This week there is a great dairy event going on in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. It is the 50th All-American Dairy Show and I find myself wondering whether it is worth going or not?
The Cattle
When I am deciding if it is worth going to the show, I first look at what cattle are going to be there. There have been times I have driven 10 hours just to go to a small show because I knew that show would have some great cattle. There are other times that I have not gone to a show that was under an hour’s drive away.
Supreme Champion entries during the 2012 All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg, pictured from left to right: Brown Swiss entry Dublin-Hills Treats exhibited by Kyle Barton, Copake Falls, N.Y.; Red & White entry MS Glad Ray Morefun -Red exhibited by Jarrod Duepengiesser of Nunda, N.Y.; Milking Shorthorn entry Mi-Sans Acres O Lust-ET exhibited by Mark Riley of Williamsfield, Ohio.; owner Gene Iager; Jersey entry Cascadia Iatola Puzzle exhibited by Emily Thornburg, Pleasant Plain, Ohio; Ayrshire entry Sunny Acres Rattler’s Kacie exhibited by Andrew Evans of Georgetown, N.Y.; Guernsey entry Walnut Ridge Russ Noper exhibited by Kaitlin G. Moser of Middletown, Del.; and Holstein entry Savage-Leigh Leona-ET exhibited by Chip Savage of Copake Falls, N.Y. (Photo by All-American Dairy Show)
This week in Harrisburg there will be five breed shows as well as junior shows and showmanship classes. It will be a great event to get to see many breeders. But for me it’s not the numbers it’s the quality. And while the All-American Show carries a title that would have you think that it is fully representative of cattle across the US, unfortunately due to it’s location and timing, less than a month from World Dairy Expo, many breeders have to choose between the two shows, and except for Jersey’s many of the other breed shows are missing the headliners that will go on to be All-American.
In talking with the owners and cattlemen responsible for looking after the headliners for World Dairy Expo, they all admit that they would love to go to the show this week. It’s a great show that the Pennsylvania department of agriculture does a great job supporting. However, there comes a point that you just cannot take these great cows to many more shows. By the time you hit the county, state and spring shows you have already put a fair bit of strain on these animals. To add another whole show, that for most requires a long ride, may be too much for these cows that still need to look their best less than a month later at World Dairy Expo. Though if you happen to be judging at World Dairy Expo and have an All-American nomination level animal, this show becomes very important.
The Reserve Grand and Senior Holstein Champion is Witaker Stormatic Rae owned by Craig Walton and Gene Iager, Iager is at the halter. Savage-Leigh Leona-ET was the 2012 Grand Champion and Senior Champion Holstein exhibited by Christopher and Isha Savage, pictured with sons Chase and Connor. Holding the Champion Banner is Pennsylvania Alternate Dairy Princess, Deidra Bollinger. (Photo by All-American Dairy Show)
Having said that, there is one headliner that I know is going to the show, Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-92. Gold Barbara, the unanimous All-American and All-Canadian in 2013, has calved again and is now owned by Kueffner Holsteins, St. Jacobs, Dr. Matt Iager and River Valley Dairy. (Read more: Sold- All-Canadian & Unanimous All-American Senior 2 year old from 2012 to Keuffner, St. Jacobs, Dr. Matt Iager and River Valley) Here is a cow that from reports I have heard since she calved may be worth the trip in her own right.
Butz-Butler Gold Barbara EX-92 (Max)
(Goldwyn x Regancrest Brasilia EX-92 x PR Barbie EX-92 x Brina EX-92)
All-Canadian & Unanimous All-American Senior 2 Year Old 2012
1st Senior 2 Year Old & HM Intermediate Champion Royal Winter Fair 2012
1st Senior 2 Year Old WDE 2012
Reserve Intermediate Champion WDE 2012
The Coverage
In this digital age, it’s amazing the coverage we get on all events. With many publications desperate for content, the All-American show is a great opportunity to cover all audiences. With all the major breeders and juniors there, there is certainly a strong readership among seed stock producers who would be interested in the results.
Supreme Champion lineup for the 10th annual Premier National Jr. Events at the 2013 All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg. (L-R): Pennsylvania FFA President Christopher Toevs; Agriculture Secretary George Greig; Red & White Grand Champion and exhibitor Cyrus Conrad of Sharon Springs, N.Y.; Milking Shorthorn Grand Champion and exhibitor Treven Andrews, Mansfield, Pa.; Jersey Grand Champion and exhibitor Patrick Youse, Ridgely, Md.; Supreme Champion, the Holstein, and exhibitor Chase Savage, Union Bridge, Md.; Grand Champion Guernsey and exhibitor Marshall Overholt, Big Prarie, Ohio; Grand Champion Brown Swiss and exhibitor Jesse Hargrave, Heuvelton, N.Y.; Grand Champion Ayrshire and exhibitor Jordan Helsley, Roaring Spring, Pa.; PA Dairy Princess Maria Jo Noble, Gillette, Bradford Co.; and Maryland FFA Vice-President Maegan Olson. (Photo by All-American Dairy Show)
Even the show itself does a great job of covering the show. There have been 24 press releases put out by the Pennsylvania department of agriculture since the last show. In addition, they also offer a webcast of the show starting tomorrow. Certainly great additional coverage for those that are not able to make the drive. I do think these digital mediums affect the attendance at the shows, but they also increase the overall reach of the events, by reaching out to the whole world. (Read more: Who is going to the show? Why attendance is down at the dairy cattle shows).
The Bullvine Bottom Line
It truly is a perplexing decision. I am sure there will many great breeders to chat with, and, with Barbara and the many other cattle that will be there. There will undoubtedly be some great cattle to see. However, with many of the headliners not there and such a long drive, it has us thinking about not attending…Stay tuned for our final decision.
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