meta Times have changed. Why hasn’t the way you market your dairy cattle? | The Bullvine

Times have changed. Why hasn’t the way you market your dairy cattle?

You wouldn’t breed your top genomic cow to Rudolph. So, why are you marketing your cattle the same way you did 10 years ago?

That is the biggest question I am having trouble understanding. Genomics has revolutionized the breeding industry but, for  the most part, nothing has changed in the way most breeders, and especially most breeder magazines are marketing cattle.

Ten years ago marketing was largely print media based. Technological developments have changed the way people buy things.  This does include the way buying cattle.  According to Google over 12,000 people search for terms related to the dairy breeding industry.  More importantly than that, over 4,000 people per month search for terms such as dairy cattle embryos, Holstein embryos, Holstein semen, dairy cattle genetics That clearly shows that they have the intent to buy genetics.

Here are some examples of breeders who are embracing change and doing it right:

Avonlea Genetics

Avonlea Genetics keeps an active and up-to-date website that has the latest news.  More importantly they also do a newsletter to keep their followers up to date on what is going on as well as upcoming consignments or sales.

Avonlea Genetics

La Ferme Gillette Inc.

Keeps an active Facebook page where they are always updated on recent events at the farm as well as letting fans and potential customers get to know the people behind the name.

La Ferme Gillette

Ferme Jacobs

Ferme Jacobs really gets it.  They have started using the power of video and YouTube to show potential buyers just how their animals walk and look.  It’s does not have to be a big fancy production.  A simple video shot on your smart phone can do the trick.  Never under-estimate the power of video.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

These are just a few of the examples of how you can adopt your marketing to stay in touch with your marketplace.  It does not mean you have to spend huge dollars. Each of these potential marketing channels are very cost effect.  Some cost  nothing more than your time.  The big thing to remember is that times have changed. There are more ways to market your cattle than just some big expensive print ad, that is out of date in no time and barely remembered by most of your potential buyers.


Want to take your marketing to the next level, download our free guide “The Dairy Breeders Guide to Facebook“.

(T3, D1)

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