Archive for June 2016


We all know what it’s like to be Bossy.  You give your “bossy” orders, usually using a very loud voice and then hope that the job will get done.  Super Bosses, on the other hand, run their dairy operations without resorting to being the loudest in the room … and amazingly… everything runs smoothly, and when there are problems, they are handled efficiently. As with any other worthwhile achievement, it takes time. Long before you can build a super-dairy you have to channel your inner super boss and get rid of your cow bossy side.

In the offices of The Bullvine, we have combined experiences of working with eighteen different bosses and all three of us have been “the” boss ourselves.   The challenge we share with dairy teams everywhere is knowing the difference between being bossy and being a super boss. Let’s compare and contrast the differences between the two, when applied to running a dairy operation.

  1. COW BOSSY Hires a CLONE.
    A SUPER BOSS Hires the MISSING piece.
    It goes without saying that a Super Boss must have employees.  In choosing employees, Super Bosses do two things especially well. First off they look to hire people who are good at the things they themselves are weak at.  You don’t need a team that has only one major matching strength.  An exceptional team covers all the abilities the job requires and each one is exceptional in bridging knowledge or experience gaps that you or others don’t
  2. COW BOSSY Saves money with LOW salaries and CUTTING corners
    A SUPER BOSS is Not stingy in PAYING for value and SPENDING to make money.
    Super Bosses recognize the importance of paying top dollar for top talent. Matching the right compensation with the right employee is a Super Boss skill. When your staff knows that you recognize their abilities and appreciate them, you are laying the foundation for an efficient People who feel valued are committed to doing their best on the job. Super Bosses are not stingy when it comes to recognizing consistent and valued contributions. Your team is the first line that suppliers, consultants and clients meet.  You want a team that works well and gives a good impression even when you’re not there.
  3. COW BOSSY Sees no REASON to learn more.
    A SUPER BOSS Never STOPS Learning
    As leaders in an industry that is constantly changing and evolving, dairy super bosses know that they can never stop learning and finding better ways to run their operations.  A super boss is not afraid to try something new, even if their current methods are working. Super bosses are comfortable with continually striving to improve. A successful dairy is never finished evolving.  Super Dairy Bosses have an outstanding ability to know what’s important and how to use new learning and training to keep everyone responding effectively to present and future challenges
  4. COW BOSSY Shrouds Success in MYSTERY
    A SUPER BOSS sets the EXAMPLE for HIGH achievement
    The goal of a Super Boss is to build confidence. Bossy bosses more often find their security when their employees are never exactly sure where the benchmark is set on any given day beyond the fact that the staff is probably falling below expectations. Bossy leaders live by the mantra, “It’s my way or the highway!” On the other hand, Super Bosses instill staff with the tools, instructions and intense feedback that keeps them striving to do better, not only for themselves but the dairy. The dairy team doesn’t fear retribution for failure because they are led by the example of the Super Boss. Super Boss teams often achieve results that were thought to be impossible.
    Even though we want to succeed, there is always the temptation to settle for “good enough”.  It’s easier to wear a boss hat if you don’t have to guide your team through tough changes.  Bossy leaders like the title of Boss and protect themselves from situations that acknowledge that problems exist.  They actually fight against anything that could make them look bad. When problems arise, they respond defensively and try to prove that everything is okay. Rather than work through the difficulty, they put up DETOUR signs.  Super Bosses are all about the movement of the dairy operation from good to better to best. They know that you can’t fix what you don’t acknowledge to be broken, so they use problems as signposts to building a better dairy.  Success comes from knowing the operation so well that there is always room for improvement. Even if the journey hits a few rough patches, they are willing to keep going.
    A SUPER BOSS FACES the future

    Crisis management, while it may be good for an adrenaline rush, is not the way to manage a successful dairy. Letting nature take its course decreases the need for planning but drastically increases the likelihood of problems.  A Super Boss plans for future. Some bosses wear their ability to manage a crisis as a badge of honor never realizing that if they had planned ahead, they may have avoided the crisis altogether. If you’re always running to catch-up, you never get far enough ahead of the situation to feel a sense of calmness as you face the future. Why would anyone allow rising young heifer mortality rates to continue before making changes to nutrition program? Why wait until your dairy is in the red to implement financially responsible changes?  As the world leaps ahead in technology are you moving with it? Are you training yourself and your employees to be mainstream or struggling to keep your head above water? Do you and the staff or employees share a vision for the future?  Is there a clear path? It takes training, commitment, planning and daily adjustments to build a super dairy.
    SUPER BOSSES Grant access to their dairy experts, mentors and peers/advisors
    It is one of the curiosities of life that cow bossies who manage by intimidation are themselves frightened by the successes of their employees. Rather than seeing the benefits for the dairy, they may feel threatened and start staking out their territory in an effort to keep employees in their place.  Employees who interact with consultants or dairy peers tend to make cow bossy bosses feel threatened or territorial. On the other hand, Super Bosses make the introductions and encourage employees to expand their knowledge and skills through interacting with those who are proficient or even experts in their fields.  Super Bosses see the industry as a vast resource for improvement. They take every opportunity to personally introduce their team to individuals who can make a positive impact on their knowledge and dairy skills. They are not afraid of being surpassed or cut out. They know that there is always more room at the top.  That is the way Super-Bosses build Super-Dairies.

    The difference between being bossy and being a Super Boss has a lot to do with where you put your energy.  Bossy spends most of their energy giving orders and trying to keep their employees in the box they have assigned to them.  Super bosses, in contrast, spend their time and energy finding the right people. They look for creativity and confidence in finding new ways to handle problems and excel at their work. They feel it is natural that talented people will continue to rise to the top.  Career changes are not seen as threatening but as a confirmation that skills and training are achieving the right results. Employees who rise to a new position are not cut off or deemed threatening.  The same interest that got them their promotion is seen as a resource to be maintained and perhaps drawn from in the future. The bossy boss is threatened by peers rising to their level.  Super bosses find it to be a natural and rewarding outcome of selecting and nurturing talented leaders.
  9. COW Bossy is Hands OFF.
    SUPER BOSS IS Hands-on
    The Bossy dairy manager is distant from the daily grind of 24/7 problem solving.  They manage from crisis to crisis.  A dairy super boss doesn’t fear what’s going to go wrong because they are working and communicating with staff to a level that keeps all parties engaged. While Bossy bosses point out the shortcomings when something misses the mark, Super Bosses don’t need to be brought up to speed. They have the people and processes in place that they not only know how things are going but can work alongside the team as needed.


It is hard to be a boss.  Many people don’t want to have one.  Having said that, all of us want to follow a good leader, and we know that dairy operations succeed or fail based on the quality of the people in charge. Super Bosses stop thinking about what their people could do for them and started thinking about what they could do to help their people succeed.  Inspire. Teach. Remove obstacles. Be human. If you cultivate these characteristics, you’ll become the Super Dairy Boss that your people will remember for the rest of their careers.



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BREXIT – The Beginning of the End Of The EU?

Bruce Jobson

Bruce Jobson

The whys and wherefores of the UK’s EU referendum

At the end of June, the UK voted on whether or not to stay in the European Union (EU).  CrazyCow’s Dianna Malcolm asked British dairy specialist Bruce Jobson — and CrazyCow’s own Europe correspondent — to explain the reasons for the referendum.

DM “How did the UK’s referendum on the EU come about?”

BJ “Many British people have had longterm concerns with regard to continued EU membership. During the 2015 general election, Prime Minister David Cameron stated that if his ruling Conservative Government was re-elected for a second term, he would hold a referendum — albeit after he had negotiated terms for a reformed agreement with the EU.

The negotiations took place earlier this year and Mr Cameron has recommended that the British electorate vote in favour of remaining in a ‘reformed’ EU.

“However, there is still uncertainty as to whether the EU will fully ratify the negotiations, and many opponents consider the reformed negotiations as ‘worthless’. Hence the campaign to leave — or ‘Brexit’, which is an abbreviation for ‘British exit’.”


DM “Why has this all happened?”

BJ “In 1951, the concept of a free-trade zone and better economic integration was discussed, and, in March 1957, a six-country alliance of Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany was established [by signing the “Treaty of Rome”] known as the Common Market. The creation was a rebuilding process in a pretty much bankrupt Europe, resulting in mutual benefits as well as having the aim of preventing any future wars between member states. In 1961, the UK applied to join this exclusive club but the application was rejected by France, fearing US back-door influence, but eventually, the UK joined in 1973, following a ratifying referendum.

“The economies of these northern European countries was similar and the club became a huge success with the Common Agricultural Policy, or CAP, being the most successful policy implementation. Since then, the Common Market has changed from an economic alliance to a more political alliance, resulting in an extended 28-member ‘federal state’ of 500 million, changing the name along the way to the ‘European Community’ to the present, ‘European Union’, or EU. Turkey, with a population of approximately 80 million, is the latest country aiming to become a full member. “Large sections of the British public now consider the ‘new’, extended EU is not the organisation that the country voted to join in 1973. British sovereignty and border control has been eroded, and 60% of all laws applicable to British subjects are created and passed by the EU Parliament in Brussels, which is also the capital of Belgium. Many of the laws are created by faceless and unelected EU bureaucrats, and the UK has little power to influence or change laws that are seen as benefitting other 27 member states and economies.”


DM “Surely, the UK will be better-off by remaining in the EU?”

BJ “That’s the £55 million question [A$109.3m]. The UK pays £55 million every day — or £350m [A$695.5m] per week — as its contribution to being an EU member. The UK receives approximately 60% back as a rebate. The UK does not have any control over how and where the rebate money is spent. This is decided by the EU.

“However, it is the rules and regulation that are seen as restricting our industries. For example, AHDB Dairy is funded by a producer levy on all British dairy farmers — yet the organisation is not allowed to promote British milk. [AHDB Dairy is a subsidiary of AHDB, or the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board.]. EU rules prevent AHDB Dairy from promoting its own members’ produce as this is seen as unfair competition against other EU member states.

“The same applied recently to the steel industry, which has been going through a severe downturn in the UK and globally. The UK Government was powerless to step in to support or ‘nationalise’ the steel industry, and two massive steel plants were closed with the loss of thousands of jobs.

“There are tens of thousands of these laws governing our countryside, including the distance that houses are built from heathland [five kilometres] to prevent cats from chasing birds. The EU is viewed by many as being out-dated — and now built to keep power with the EU elites, and not the people.

“The regulations imposed on agriculture are staggering, although it has to be stated that some rules are beneficial, while others are considered to be downright ridiculous. EU farm payments are a concern, as many farmers view the subsidies as a ‘necessary evil’, but the ‘red tape’ and bureaucracy involved is immense, and can only be undertaken by paying professional land agents to complete the necessary paperwork.”


DM “How much does immigration play on the fear-factor of the British public?”

BJ “Immigration is becoming a huge part of the Brexit campaign. Under the Treaty of Rome, free movement is allowed between member states – and that remains a fundamental part of EU membership. The UK is the second-largest economy in Europe, behind Germany, and the sixth largest in the world. People from the other 27 EU countries are free to move to Britain to work under the Treaty of Rome.

“There are two issues here. First: legal immigration; and secondly: illegal immigration. Last year, in the 12 months ending September 2015, more than 530,000 migrants entered the UK — including 256,000 from the EU. Over the same 12-month period, 630,000 migrants received National Insurance registration numbers so they could work, and subsequently receive UK benefits – such as housing, health, social welfare payments, and so on. Net migration into the UK has been regularly running high — last year was 330,000 — for several years.

“The sheer volume of numbers is placing incredible strain on housing, education and the National Health Service, which is a free service. The UK cannot build enough houses, enough schools or enough hospitals to cope with the increases. In London schools, an estimated 60 languages are spoken and education services have to provide interpreters. It is estimated that due to immigration increases, the UK has to build a new house every seven minutes.

“The National Health Service is reported at breaking-point, and in some areas estimates state there are not enough local family doctors, and hospitals are unable to provide the required service owing to spiralling costs. The UK could build a new hospital every week if it did not have to contribute £55m each day to the EU!

“The ongoing EU migrant crisis is a huge concern, with over 1.83 million people illegally entering the EU last year — six times more than the previous year. More than 1.1 million migrants were welcomed by Germany alone last year; additionally, Germany is expecting 2.5 million migrants to arrive in the next five years.

“EU border checkpoints have been over-run, and concerns over terrorist infiltration is immense. Once registered, all will be entitled to an EU passport, and can therefore gain entry to the UK as part of the EU’s free movement of people policy under the Treaty of Rome. On that basis, there is nothing to stop 500,000 or one million people legally entering the UK on an annual basis.”


DM “Will the EU be weakened if Brexit occurs?”

BJ “This is just my personal opinion: yes, I believe the EU will be weakened if the UK leaves. I consider the migrant crisis allied to a Brexit may, and I repeat, may, lead to the collapse of the EU in its present form. There is also the financial concern over the euro currency and Euro-zone. Britain maintained the pound sterling, as is not part of the failing currency union. The euro is in deep trouble and there may be another financial crisis similar to 2008.

“Financially, the euro currency is a potential future disaster area, with countries such as Spain having 55% unemployment in its population who are aged under 25.

“The Brexit campaigners want to be free of undemocratic EU centralist policy, passed by laws in Brussels, and pursue global markets in other countries such as Australia, Canada, China and USA and so one. Trade tariffs will have to be negotiated with these countries as well as within the EU, should the UK leave.

“It may seem confusing to Australians, where a points system determines immigration policy and effectively who can and cannot live and work in Australia. The old Common Market was originally similar to the 12-country Trans Pacific Partnership, or TPP — but with the free movement of people. [TPP members are: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, New Zealand, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam.]

“It’s not hard to imagine how Australians and Canadians would feel if 60% of their laws were made by unelected bureaucrats in a 12-country TPP parliament residing in another country? Or if the free movement was considered of millions of people to live and work in the USA from Mexico, Peru, Vietnam or Singapore?

“The USA would not allow 11 other countries to make 60% of its laws and overrule its democratically elected administration. Would Australia or the US open its border controls and allow unrestricted freedom of movement from the other 11 TPP countries without the need to produce a passport?

“One final point on security: the EU makes a strong play on the fact there have not been any wars — and is eager to bask in the acclaim. Since 1945, the security of Europe has been the responsibility of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, of which Britain is a member. But in fairness, the United States has backed and guaranteed the security and freedom of Europe for the past 70 years, and this has been underpinned by the US dollar.”

Check out more great articles like this in the latest edition of Crazy Cow In PrintCCIP51_June16_Cvr (002)

World’s Largest Robotic Dairy to be built in Chile – 64 Units

DSC_0040Fundo El Risquillo, a large farm in Chile with 6500 dairy cows, has just signed an agreement to install 64 DeLaval VMS™ milking robots making it the world’s largest robotic milking farm.

The farm, owned by Agrícola Ancali and part of the Bethia Group, already has 16 DeLaval VMS™ installed and has been able to see the results; an average yield of 45.2 litres for the 920 cows going through the robotic milking system today. That is a 10% increase in milk production from before as well as a reduction in labour costs. It is all about doing more with less

DELAVAL - VMS2016-01-52

Odrióm Escobar – Herd Manager

“The benefits have been remarkable,” says Pedro Heller, CEO at Ancali Agrícola. “More production, better animal welfare conditions and less stress for the cows. This project included two stages. Firstly, we compared the benefits of using DeLaval VMS™ systems versus rotary milking system. We started using robots for 500 cows, and when we saw the economic benefits and we realized that it was possible to improve production per cow by 10% and reduce the stress of the cow we decided to further explore. During the second stage we decided to modify the farm, changing our conventional milking system for an automatic milking system. Plan is to have our best 4500 cows milked by DeLaval VMS™ and we believe we have a perfect set up should we decide to grow more in the future.”

The barn today also includes a range of other cow comfort solutions from DeLaval such as ventilation systems, cow cooling, rubber flooring, swinging cow brushes, water troughs and illumination.

Ancali aéreaWhen the new installation is complete, 4,500 cows will be milked robotically while one rotary will remain for fresh and special needs cows. There are currently four rotaries in operation today. While many farmers see DeLaval VMS™ as a robot for a smaller operation, CEO Pedro Heller calculated easily after the first installation that there was a clear return on investment together with the other cow comfort solutions.

The first DeLaval VMS™ installation took place with eight milking robots in October 2014. By early 2017, 64 DeLaval VMS™’s will be installed making this farm the largest robotic milking farm on the planet and one of the most productive.

The El Fundo Risquillo farm is located 500km south of Santiago and is part of a larger operation including a beef farming operation and a stud farm.

Find Out Why It Takes Guts to Beat Heat Stress

Modern homes and workplaces are mostly air-conditioned and so working humans are quite literally not getting so hot and bothered over the stresses brought on by the highest seasonal temperatures.  Having said that, on dairy operations, there are still many opportunities to join the animals we care for in panting and sweating and sometimes getting seriously ill due to rising temperatures. Today we are going to look at some Keep It Simple ways that we can deal with heat stress on the modern dairy operation.  Are you still using the same heat stress strategies that were used by the generation ahead of you?  If so, you may not only be closer to losing your cool but, also, closer to losing your cattle too! Keeping it Simple DOES NOT mean Keeping it the Same!

When it comes to heat stress every degree adds up. The following ideas could provide you with 12 degrees of separation from ineffective methods of dairy heat stress management!

  1. HEAT STRESS: Ignoring Heat Stress COULD BE FATAL
    First off you must accept that there isn’t a choice when it comes to dealing with heat stress. You must keep your cows cool.  Nothing gets done without them. Every year heat stress accounts for losses to the tune of US$1.7 billion. One very serious and costly consequence is lowered reproduction. (Read more: BEAT THE HEAT – DAIRY CATTLE BREEDING AND MILK PRODUCTION CHALLENGES CAUSED BY HEAT STRESS and 10 WAYS COOL CALVES BEAT THE HEAT) When temperatures rise, so should your skill in managing the impact on your dairy herd. Some management priorities are optional but ignoring heat stress could be fatal.
    It is easy to recognize as you walk past panting cows that, not only are they picking up heat from the overheated environment, but they are also generating a substantial amount of heat themselves.  It’s a vicious cycle.  Although heat happens everywhere, you may think that, if you’re not in a hot spot, heat stress won’t affect your operation.  Granted some, like California, have severe stress especially during exceptionally high temp days but, to some extent, cattle have adapted to what is the norm in these locations.  Stress occurs in cattle when they have sudden changes in temperature. Recently we had three days of normal (aka comfortable) weather that was followed by a 10-degree spike. Dairy cows are forced to adapt to these sudden changes, regardless of location, and that makes them candidates for heat stress.  Up and down are BOTH stressors. Remember when you got sun stroke at the family reunion?  How long did it take you to get back to your normal self?
    It’s always tempting to use what works on us to solve problems faced by our cattle. That could lead you to suppose that shaded structures and wooded groves are two of the best measures you need to put in place to combat summer cattle heat stress. Your reasoning concludes that summer milk gets made in the shade – so provide lots of shade. Basically, money grows on (shady) trees. Unfortunately, panting, increased water intake and decreased feed intake are the all too familiar visible signs of heat stress that even dairy cattle in shady conditions experience. As well as the obvious visible signs there are invisible signs of heat stress that are also being expressed through rumen acidosis, decreased reproductive performance and increased susceptibility to metabolic diseases.
    Responsible managers can’t stop with cooling interventions such as shade, fans and sprinklers. How are they working for you?  Do you still have substantial decreases in performance? Have you decreased feed intake to lower the heat generated by rumination?  No doubt, it is frustrating. You may think you’re winning that battle but you are losing the production war at the same time.  Decreased feed intake means lost milk.  Increased feed intake means poor performance due to heat stress.  It’s a hot mess no matter how you look at it.
  5. HEAT STRESS: COLD WATER CHILL is Just a DROP in the BUCKET that doesn’t LAST
    Effectively changing the hot mass of a dairy cow’s rumen to a cooler state is easier said than done.  Using human experience, we want to transfer our success with drinking chilled beverages to our overheated cattle. Studies have been undertaken to determine if chilled water could be a solution for heat-stressed animals.  Unfortunately, the results conclude that chilled water is only about 32% effective in lowering body temperature.  Furthermore, the cooling effect only last two hours or less.  This is not enough to keep cows’ body temperatures from rising above the critical temperature of thermoneutrality.  The thermo-neutral zone of dairy cows ranges from just above zero to 22ºC. Above this critical temperature (combined with humidity) cows begin to alter their basal metabolism and metabolic rate. Nevertheless, chilled water may remain as a part of your larger plan or may be used as an incentive for cows to enter the milking parlor.
  6. HEAT STRESS: A Cold Fact that Brings Hope to Heat Stress.
    As mentioned earlier (3), reducing the thermoregulation response by decreasing digestion also decreases milk production. That’s the bad news. If we are going to get a serious handle on managing heat stress, we have to get ourselves out of this vicious cycle. The good news is that recent findings from heat stress studies on dairy cow performance have shown that reduction in feed intake plays a much smaller role than previously thought. Smaller role. Bigger hope.
    The physiology underlying heat stress and abatement methods has been studied for decades. Scientists at Iowa State have run trials that concluded that, “reduction in feed intake accounts for only 35-50% of the decrease in milk production”.  The other 45 to 50% is due to other causes. More research is needed to focus on these remaining issues which could optimise animal feeding and heat management during heat stress. It would be great if simply targeting the correct research was that easy.  However, if abatement strategies are somewhat successful, they will be skewing the results which will then underestimate the problems. Is heat stress under control or under-controlled?  Each dairy operation needs to answer that question with their own assessment of causes, effects and results.
    You never know where you will discover a new approach to bovine health management. Some suggestions we recognize and accept because of parallels in human health.  One such recent finding is the role of insulin in relation to dairy cattle susceptibility and rates of survival when exposed to heat stress.  Consult with your nutritionist for strategies to improve insulin activity in lactating cows. This could improve their ability to cope with heat stress.
    It has taken eight steps to get us to the guts of the matter, as was hinted at in the title of this article. Thank you for persisting this far.  It bodes well for your persistence in seeking heat stress solutions. Here we come to a discussion of another thermoregulation response, namely the shift of blood flow from internal organs to the skin surface.  You will be familiar with the term ‘leaky gut’ which describes the decrease in the health of the gut. When your dairy cows are also suffering from rumen acidosis, they experience a double setback at the gut level.

    1. When gut health is sub-optimal, it impairs the absorption of nutrients that are critical in the rumen for fermentation of feed.
    2. Continued research by Iowa State University also suggests that leaky gut in dairy cows could be a significant factor in other metabolic diseases, including ketosis.
    Dairy managers need to be prepared to take advantage of even the newest feeding technologies. Phytonutrients fall into this category.  They represent a promising natural solution for alleviating heat stress. As reported by Dr. Emma Wall and Jennifer Maurin, Pancosma, Switzerland in “Heat Stress a Refreshing New Take” a specific combination of phytomolecules consisting of capsicum oleoresin, cinnamaldehyde and eugenol (CCE*), does just that.

    1. Capsicum oleoresin has two significant benefits. It increases feeding frequency and does so without increasing total feed intake.  This results in a more consistently filled rumen. It also stabilises heat production and reduces the occurrence of rumen lesions.
    2. The combination of cinnamaldehyde and eugenol acts upon the lower gut. They decrease inflammation and reduce the local generation of heat. This aids in maintaining optimal gut structure and nutrient absorption, while improving the breakdown of ingested feed and enhancing the volatile acids profile and optimal protein metabolism.
      The combination of the two phytonutrients (CCE), has positive effects on both the rumen and lower gut. They prevent any additional heat from being generated and yet optimise digestion and nutrient absorption.
    Seeking ways to manage heat stress in dairy cattle is the same as any other proactive actions in managing a dairy.  Each advance improves outcomes and, at the same time, has the potential to inspire other improvements. Raising awareness through heat wave warnings issued by media channels has proven to result in heat-related mortality (LINK 28). This raises the possibility that adding animal heat advisories would have further positive impacts. More data from more stations could provide even bigger advantages. As data is added and improved, refining it to report exact in-barn heat stress, as opposed to only ambient or outdoor values, is the next level that needs to targeted.
  12. HEAT STRESS: Weather Predictions are NOT PROMISING
    There is an old saying that the only things that are certain are “Death and Taxes”.  Well, dairy farmers need to recognize that climate change is adding a third factor, “Death, Taxes and Heat Stress!”  Regardless of what your viewpoint is on climate change, there is no doubt that we will continue to see a rise in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events such as heat waves. This has the potential for a corresponding rise in the mortality rate of cattle and, therefore, by extension, a rise in economic losses associated with heat stress. We can’t outwait this problem in the hope that it will go away without action on our part.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Losing your cool means losing your cattle.  If you’re serious about making heat stress management a priority, seek out and put into place feeding rations that improve gut health. The goal here is to improve the performance of your dairy herd through solutions that decrease heat stress induced metabolic disease. Keep an open mind and you could be several degrees closer to effective heat stress management and that’s cool!

2016 European Championship Holstein Show

Date: June, 18th, 2016
Judge: Markus Mock, from Germany

GALYS-VRAY Grand Champion All-European Champion Holstein Show Switzerland

Grand Champion
All-European Champion Holstein Show

Grand Champion: Galys Vray (Atwood), Senior Cows 6 & 7 Year Olds, Junker, Staub, Al BE RO, CH

Reserve Grand Champion: AshlynVray Goldwyn (Goldwyn), Senior Cows 8 Year Old & Over, Ponderosa Holsteins, ES

Senior Champion: Galys Vray (Atwood), Senior Cows 6 & 7 Year Olds, Junker, Staub, Al BE RO, CH

Reserve Senior Champion: AshlynVray Goldwyn (Goldwyn), Senior Cows 8 Year Old & Over, Ponderosa Holsteins, ES

HELINE Intermediate Champion All-European Champion Holstein Show France

Intermediate Champion
All-European Champion Holstein Show

Intermediate Champion

Heline (Chelios), 1st Intermediate Cow born May 2012- August 2012, M Rabin Patrick, FR

Reserve Intermediate Champion

Dotti Stanleycup White (Stanleycup), 1st Intermediate Cow Aug – November 2012, Errera Holsteins Di Davide Errera & La Corte Di Dotti, IT

CPP AFTERSHOCK PANDORA Junior Champion All-European Champion Holstein Show Switzerland

Junior Champion
All-European Champion Holstein Show

Junior Cow Champion

CPP Aftershock Pandora (Aftershock), 1st Junior Cow Born – Dec 2013 – April 2014, Comex Currat-Papaux-Piller, CH

Reserve Junior Cow Champion

Naomi (Yorick), 1st Junior Cow born Mar 2013- November 2013, Ulrich Kopf, AT

Junior One: Cow – May 2014 to Jan 2014 (13)

BONS-HOLSTEINS KOBA 219 1st place Junior 1 All-European Champion Holstein Show Holland

1st place Junior 1
All-European Champion Holstein Show

  1. Bons Holsteins Koba 219 (Lauthority), Bons Holsteins, NL
  2. All. Mulino Doorman Melody (Doorman), Soc. Agr Caravati SS, IT
  3. Badiola Yorick Kentuchy (Yorick), Gan. Diplomada Badiola SL, ES
  4. Schonhof Monalisa (Fever), Rupert Wenger, AT
  5. Lis Miley (McCutchen), LU
  6. Goldstern (Goldchip), Ulrich Kopf, AT
  7. DM Goldsun Gaia (Goldsun), Tocchi Filippo ILaria E Attilio SS Societa, ES
  8. Bons-Holsteins Aaltje 126 (Shadow), Bons Holsteins, NL
  9. Woodhey Atwood Sally (Atwood), Woodhey Dairy Ltd., UK
  10. Giessen Gorgeous 9 (McCutchen), T. van Vliet, NL

Junior Two: Cow – Dec 2013 – April 2014 (13)

CPP AFTERSHOCK PANDORA-=0 1st place Junior 1 All-European Champion Holstein Show Holland

1st place Junior 2
All-European Champion Holstein Show

  1. CPP Aftershock Pandora (Aftershock), Comex Currat-Papaux-Piller, CH
  2. Wyndford Atwood Grey 90 (Atwood), Wilfre Maddocks Ltd., UK
  3. Grang-Neuve Atwood Oxford (Atwood), Ferme la Waebera & Richard Villeneuve, CH
  4. La Waebera Dempsey Jetta (Dempsey), Ferme la Waebera, CH
  5. CPP Absolute Reinette (Absolute), Junker & Grasser, CH
  6. Tramilda N Camilla (Sympatico), Devon Lhmoller & Micheal utze, DE
  7. Firstlook Aftershock Ricki (Aftershock), S Whittaker & J Doherty , UK
  8. CME Atwood Ginerva (Atwood), Errera Holsteins Di Davide Errera & Al-BE-Ro, IT
  9. HTH Lafayette (Moya), Claude Thein, LU
  10. La Portea Airlift Latina (Airlift), TJR Portea Soc Agr & La Magnolia, IT

Junior Three: Cow – Mar 2013- November 2013 (14)

NAOMI 1st place Junior 3 All-European Champion Holstein Show Austria

1st place Junior 3
All-European Champion Holstein Show

  1. Naomi (Yorick), Ulrich Kopf, AT
  2. Princes (Odyssey), JUrgen Hobbie, DE
  3. Ponderosa Let It Snow Angi ET (Let It Snow), Ponderosa Holsteins, ES
  4. Wiesenfeld Rosalina (Atwood), RZB Wesnfeld Rubesam & Rupert Wenger, DE
  5. Gwenn Izaray (Atwood), GAEC Wilt & Erhart & Mark Junker, FR
  6. Riverdane SVS Atlee ET (Saloon), Riverdane Holsteins, UK
  7. JS Lucinda (Meridian), OF JongSteins, NL
  8. Big Time Patricia (Atwood), Wilfried & Eckhard Hauck, DE
  9. Bons-Holsteins Dikkie 183 (Lauthority), Bons Holsteins, NL
  10. Bons-Holsteins Koba 213 (Windbrook), Bons Holsteins, NL

Intermediate One: Cow – Dec 2012 – April 2013 (12)

CAPJ IRANA 1st place Intermediate 1 All-European Champion Holstein Show France

1st place Intermediate 1
All-European Champion Holstein Show

  1. Capj Irana (Uno), GAEC Cabon, FR
  2. Magnolia Artes Tequila (Artes), AZ AGR LA Magnolia Di Balma & C Soc Agr & AZ Berta, IT
  3. Zuaber (Van Gogh), Hermine & Josef Strohmayer, AT
  4. DUF Happy (Lauthority),GAEC Duff Holstein, Joel Vigne & Philippe Deru, FR
  5. Resto Meridian Ila Gold (Meridian), Ferme la Waebera, CH
  6. Badiola Stanleycup Melissa (Stanleycup), Gan Diplomada Badiola SL, ES
  7. LLH Carolin (Acme), Heinz Tangermann, DE
  8. Sho Moorise (Bradnick), Wilken Schwarze, DE
  9. ICow Huddlesford Princess ET (Atwood), Icow & Huddlesford Holsteins, UK
  10.  Zandenburg Meridian Camilla (Meridian), Sommers Melkveehouderij VOF, NL

Intermediate Two: Cow born May 2012- August 2012 (12)

DOTTI STANLEYCUP WHITE 1st place Intermediate 2 All-European Champion Holstein Show Italy

1st place Intermediate 2
All-European Champion Holstein Show

  1. Dotti Stanleycup White (Stanleycup), Errera Holsteins Di Davide Errera & La Corte Di Dotti, IT
  2. Newbirks Jazz 1584 (Lavenguard), R& E Butterfield, UK
  3. Hodaia Du Tombuy (Fever), GAEC du Tombuy & GAEC DerrierelaTour,FR
  4. Halloween Du Loup (Goldwyn), Jacques Creppe & Sebastien Saspj, DE
  5. Hay RiverEt De Lesperance (Dempsey), Stephen Reys & Remy Colpaert, BE
  6. Lauthanie De Bois Seigneur (Lauthority), Eddy & Jonas Pussemier, BE
  7. ICow Huddlesford Hedwig (Gunnar), ICOw, Huddlesford & Elite Street, UK
  8. HBL Chanteuse (Pioneer), Carlo & Pit Bosseler, LU
  9. Evening Stanleycup Jennifer (Stanleycup), Even Hill Farm Ltd., UK
  10. Malgache De Jassogne (Bolton),Rik &Florence Crevits, B

Intermediate Three – Cow born May 2012- August 2012 (12)

HELINE 1st place Intermediate 3 All-European Champion Holstein Show France

1st place Intermediate 3
All-European Champion Holstein Show

  1. Heline (Chelios), M Rabin Patrick, FR
  2. Molino Aitana (Farfan), Errera Holsteins Di Davide Errera & Molino Terenzano, IT
  3. Hera De L-Esperance (Tailor), Earl de L’elevage de L Esperance, FR
  4. San Secondo Royal E Vendemmia (Eudon), Allevamento Beltramiono SS AGRI DI Beltramino F. LLI EC, Al BE RO, MRC, Lorenz Bach & Luca Sarreri, IT
  5. Roccafarm Seaver Zeava (Seaver), Egon Strudthoff, DE
  6. Flora Atwood Mahela (Atwood), Casa Flora Sdad.Civil, ES
  7. GS Alliance Goldwyn Fantasy (Goldwyn), S Bro Holstein & Swiss, CH
  8. Riverdane Sid Jolie (Sid), Riverdane Holsteins, UK
  9. Ponderosa Acme Pledge (Acme), Ponderosa Holsteins, ES
  10. Toc-Farm SidSelina (Sid), Tocchi Filippo Ilaria E Attilio SS Societa Agricola, IT

Intermediate Three: Cows born Oct 2010 – Apr 2011 (12)

CASERINI F ALEXANDER EPICA 1st place Intermediate 4 All-European Champion Holstein Show Italy

1st place Intermediate 4
All-European Champion Holstein Show

  1. Caserini F Alexander Epica (Alexander), Errera Holsteins Di Davide Errera & Eredi Caserina, IT
  2. DH Gold Chip Darling (Goldchipo), Roger Frossard, CH
  3. Bons-Holsteins Ella 192 (Seaver), Bons-Holsteins, NL
  4. Twinmargo Its all about me (Sanchez), M Leclerc Pascal & Illy Genetics, FR
  5. Savoleyre Windbrook Gypsy (Windbrook), Charrier Bruno, CH
  6. Meisterhofer Royal Rongname (Atwood), T Hartl, G Knittel-Frank, G Kronberger & R Wenger, AT
  7. Hermine Tula (Goldchip), M Tual Frank, FR
  8. Giessen San Goerdy Copycat (Sanchez), Rainer Engelke & Eike Spangenberg, DE
  9. Future Dream H Fien (Sid), Future Dream Holsteins, NL
  10. Future Dream H Darina (Snowman), Future Dream Holsteins, NL

Senior 1 – 4 & 5 Year Olds (14)

 HALLOW ATWOOD TWIZZLE 1st place Senior 1 All-European Champion Holstein Show Italy

1st place Senior 1
All-European Champion Holstein Show

  1. Hallow Atwood Twizzle (Atwood), Allevamento Nure Soc Agr SS, Al BE RO, Pat Conroy & Gary Jones, IT
  2. Rogy Goldwyn Ghardaia (Goldwyn), Joe Demierre, CH
  3. Gerboise (Atwood), Allevamento Nure Soc Agr SS, Al BE RO & Quim Serrabassa/Triangle Holstein, IT
  4. Hellender Goldwyn Griffen (Goldwyn), Christian & Jacques Rey, CH
  5. Bel Barclay Selen (Barclay), Allevamento Beltramino SS Agri Di Beltramino F LLI EC & AL BE RO, IT
  6. BWH Annika (Atwood), Wille, Bollhorst, Melbaum & Kallass, DE
  7. Badiola Atwood Koketa (Atwood), Gan Diplomada Badiola SL, ES
  8. Griffe Des Capucins (Boldwyn), GAEC Des Capucins, FR
  9. Rey 547 Sonrrisa Sid (Sid), SAT Rey De Minotelo, ES
  10. BB A Gloria Grace (Alexander), Alois Bliem, AT

Senior 2 – 6 & 7 Year Olds (15)

GALYS-VRAY 1st place Senior 2 All-European Champion Holstein Show Switzerland

1st place Senior 2
All-European Champion Holstein Show

  1. Galys Vray (Atwood), Junker, Staub, Al BE RO, CH
  2. Illens Atwood Australia (Atwood), MA & C Laird, UK
  3. Jomagro Goldywn Jasmin (Goldwyn), Errera Holsteins Di Davide Errera, Agriber & Marcella Ladina, IT
  4. Le Moal Lheros Elaniss (Lheros), Wilcor Holsteins, DE
  5. Sahara Sanchez Ambroisia 3 ET (Sanchez), Riverdane Holsteins, UK
  6. Illens Velvet Valesia (Velvet), Jacques Rouiller, CH
  7. Melody (Delete),Josef Garzaner, AT
  8. Derbovens GW Gesha (Goldwyn), Rinderzuchtbetrieb Deboven, DE
  9. Rele (Alliance), Christoph & Alexander Gstohl, AT
  10. Pom Flower (Baxter), Earl de la Grande Pommeraie & GAEC du Petit Rocher, FR

Senior 3 – 8 Year Old & Over (15)

ASHLYNVRAY GOLDWYN 1st place Senior 3 All-European Champion Holstein Show Spain

1st place Senior 3
All-European Champion Holstein Show

  1. Ashlyn Vray Goldwyn (Goldwyn), Ponderosa Holsteins, ES
  2. Lady Gaga (Modest), Henrik Willie & Friedrich Koster, DE
  3. Ilera Libertiy Glen (Captain), llera Her SC, ES
  4. Ptit Coeur Affirmed Medecina (Affirmed), Corinne & Erhard Junker, CH
  5. Bons Holsteins Koba 191 (Jasper), Bons- Holsteins, NL
  6. Mattenhof Goldwyn Ronja (Goldwyn), Gobeli Holstein, CH
  7. Pacho Goldwyn Telva (Goldwyn), Gan Diplomada Badiola SL & Casa De Pacho, ES
  8. Delicieuse (Pagewire), Gobeli Holstein, CH
  9. Berryholme Infloence Linda 3 (Infloence), H Wright & Son, UK
  10. Dubai (Pagewire), GAEC du Fosse des Rois, FR

Country Groups (10)


  1. France
  2. Switzerland
  3. Spain
  4. Italy
  5. Germany
  6. Austria
  7. United Kingdom
  8. Luxembourg
  9. Belgium
  10. Czech Republic

2016 European Championship Red & White Show

Date: June, 17th, 2016
Judge: Jaume Serrabassa Vila, Spain

Champion Team - Switzerland

Champion Team – Switzerland

SUARD-RED JORDAN IRENE Grand Champion All-European Champion Red & White Show Switzerland

Grand Champion
All-European Champion Red & White Show

Grand  Champion
Suard Red Jordan Irene (Jordan), 1st Senior Cow 6yr & Older, Schrago Freres, CH
Reserve Grand  Champion
Bopi Talent Lotanie (Talent), 2nd Senior Cow 6yr & Older, Pierre Oberson & Nicolas Savary, CH

SUARD-RED JORDAN IRENE Senior Champion All-European Champion Red & White Show Switzerland

Senior Champion
All-European Champion Red & White Show

Senior Champion
Suard Red Jordan Irene (Jordan), 1st Senior Cow 6yr & Older, Schrago Freres, CH
Reserve Senior Champion
Bopi Talent Lotanie (Talent), 2nd Senior Cow 6yr & Older, Pierre Oberson & Nicolas Savary, CH

DU LOUVION HAWAI Intermediate Champion All-European Champion Red & White Show France

Intermediate Champion
All-European Champion Red & White Show

Intermediate Champion
Du Louvion Hawai (Ladd P), 1st Junior Cow – 2 Calves, Earl Lepoint, FR
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Ptit Coeur Armani Barbotine (Armani), 1st Junior Cow – 1 Calf, Roger Frossard, CH

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Junior Cows 1st Calf (15)

PTIT COEUR ARMANI BARBOTINE 1st place Junior 1 All-European Championship Show 2016 Switzerland

1st place Junior 1
All-European Championship Show 2016

  1. Ptit Coeur Armani Barbotine (Armani), Roger Frossard, CH
  2. Knowlesmere Destry Dream Red (Destry), A&J Whittaker, UK
  3. Pitt Absolute Rolex (Absolute), Damien Pittet, CH
  4. Julianared Du Petit Rocher (Spectrum), Earl de La Grand Pommeraie & GAEC dud Petit Rocher, FR
  5. Majoric Texas Tamara (Texas), Frederic Overney, CH
  6. RS Rosanne (Armani), Egon Strudthoff, DE
  7. MLR Granada (Madmax), Paul Mathay, LU
  8. PraderGrens Adonis Laati (Adonis), Monique & Cedric Pradervand-Rey, CH
  9. Ruegruet Big Apple Melusina (Big Apple), Markus Nussbaumer, CH
  10. Idole (Acme), GAEC de Chataigniers, FR

Junior Cows 2nd Calvers (12)

DU LOUVION HAWAI 1st place Junior 2 All-European Championship Show 2016 France

1st place Junior 2
All-European Championship Show 2016

  1. Du Louvion Hawai (Ladd P), Earl Lepoint, FR
  2. Les Verdaux Destry Nabilla (Destry), Gerald Daflon, CH
  3. ClosDeChapel Savard Nolwenn (Savard), Jean-Luc & Blasie Maillard, CH
  4. All-Elisa Le Morissette R ET (Leonardo), TJR Portea SOC AGR & Mattia Benedetti, IT
  5. Londaly JOanthan Jenn (Jonathan), Ass. Gobet & Vallelian, CH
  6. Ponderosa Advent Red Regina (Advent), Ponderosa Holsteins, ES
  7. Upgrade R (Destry), Berta Roberto, IT
  8. Genredroch Du Petit Rocher (Destry), Earl de la Grand Pommeraire & Geac du Petit Rocher, FR
  9. Britta (Dixieland), Meier GBR, DE
  10. Parkend Director Starlet Red (Brian Weatherup & Partners, UK

Senior Cows 4 & 5 Year Old (10)

KNOWLESMERE ADVENTURE DREAM RED 1st place Senior 1 All-European Champion Red & White Show Switzerland

Les Ponts Diploma Galante
1st place Senior 1
All-European Champion Red & White Show

  1. Les Ponts Diploma Galante (Diploma), Claude Dumas, CH
  2. Edna Red (Mr Burns), Soc Agr Podere Tornata, IT
  3. Knowlesmere Adventure Dream Red (Adventure), A&J Whittaker, UK
  4. Klara (Savard), Jean Siegenthaler, CH
  5. Red Rocket (Vincent), Elisabeth Riegler, AT
  6. Chicca (Picolo), Gerd Gerdes, DE
  7. Goldenred (Picolo), Earl Ferme Rey, FR
  8. Barendonk Emma 220 (Jotan), Barendonk Holsteins VOF, NL
  9. MLR Filona (Jotan), Paul Mathay, LU
  10. Rainyridge Barb (Director), Gaec Botrel & Damien Gaubert & Arnaud Botrel, FR

Senior Cows 6 Years & Older (11)

SUARD-RED JORDAN IRENE 1st place Senior 2 All-European Champion Red & White Show Switzerland

1st place Senior 2
All-European Champion Red & White Show

  1. Suard Red Jordan Irene (Jordan), Schrago Freres, CH
  2. Bopi Talent Lotanie (Talent), Pierre Oberson & Nicolas Savary, CH
  3. GS Alliance Alando Jodie (Alando), S Bro Holstein & Swiss & Parrabel Genetics, CH
  4. HMS Halloveen (Tequila), Henrik Wille & Hubert Meyer, DE
  5. Yerly Ralstorm Gemina (Ralstorm), Everdes Holstein, CH