meta 4 Ways Being Like a Dairy Farmer Will Improve Your Life | The Bullvine

4 Ways Being Like a Dairy Farmer Will Improve Your Life

Many of us kicked off the new year with high hopes of getting healthier, achieving more in our career or experiencing new adventures. Now that we are halfway through the year—how are your 2017 goals holding up? As you’ve been reviewing your resolution progress, we’ve been interviewing dairy farmers. Why? We want to know the secret behind their unwavering energy, enthusiasm and passion for life. After interviewing seven Nebraska farm families, we learned these four tips that are sure to improve your life.

1. Wake up at 4:00 a.m. every day

Only 8% of Americans are awake before 5:00 a.m. If you are one of those people, you may be experiencing some of the same benefits that dairy farmers have from being early risers. When we hosted a Facebook Live this month with Minnesota dairy farmer, Charles Krause with Krause Holsteins, he shared that he wakes up every day at 4:00 a.m. Waking up early allows time to get ahead of your goals, and feel productive and accomplished early in the day. These extra early hours allow dairy farmers find a balance between working on the farm, spending time with family and enjoying their community.

If you’re not an earlier riser just yet, don’t worry. Blogger Leo Babauta explained what happened when he switched from being a night owl to waking up at 4:30 a.m., including experiencing an increase in productivity and having clear goals. At a bare minimum, if you are a commuter, you can beat rush hour traffic. That’s a happiness hack that is hard to deny!

2. Appreciate What’s Around You

Do you find yourself getting your phone out to take a photo every time you see a beautiful sunrise over a lake or a landscape that just can’t be beat? Midwest farms have some of the most breath-taking views in the country. Dairy farmers love their land and show gratitude for their surroundings every day. Check out a few of our favorite sunrise photos posted on Twitter by dairy farmers. Next time you see a flower in bloom or catch a glimpse of a clear starry night, consider taking a deep breath and soaking up the scenery for an extra moment.

3. Carry on Family Traditions

97% of U.S. dairy farms are family-owned operations. Are you “that member” of the family that is updating your family tree on regularly? If you bake your grandmother’s famous apple pie recipe every December and then gather everyone to watch Elf for the 14th year in a row, you may have already mastered this step. There is comfort found in traditions and the time spent with family is invaluable. Take it from these seven Nebraska dairy farmers when we say, dairy farmers love family traditions. As the saying goes, the “stuff” you receive through your life will lose value, but your memories only get better with time.

4. Love all Animals

Do you refer to yourself as a Dog Mom or Dog Dad? Are you constantly sharing Facebook posts for animals that need homes? If you’ve ever been called an “animal lover,” you very well may already hold this passion that farmers have that bring them so much joy and fulfillment every day.

More than 98% of U.S. milk comes from farms that participate in the Farm Animal Care Program. This means that the farm has a veterinarian for their cows, creating a custom diet to keep them healthy, and has met all animal welfare guidelines. Dairy farmers care for their cows 365 days a year, regardless of the weather or circumstances.

As you reflect to see where you are at with your 2017 goals and you’re looking for an extra boost of mootivation (couldn’t resist), try some of these tips. Who knows, maybe you will channel your inner dairy farmer Zen at 4:00 a.m. or find a bit of extra happiness by continuing your favorite family traditions this year.

Source: MidWestDairy

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