No matter how you slice it, dairy history was made in Madison Wisconsin last weekend. Many of the cattle who paraded around that showcase ring have long resumes of wins behind them. KHW Regiment Apple-Red is no different. In 2006 she was the unanimous All-American Jr 2 year old. In 2010 she was the World Champion R&W Cow (Holstein International). In 2011 she was the unanimous All-American R&W Aged Cow. But on October 5th 2013, at the appropriately themed Centre of the Dairy Universe, Apple-Red made an entry in the history books that will be hard for her peers to top! (For complete Red and White Show Results)
KHW Regiment Apple 3-Red-ETN
Grand Champion International Red & White Show 2013
Reserve Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2013
Clone to Apple
KHW Regiment Apple-Red
Reserve Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2013
MS Candy Apple-Red-ET
Honorable Mention Grand Champion International Red & White Show 2013
Daughter of Apple-Red
Side by side – three Apples — had their shining moment in the spotlight at World Dairy Expo 2013 and set new benchmarks at the top of the ladder of show ring success. Never before was the red carpet so gloriously Red and dominated by a single family! While the crowd roared their approval of the final placings assigned by Judge Michael Heath, the record books took note that for the first time ever one special cow not only earned Reserve Grand Champion but was flanked on each side by the Grand Champion, her clone, and, on the other side by her daughter, the Honorable Mention Grand Champion. From every angle it was a sight to see. These three cows are almost identical! They are tall, angular, cherry red and with outstanding rear udders. It is almost impossible to tell them apart. Of course, this apple picking would not be complete without recognizing that Apple-Red’s brother, Advent-Red was Premier Sire of the Red and White Show. To top it all off Apple 3 went on to be named the Reserve Supreme Champion at WDE 2013! You will need a bunch of hampers for the awards, if you choose Reds for your dairy breeding bucket list. Is it any wonder that, for the crowd that witnessed these moments live, that lineup of three will be the stuff of expo-show-and-tell for years to come?
Apple Hits The Bucket of Wins List
It was over seven years ago that Mike Deaver, Edgerton, Wisconsin, picked a cherry red apple to bring to the show ring. The momentum has been building ever since. In truth the exceptional characteristics of the family had started well before Mike saw the Apple of his eye. Apple-Red is backed by no less than six direct dams that are Excellent, all with Multiple E’s. Her sire is Carrousel Regiment-Red-ET a plus proven Rubens son out of the very popular Stelbro Renita Ranger EX94 8*.
KHW Regiment Apple-3-Red-ETN is owned by Westcoast Holsteins of Chilliwack, BC. Reserve Grand Champion Apple-Red-ET is owned and exhibited by Apple Partners of Edgerton, Wisconsin. Honorable Mention Grand MS Candy Apple-Red-ET was shown by Frank and Carol Borba and Frank and Diane Borba of California. They went home with full baskets thanks to the prizes earned by their Apples.
It was also a thrilling show for spectators to watch, as Judge Michael Heath of Westminster, Md., and Associate Judge Mike Berry of Albany, Ore., placed a total of 250 Red and White Holsteins in the rank and file behind these top three. “The quality is visible from one end of the line to the other!” was an oft repeated declaration from an enthusiastic Michael Heath.
Apple Fills the Pail As Well
Often when we hear about show cows, we see that they excel for type but seldom do we see a cow that shows, flushes and then also produces almost 72,000 kgs of milk in four lactations and that milk is 4.8%F and 3.8%P. This is exactly what Apple-Red-ET does. These high component tests not only go far back in Apple’s pedigree but her daughters also are carrying on that tradition. Her show winning daughter Candy has produced 50,000 lbs of milk, 4.5%F & 3.8% P in her first two lactations. Apple herself has an outstanding +0.96%F (MACE CDN).
Apple Has a Taste for Genomics Too
As you might expect Apple has been flushed to many great sires. Her top genomic tested daughter is MS Apples Uno Armana DGV LPI +3276 (+0.53%F, +0.29%P, +18 CONF, Herd Life119 & Daughter Fertility 107) and her top genomically tested son is MR Apples Armani (Goldwyn) DGV LPI +2975 (+0.89%F, +0.39%P % +15 CONF). Uno has been a great mate for Apple with seven of her top ten genomically tested daughters sired by him. However the story is not complete. Apple has many young progeny that have yet to have their genomic numbers published.
Apple Also Shines Around the World
Since red color is popular throughout the dairy world, we can likely expect to see Apple’s influence expand exponentially as her genomically tested sons get purchased by AI and get used. The polish on this Apple family is likely just beginning. For example, in Australia Bluechip Holsteins and their partners have had sale topping Apple daughters and granddaughters. (Read more: Dean and Dianna Malcolm: Gobsmacked in Australia and Dean and Dianna Malcolm: Forward in Five Gears!) Dean Malcolm of Bluechip provides his perspective “She‘s not just red, she’s cherry red. She’s out of a Durham, she transmits rear udders, she’s from an amazing family and she has the numbers.” Dean goes on “Everyone who bought into the Apple family is enjoying the ride because their owners / managers, in the USA, are doing such a super job. It’s proof that if you buy good families from good cow men who continue to market, a lot of the work is already done for everyone”.
Francisco Rodriguez of Colganados in Columbia/USA reports how emotional his parents where when they watched Apple-Red’s accomplishments at Expo. They could not believe they have genetics from this great cow. Rodriguez own another clone to Apple, KHW Regiment Apple A1-Red-ETN (Read more: Francisco Rodriguez: Passion with a Purpose). They also own Apple’s daughter by Redburst Miss Apple Snapple-RED (Owned with Erbsen, IL and Muriel) who placed 5th in the Spring Heifer Class.
The Bullvine Bottom Line
Many people are putting the genes of this cherry red Apple into their herds and for good reason. The Apples are appealing to the eye, have productivity in the milk pail and are mothers of progeny with great potential. The Apple family are an investor’s dream – already proving that they are capable of bushels of success.
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