasons to explain why their cows did not quickly conceive or why the show cows needed to stay open and then calve at a particular time of the year in order to look their best for the show season. Well those are not reasons. They are excuses. We buy equipment, use drug therapy, manage groups, ask the vets to perform miracles and yes even lose sleep in attempts to raise our herd’s conception and pregnancy rates and lower our day’s open and extra days in the dry pen. But then we tell ourselves and fellow breeders that at only 5% heritability there is nothing we can do about genetically improving fertility in our dairy cattle.

If it was anything else, like a broken tractor, we’d go about getting it repaired even though it was a costly undertaking. Enhancing the genetics of dairy cattle fertility however falls into that ineffective area where –  we keep doing things the same old way but expect different results. The truth is we must do things differently. Until we revamp the genetics of the dairy cows, we can not expect to reduce the costs and lost revenue associated with infertility.

What Oman Has Shown Us

Mention the name Oman to a Holstein breeder and you can expect a reaction.  He is categorized as either the best sire to come along in years or he has ruined the breed.  This icon does not inspire fence sitters. On the like side both Don Bennick (Read More – North Florida Holsteins: Aggressive, Progressive and Profitable!) and Chris Buchner (who I recently visited with at Elmwold Farms) extol Oman’s virtues. Don’s favourite cow is an Oman daughter.  Chris put it this way – “We just loved our Omans. Sure they would not win a show but the Omans did it for us as we are in the business of efficient profitable production measured by maximizing fat and protein in the tank per cow per day of course at reasonable input costs’.  This raises the question “Does function follow form or does form follow function?”.  For Don and Chris, it is form that follows function

Oman did many things right when it comes to fertility. Calves are born easily, able to be productive cows before two years of age, able to breed back quickly while yielding a high volume of solids and able to do it year after year. And they do it in any environment. Oman showed us that calving ease, reproduction and longevity can all fit into a package and that cows do not have to be tall, dairy, flat boned or angular. In fact what Oman did was to show that there are genetic differences between sires when it comes to female fertility and it stimulated breeders to measure all traits independently instead of trying to define the model perfect cow.  One size does not fit all.

Female Fertility

Both phenotypic and genetic trends for female fertility have spiralled downwards as production increased in the past forty years. We put our focus on milk production and picture perfect conformation, using what is often called a combined production and type index. But the amount and quality of data captured and stored relating to female reproduction has been sadly lacking. For the milking herd that situation has been reversed in the past half decade due in part to the great expansion in herd management software programs with the data uploaded to central data bases where genetic analysis and evaluations are performed. But the same can not be said for heifer information.  Any data that does exist for heifers remains on farm so, except in education or research herds, we can not correlate, on a population basis, the heifer stage of development with lifetime performance.

Where once we relied on what we called “cow sense” we now have genetic evaluations, for cows and bulls, for the following traits that correlate well with female fertility:

Calving Ease
For years breeders felt that calves had to be large at birth to develop into large framed cows. Today commercially oriented breeders want live calves that are born unassisted and cows, especially first calvers, that deliver a live calf without assistance. Two genetic indexes are published – one for the birth of the calf (Calving Ease / Calving Ability) and one for the mother’s ability to deliver ( Maternal Calving Ease / Daughter Calving Ability). Sires rated above 7 in the USA or below approximately 97 in Canada for either calving ease index should be avoided unless breeders are prepared to attend and assist the birth. The cost of a difficult calving is significant when you consider the risk of death of calf and mother, vet and drug costs, an anestrous period, a longer time in the dry pen and less yield for both the lactation and lifetime.

Pregnancy Rate – No pregnancy, no calf, no lactation!
That says it all. Getting a pregnancy when a cow is lactating at a high level is no mean feat but is the reality of dairy cattle farming. Sires that rate below +1.0 for Daughter Pregnancy Rate (USA) and 105 for Daughter Fertility (Canada) will not improve the genetic merit of a herd for pregnancy rate.  Correlated positively with sire ratings for Daughter Fertility in Canada is Body Condition Score (BCS). Correlated negatively is Dairy Form (USA) and Angularity (Canada). Bulls that have a rating above 105 for BCS have daughters that get pregnant whereas bulls above average for Dairy Form and Angularity are more difficult to get in calf. Using all these indexes assists breeders to get the overall picture so wise decisions can be made when selecting sires to use.

Length of Life
Some breeders prefer to select only for Productive Life (USA) or Herd Life (Canada) instead of selecting for the fertility traits. Additional factors beyond fertility go into calculating the length of herd life including SCS and udder depth. Therefore selecting for longevity may not get the boost in female fertility a breeder may be looking for. Again, as with the other indexes sires will need to have high ratings for Productive Life (over +3) and Herd Life (over 105) to positively impact the genetic merit of a herd.

Genomic evaluations
have been a major step forward in ranking bulls for female fertility traits.  Accuracies of genomic indexes are more than double what they were with Parent Averages alone. The general recommendations on using genomic sires applies when addressing daughter fertility – use many sires not just one or two.

So what is improved female fertility worth?

A definitive answer may not be available, but considering that for the average cow it starts when she is bred as a heifer and finishes when she has completed about three lactations. This, on average, covers about 54 months, and the total can mount up to a considerable amount from loss of revenue and added expense. If improving the genetics for female fertility in a herd could give you an added profit in a cow’s lifetime equivalent to the value of milk for half a lactation would it be worth putting more selection pressure of female fertility? I think it would.

Male Fertility

A.I organizations go to considerable effort to package the semen from each sire so the optimum conception rates can be achieved from that bull. High semen fertility is not a genetic measurement for male fertility but it has a very positive effect on herd profit. Dr Bob Welper of Alta Genetics estimates that in a 500 cow herd using somewhat below average bulls for Sire Conception Rate (SCR) compared to using bulls that are above average for SCR costs the breeder a minimum of $35,000 per year. Having six more pregnancies every twenty-one days, higher herd average production, less semen cost, less labor required and more calves in a year are where the added profits come from.

Perhaps a breeder’s semen tank should have a warning label that reads – “Warning- Semen put in this tank must be above average for conception rate and able to produce fertile female offspring”.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Female fertility can no longer be ignored when selecting sires to use or cows that are to be the mothers of heifer calves. Many tools exist that assist with female reproduction on a farm however the use of genetically inferior animals for female fertility as the parents of the next generation is costing much more than we care to admit. In time there will no doubt be additional female genetic fertility index. The time to start using the current indexes is now. Big dividends await breeders who make the effort to use the current genetic tools for female fertility.

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