meta Organic farming gets all the hype, but it doesn’t feed the world | The Bullvine

Organic farming gets all the hype, but it doesn’t feed the world

Natural does not mean non-toxic or safe. Synthetic does not mean toxic or harmful. Organic farmers are permitted to use pesticides and herbicides. Organic produce should be washed before it’s eaten. Conventional or organic, we’re all farmers.

In June, the federal agriculture minister Marie-Claude Bibeau announced a $992,131 investment in the Canadian Organic Trade Association for the development of export and domestic market opportunities. According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, there are about 3,713 certified organic producers in Canada operating on slightly more than two million acres of land.

The organic industry is one that has found tremendous success in differentiating itself from conventional agriculture and appealing to a consumer base that prefers to feel smart about their food choices without having to read the book.

It’s not a rebuke. For an industry just as inwardly driven by economics as it is outwardly driven by morals and a deep love of nature, organic agriculture has found a path into the consumer’s heart and wallet. It’s like staging a house. It’s like reading the headlines only. There’s more that should be known and there’s less that should be assumed. And this same logic applies to conventional as well as organic farming practices.

I’m not opposed to organic farming, nor will I die on the hill of conventional farming practices. I am a farmer and an agricultural egalitarian in that I believe food production principles and practices should be analyzed on merit and not on a label.

According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, “Organic production is a holistic system designed to optimize the productivity and fitness of diverse communities within the agro-ecosystem, including soil organisms, plants, livestock and people. The principle goal of organic production is to develop operations that are sustainable and harmonious with the environment.”

If this definition of organic agricultural production in Canada was once enough to differentiate itself from conventional farming practices, it isn’t anymore. We are all farmers, and more now than ever, all of us are concerned with the things that many consumers only attribute to the organic industry.

Soil health is a current agronomic priority for all farmers in Canada. Healthy crop rotations, as well. Biodiversity, intercropping, minimal- to zero-tillage practices — these are all becoming normal concerns for Canadian farmers, conventional or otherwise.

Get some diversity in there. Use the natural processes to help you instead of fighting against them

Dr. Dwayne Beck, in the Alberta Farm Express

The organic market is a high-end one and, as of today, is one that would not be able to meet global food demand nor answer all the questions regarding food security.

The squabbles between the industries seem at times petty. The organic farmer finds his or her synthetic pesticide-using neighbour brutish and uncaring of the environment. The conventional farmer finds his or her organic neighbour vapid, opposed to technology and unable to grow enough to feed the world.

Dr. Dwayne Beck is a professor in the Plant Science Department at South Dakota State University. Dr. Beck is a widely respected and outspoken proponent of farming practices that mimic nature. His message is not tied to organic vs conventional farming rationale. Rather, his message to farmers is focused on managing their farm’s soil health/structure and its ability to retain and deal with moisture in ways that produce crops in an environment modelled after the one they grew in naturally.

“Understand the natural processes,” the Alberta Farm Express quoted Dr. Beck as saying to a group of farmers. “If we try and go against that, then Mother Nature wins. That’s really what we’re saying today. Get some diversity in there. Use the natural processes to help you instead of fighting against them.”

Perhaps one day I’ll eavesdrop on an intelligent conversation surrounding organic vs conventional farming practices — one that recognizes the advantages of both. As farmers, organic or not, we should strive to work together for a strong, healthy and long-lasting agricultural sector.

Source: The Financial Post

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