meta Wearable Technology is Making its Way to the Farm | The Bullvine

Wearable Technology is Making its Way to the Farm

Many people have heard of Google Glass and how it allows users the ability to get connected to common Web applications without using their hands. But can such technology help run your farm? Yes, and Craig Ganssle, founder and CEO of Basecamp Networks, says some agricultural operators are already capitalizing on it.

“We have developed a software program called intelliSCOUT which can analyze plants like tomatoes and instantly determine if they have contracted certain diseases just by glancing at them,” Ganssle told attendees at the 2015 PDPW Business Conference, sponsored by the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin.

IntelliSCOUT also has the ability to scan a cob of corn and count its individual kernels within seconds to determine the crop’s yield.

Ganssle said the program works by processing data from the wearable Google Glass device and channeling that information through the software. It can also work with smart phones and tablets in some cases.

Ganssle said the goal is to develop more applications that can be used on dairy farms, such as recognizing all of the cows in the barn and instantly bring up each of those animals’ production and health records.

“Essentially we are trying to help use modern technology to make running your farm easier and more profitable,” Ganssle notes. “If time is money, then program like these can lead to healthier profits on your farm.”

The intelliSCOUT software is distributed through Basecamp’s agricultural division, which is called FarmHouse Networks. More information on the company’s latest projects can be found by going to:

More highlights from the 2015 PDPW Business Conference are available at

Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin is a dairy-producer founded organization that provides educational programs and services to fellow dairy producers. PDPW’s mission is “to share ideas, solutions, resources, and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.”

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