Archive for Management – Page 3

$$$ The reason many dairy farmers are NOT considering Robotic Milking

Wisconsin’s Dairy Innovation Hub is looking into why some dairy producers use robotic milkers while others avoid them. According to a university survey, 75% of dairy farmers do not consider automated milking systems due to the high cost of purchasing, installing, and maintaining them. The study also discovered that farms with more cows, higher rolling herd averages, and larger acres to manage were more likely to use automated milking systems. Farms with more than 1,000 cows and farms under 60 were less likely to use robots. The younger generation and farmers over the age of 60 were more likely to use automated milking systems because they grew up with and were more comfortable with technology. The study is currently underway to investigate profitability in automated systems and compare guided-flow versus free-flow barns. The survey found an equal split in the use of robot brands.

Four Actions To Hep Producers Make the Switch to Beef-On-Dairy

According to CattleFax, the beef-on-dairy program is predicted to reach 4 million to 5 million head in the United States, accounting for around 15% of total cattle harvest by 2026. This program is becoming more important for farmers, vets, and the industry, as the sexed-and-beef type of production becomes the norm. Veterinarians play an important role in assisting dairy farmers with the transition to this program, which will be critical to their long-term success.

The sexed-and-beef approach focuses on lowering heifer inventories by utilizing sex semen on a producer’s top heifers and cows, while maximizing returns in the remaining cows by combining beef genetics to generate a high-quality beef-cross. Most dairy producers have farms that fall into one of two categories: maintaining their present herd size with a commensurate cull rate, or increasing their cow herds internally to optimum growth via planned mating.

Veterans may help farmers make choices about beef-on-dairy production by understanding how many heifers each dairy farm needs and emphasizing health and reproductive practices to prevent heifer and cow mortality. Partnering with a genetics business or other specialist may assist in determining and achieving the optimal number of heifers for each farm.

Reducing heifer non-completion is critical since the majority of losses are caused by health or reproductive issues, as well as mortality. Stillbirth risk, cull risk, reproductive failure risk, and culling risk in pregnant heifers are all factors that contribute to this proportion being low.

In conclusion, the beef-on-dairy initiative is becoming more important to dairy farmers, veterinarians, and the industry. By understanding the two situations and using the sexed-and-beef paradigm, veterinarians may assist dairy farmers in making educated choices about beef-on-dairy production.

The article examines the significance of genetics in dairy production, with an emphasis on employing top genetics for replacement breeding and optimizing genetic development and herd health. It highlights the need of identifying top animals in the herd to optimize genetic advancement in heifer production and drive profitability, removing unfavorable characteristics from the herd, and producing high-value beef calves. The average cost of raising a heifer today ranges between $2,000 and $4,000, making it more crucial than ever for farmers to focus on profitable matings.

Heifers are regarded the most elite genetic animals on dairy farms, and utilizing sexed semen in them results in a greater return on investment. Genomics testing may assist farmers in selecting the finest animals, whether heifers, first-lactation or second-lactation cows, to get sexed semen. However, this procedure may be difficult to manage, and a breeding plan can guide farm staff on what to do when withdrawing an animal for insemination.

Step #3: Select the best semen product to help farms meet their short- and long-term business objectives. To lower expenses and increase beef-x-dairy profits, use sex-sorted semen that maximizes genetic improvement, health, fertility, and heifer ratios. Producers should choose the top 40% or so of the herd’s heifers for sexing, with the other 60% receiving beef semen. Semen purity is an essential factor in choosing the number of heifer matings to conduct, and genomic testing may assist identify people who have inherited genes that cause abortions or poor health.

Step 4: Recognize and exploit the characteristics that provide value to the chosen beef sire. Increase the value of beef-x-dairy profit by selecting sires that prioritize fertility, pricing, growth, efficiency, and yield. Everyone in the production chain has their own opinion on what makes a good beef sire, and dairy farmers want their cows to conceive, therefore fertility is the most important attribute.

According to Hockett, outdated inventory is no longer an issue in beef-x-dairy, since research demonstrates that conception rates in Holstein dairy cows are identical whether Angus or Holstein sires are employed. To meet demand, genetics firms must maintain low stockpiles. Sidestep discounts for different breeds, such as Charolais, Limousin, and Wagyu, may assist producers in establishing the value of beef-on-dairy calves and maintaining it over time in the business.

Enhancing Dairy Cow Health and Performance through Well-Mixed Feed Access

Optimizing dairy cow nutrition is crucial for ensuring herd health, milk production, and farm profitability. One often-overlooked aspect of feeding management is providing cows with access to well-mixed feed. This article delves into the importance of well-mixed feed for dairy cows and its impact on overall herd performance.

The Significance of Well-Mixed Feed: Well-mixed feed refers to a balanced blend of ingredients, including grains, forages, minerals, and supplements, thoroughly combined to provide consistent nutrition to dairy cows. Ensuring feed is properly mixed is essential for promoting rumen health, maximizing nutrient utilization, and minimizing feed wastage. When cows have access to uniform feed, they are more likely to consume a balanced diet, leading to improved milk production, reproductive performance, and overall well-being.

Benefits of Well-Mixed Feed Access:

  1. Improved Nutrient Intake: Cows are selective feeders and tend to prefer certain ingredients over others. With well-mixed feed, cows have access to a uniform ration, ensuring they consume essential nutrients in the correct proportions for optimal health and performance.
  2. Enhanced Rumen Function: The rumen, a fermentation chamber in the cow’s stomach, relies on a consistent diet to maintain microbial balance and fermentation efficiency. Well-mixed feed promotes rumen stability, reducing the risk of acidosis and other digestive disorders.
  3. Increased Milk Production: Consistent access to a balanced diet translates to higher milk yields. Well-mixed feed provides cows with the energy, protein, and vitamins necessary for peak lactation performance, ultimately boosting farm profitability.
  4. Reduced Feed Waste: Inconsistently mixed feed can lead to segregation of ingredients, resulting in cows picking and choosing certain components while ignoring others. This selective feeding behavior increases feed wastage and compromises nutritional intake. Well-mixed feed minimizes sorting behavior, reducing feed losses and improving feed efficiency.

Strategies for Ensuring Well-Mixed Feed:

  1. Utilize Proper Mixing Equipment: Invest in high-quality feed mixing equipment capable of thoroughly blending ingredients to achieve uniformity.
  2. Monitor Mixing Procedures: Train staff to follow standardized mixing protocols, ensuring consistent feed quality and nutrient distribution.
  3. Conduct Regular Feed Analysis: Periodically test feed samples to verify nutrient content and assess mixing accuracy. Adjust formulations as needed to meet herd requirements.
  4. Implement Feed Bunk Management: Manage feed delivery and access to encourage consistent intake among cows, minimizing competition and bullying at the feed bunk.

Providing dairy cows with access to well-mixed feed is a fundamental aspect of modern dairy farming. By prioritizing feed quality and consistency, farmers can optimize herd nutrition, health, and productivity. Investing in proper mixing equipment, adhering to mixing protocols, and monitoring feed quality are essential steps toward achieving well-mixed rations. Ultimately, ensuring cows receive a balanced diet translates to improved milk production, profitability, and sustainability for dairy operations.

Gene Editing Produces BVDV-Resistant Calves

The use of gene editing in cattle has resulted in bovine viral diarrhea (BVDV) resistance. This study, undertaken by USDA researchers and the University of Nebraska, intended to lower a calf’s vulnerability to BVDV. BVDV is a difficult cow illness that harms animal health by weakening the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, and reproductive function. It may also be a quiet plague, since sick animals can transfer it to their herd members while seeming healthy.

The researchers employed CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology to modify six amino acids in the CD46 gene, which is the site inside the cell where the virus cleaves and enters to infect and multiply in a new host animal. They utilized cloned Gir cow embryos and transferred modified cells to part of them, leaving the other half unedited and serving as “wild-type” controls. Eight embryos of each variety were transplanted into cows.

Of the resulting fetuses, one edited and one unedited fetus were collected at 100 days to assess BVDV resistance in cells from many bodily systems. Ultimately, one full-term pregnancy emerged from an altered embryo, and the calf was delivered by cesarean section at 285 days gestation.

The research discovered that the altered calf was considerably less susceptible to BVDV in a laboratory environment than the unedited fetus. Live tissue samples revealed that the altered calf had a much lower BVDV susceptibility in the three cell types studied – skin fibroblasts, lymphocytes, and monocytes – than the unedited control calf.

The research also found that although gene editing did not completely protect the calf from BVDV, it did greatly increase its capacity to tolerate the viral onslaught. The commercial use of such technology has yet to emerge, but the capacity to help cattle fight BVDV has potentially far-reaching consequences.

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is one of the most burdensome viruses affecting the health and well-being of cattle throughout the world. The main host receptor mediating BVDV infection is CD46. This proof-of-concept study showed that substituting six amino acids in CD46 caused a dramatic reduction in BVDV susceptibility in a gene-edited calf without causing any obvious adverse effects in the first 20 months of life. This provides the first example of gene editing in cattle to reduce the impact of a major viral disease. This approach could significantly improve animal welfare, increase the long-term sustainability of cattle production, and provide an opportunity to reduce antibiotic use in agriculture, given that BVDV infection puts calves at risk for secondary bacterial diseases.

When to Assist with Calving

Bovine parturition is a three-stage procedure that includes the dilatation of the cervix, the delivery of the calf, and the placenta or afterbirth. The choice to help a female during calving is based on the birth process, typical Stage 2 timings, and the calf fetus’ usual appearance.

Intervening in the calving process too early or too late might have detrimental consequences, such as slowing contractions and delaying calving. It is critical to let the natural birth process to take its course before interfering, since waiting too long might result in debilitated or dead calves.

Starting the clock upon the appearance of the water bag at the start of Stage 2 is critical. Every few minutes, the uterus contracts, followed by contractions of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. The calf’s front feet and potentially nose emerge from the vulva, and the dam applies maximal force to drive the shoulders and chest through the pelvic girdle. After passing through the vulva, the abdominal muscles relax and the hips and legs stretch back, making it simpler to pass through the hip area.

According to recent studies, healthy heifers and cows should calve independently within 60 minutes following the development of the water bag, whereas healthy cows normally calve in less than 30 minutes after Stage 2 begins.

Deciding whether to give aid requires judgment, and excellent judgment comes with experience. Uncertainty might develop while watching a heifer or cow with an odd appearance or a big calf. If you don’t know when Stage Two began, no progress is being made, or all symptoms are normal but the deadlines are running out, a vaginal exam may be required to establish the issue and if assistance is required.


Diets with botanicals help dairy cows utilize energy more effectively.

A Penn State study discovered that supplementing high-producing dairy cows with the botanical extract capsicum oleoresin, derived from chili peppers, or a combination of that extract and clove oil resulted in the animals using feed energy more efficiently and emitting less methane from their largest stomach. The cow would use the available energy on body weight increase rather than milk production or milk components.

The data imply that supplementing with this botanical combination may have a good physiological and environmental impact. The researchers understood that botanicals had the ability to alter fermentation in the dairy cow’s biggest stomach, known as the rumen. In a nearly two-decade-long attempt to boost milk output and minimize environmental emissions from dairy farms, they have experimented with supplementing the diet of high-performing dairy cows with anything from seaweed to garlic and oregano oils to synthetic chemicals.

Methane, a strong greenhouse gas produced by cows’ belching, is the product of fermentation in the cow’s rumen. This technique enables the animal to eat and use fibrous meals and waste that are indigestible to humans or other agricultural animals with simple stomachs. The combination of capsicum oleoresin and clove oil reduced methane output and intensity in the study’s cows by 11%, with the effect being most noticeable in first-lactation cows.

Botanicals, also known as phytonutrients, are plant-derived bioactive chemicals that have antimicrobial activities against bacteria, protozoa, and fungus. Studies on non-ruminant species have demonstrated that phytonutrients may cause particular gastrointestinal and immune responses in animals. Various botanicals containing active compounds such as eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, allicin, and capsaicin may stimulate immunological responses, decrease oxidative stress, and impact insulin secretion and function.

In a 10-week study at the Penn State Dairy Barns, 48 Holstein cows were randomly allocated to one of three food regimens. The research discovered that cows supplied with capsicum oleoresin or a mixture of capsicum oleoresin and clove oil used energy more efficiently.

What if cows could talk?

Lead researcher James Chen is developing an acoustic data-driven tool to help enhance animal welfare and lower methane emissions in precision livestock farming. Photo courtesy of James Chen.

Virginia Tech researchers are deciphering cow vocalizations using acoustic data and machine learning, with the goal of improving animal welfare and lowering methane emissions via precision livestock farming. James Chen, an animal data sciences researcher and assistant professor, is utilizing a $650,000 grant from the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture to create an acoustic, data-driven tool for analyzing cow vocalizations for indicators of stress or sickness.

Cows convey their feelings via vocalization, and we must pay attention to what they are saying. Sound data may be obtained from cows individually and constantly, making it superior than video or other techniques of observing cows’ emotions and health. By combining auditory data with biological and visual clues, we may be more objective in our analysis of behavior.

Chen and his co-investigator, Virginia Cooperative Extension dairy scientist and associate professor Gonzalo Ferreira, want to gather audio data from cows, calves, and beef cattle on the grassland. They will next use machine learning to evaluate and categorize hundreds of audio data points, as well as interpret cow vocalizations like mooing, munching, and burping for indicators of stress or disease.

Chen and Ferreira are especially interested in discovering the vocal patterns used by cows to indicate discomfort. By monitoring the frequency, amplitude, and length of cow moos and vocalizations and matching the sound data with saliva cortisol samples, scientists may determine if cows are under no stress, moderate stress, or severe stress, and begin to interpret their “language.”

The collected data will be made accessible via an open-source, web-based tool for scientists, producers, and the general public. The ultimate objective is to use this methodology on a broader scale, creating a public dataset to guide legislation and laws.

Enhancing Dairy Farm Profitability: Precision Treatment Methods to Curtail Mastitis Losses

Mastitis, a pervasive ailment among dairy cattle, poses a significant threat to both animal welfare and farm profitability. However, advancements in precision treatment strategies have emerged as a beacon of hope for dairy farmers striving to mitigate losses associated with this affliction.

Mastitis, characterized by inflammation of the udder tissue, not only compromises milk quality but also leads to decreased milk production, increased veterinary costs, and potential culling of affected animals. Consequently, addressing mastitis promptly and effectively is paramount for dairy operations.

Traditionally, mastitis treatment involved broad-spectrum antibiotics administered to the entire herd or affected animals based on visual symptoms. However, such an approach often resulted in overuse of antibiotics, contributing to antimicrobial resistance and increasing treatment costs. Moreover, indiscriminate antibiotic use raised concerns regarding milk residue and food safety.

Enter precision treatment methods, which offer a more targeted and efficient approach to mastitis management. These methods leverage technological innovations such as on-farm diagnostic tools, data analytics, and herd management software to identify mastitis cases accurately and tailor treatment plans accordingly.

One notable example is the utilization of milk somatic cell count (SCC) as a diagnostic tool. Elevated SCC levels indicate the presence of mastitis, enabling early detection of subclinical cases before visible symptoms manifest. By regularly monitoring SCC levels, dairy farmers can identify affected animals promptly, allowing for timely intervention to prevent the spread of infection and minimize production losses.

Additionally, advancements in microbial testing have facilitated the identification of the causative pathogens behind mastitis cases. Armed with this knowledge, veterinarians can prescribe targeted antimicrobial therapies, thereby optimizing treatment efficacy while reducing the risk of antibiotic resistance development.

Furthermore, the integration of data analytics and artificial intelligence into herd management systems has revolutionized mastitis prevention and control. These technologies analyze vast amounts of data, including individual cow health records, environmental factors, and milking practices, to identify potential risk factors contributing to mastitis outbreaks. By proactively addressing these factors, such as optimizing cow comfort or adjusting milking procedures, farmers can reduce the likelihood of mastitis occurrence and minimize associated losses.

Beyond treatment and prevention, precision methods also encompass strategic decision-making regarding the culling of chronically infected animals. By accurately assessing the cost-benefit ratio of retaining or removing affected cows from the herd, farmers can optimize long-term profitability while maintaining herd health and productivity.

In conclusion, precision treatment methods represent a paradigm shift in mastitis management, offering dairy farmers a more accurate, cost-effective, and sustainable approach to curbing losses associated with this prevalent ailment. By embracing these innovations and integrating them into their management practices, dairy operations can safeguard animal welfare, enhance milk quality, and bolster profitability in the face of mastitis challenges.

Harnessing Feedback to Cultivate a Cohesive Dairy Farm Team

In the dynamic world of dairy farming, the strength of a team can make all the difference between mere survival and thriving success. Among the myriad factors that contribute to a robust team, feedback stands out as a cornerstone for growth and cohesion. Effective feedback mechanisms not only foster individual development but also cultivate a culture of collaboration and excellence within the dairy farm operation.

Here are several strategies for utilizing feedback to build a strong team on the dairy farm:

  1. Regular Performance Reviews: Implementing regular performance reviews allows team members to receive constructive feedback on their work. These reviews should encompass various aspects of farm operations, such as animal care, equipment maintenance, and administrative tasks. By providing specific, actionable feedback, individuals can understand their strengths and areas for improvement, leading to enhanced performance and productivity.
  2. Open Communication Channels: Encourage open communication channels where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and suggestions. Whether through regular team meetings, suggestion boxes, or digital platforms, fostering a culture of transparency and inclusivity promotes trust and collaboration among team members.
  3. Peer-to-Peer Feedback: Facilitate peer-to-peer feedback sessions where team members can provide constructive criticism and support to one another. Peer feedback not only reinforces a sense of camaraderie but also allows individuals to gain insights from their colleagues’ perspectives, fostering continuous learning and development.
  4. Recognition and Appreciation: Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of team members. Whether through verbal praise, awards, or incentives, recognizing individuals’ efforts fosters morale and motivation within the team. Additionally, expressing gratitude for a job well done reinforces positive behaviors and encourages continued excellence.
  5. Feedback Training and Education: Provide training and resources to help team members deliver and receive feedback effectively. Offering workshops or seminars on communication skills, active listening, and conflict resolution equips individuals with the tools necessary to navigate feedback conversations constructively. By investing in feedback education, the team can cultivate a culture of mutual respect and continuous improvement.
  6. Feedback Integration into Decision-Making: Integrate feedback into the decision-making process to ensure that team members’ voices are heard and valued. Whether soliciting input on farm strategies, process improvements, or resource allocation, involving the team in decision-making fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to shared goals.
  7. Continuous Improvement Loop: Establish a continuous improvement loop where feedback is actively sought, implemented, and reassessed. By regularly evaluating the effectiveness of feedback mechanisms and adjusting strategies as needed, the team can adapt and evolve in response to changing dynamics and challenges.

In conclusion, harnessing feedback as a tool for growth and development is essential for building a strong and cohesive team on the dairy farm. By prioritizing open communication, recognition, and continuous improvement, dairy farm operations can empower team members to excel individually and collectively, ultimately driving success in an ever-evolving industry.

Dairy Heifer Shortage May Limit U.S. Milk Production

According to the USDA’s most current Cattle report, the number of dairy heifers available to replace older cows leaving the US dairy herd has decreased by over 15% over the previous six years, hitting a 20-year low. This reduction may impede any major increase in domestic milk output during the next several years. The growing cost of raising dairy heifer calves has far outpaced gains in heifer values in recent years, prompting dairy farmers to lower their heifer replacement inventories, mostly by breeding more dairy heifers and cows to beef bulls.

In recent years, most farms have lost money raising dairy heifers, with expenditures ranging from $600 to $900 per animal. To better manage on-farm heifer inventories, dairy producers have begun to use beef semen on a section of their dairy herd, reducing the number of replacement heifers while also generating extra cash from beef sales.

The disparity between raising expenses and selling value has resulted in a lengthy and steady fall in replacement heifers in recent years. While some variation in the population of replacement heifers is unavoidable due to market and economic pressures, an adequate inventory is vital to the continuation of U.S. milk supply and the industry’s capacity to grow.

The sharp decline in heifer supplies remained mostly ignored until lately, when dairy producers sought to purchase now-scarce replacements. As a consequence, dairy replacement costs have risen to an eight-year high, with USDA statistics and auction market estimates ranging from $1,890 to $2,800 per cow. Given the scarcity of replacements, these elevated prices are likely to remain in place for the foreseeable future.

Impact of Passive Transfer on Calf Immunity

Dairy calves are born with little to no immune protection, thus they need high-quality colostrum for passive immunity transmission. Passive immunity transfer occurs when a calf absorbs IgGs from colostrum; generally, 4 liters of high-quality colostrum (Brix% > 22) is given during the first four hours after birth. There are four types of passive transmission of immunity: outstanding, good, fair, and poor. A recent research in the Journal of Dairy Science compared calf health indicators and average daily gain (ADG) to these classifications.

The trial included roughly 3400 calves from a single farm that were given 4 liters of high-quality colostrum via an esophageal tube feeder within 30 minutes of delivery. The calves were then kept in solitary pens for the first few days of life before being transferred to group enclosures of ten animals at three weeks old. The findings revealed that 4.8% had poor passive transfer of immunity, 29.5% had fair, 28.3% had good, and 37.4% had exceptional.

The research also discovered that variables such as the dam’s lactation number, the individual employee giving the colostrum, and the ease of calving all had an impact on passive immunity transmission. Calves born to moms in their third or later lactation exhibited less passive transmission of immunity. Cows having dystocia and requiring help during birth had calves with reduced passive immunity transfer.

Good management techniques are critical for dairy cattle because unique personnel might influence passive transmission of immunity. Employee training and frequent procedural checks are crucial. Dystocia may be avoided by mating cows to bulls with a high calving ease score and ensuring heifers have the appropriate size and maturity when they calve. Animals should calve at a body condition score of 3.5 to ensure they have enough weight to drop before entering a negative energy balance and producing milk.

Colostrum is only considered high-quality if it is free of excessive germs. Colostrum should be collected in a sanitary container and supplied from a properly sterilized bottle. If not given quickly, the bacteria concentration of the colostrum will increase every 20 minutes, endangering the calf’s health. To establish a productive cow, a professionally educated person should give high-quality colostrum within a few hours after delivery.

Take a look into your dairy’s future with data

Collecting data during calfhood and heifer stages can shed light on the production potential of your cows and help make key herd management decisions.

No one can predict the future. But, thanks to data management tools, we can reflect on where we’ve been and use industry-leading insights to guide where we want to go. Reviewing your dairy’s data routinely will help you understand your farm’s complete picture.

While analyzing the data, ask questions and reflect on your goals. Are you reaching them? What changes have you made, and how does the data reflect those changes? Are any common challenges highlighted in the data?

Taliah Danzinger is the senior manager of dairy intelligence at VAS.

“Numbers in a table are great, and looking at a graph can help visualize precisely what is happening on your dairy,” says Taliah Danzinger, senior manager of dairy intelligence at VAS. “Using those graphs to look at data collected over an extended period, 18 months to two years, can highlight seasonal or annual trends.”

Here’s a look at how to get the most from your data to inform your future.

From the past into the future

One way to make an informed decision about the future is to look to the past. Is there a challenge that happens every year on your farm? Do you have a similar issue that occurs every spring?

Data management tools, like HealthVAL and Reproduction Insights in DairyComp, allow you to pull graphs easily for various timeframes to zero in on your herd’s health and reproduction performance. Once you can see the data, catching those seasonal and yearly trends becomes easier.

Then, understanding what caused those trends can help you better predict what may occur in the future and prepare for it. What may have influenced the trend? Have you made any recent changes in management, facilities or protocols? Changes in feed?

“When discussing seasonality and yearly trends, most think of heat stress and its effects. While this is a common example, there are other influences,” says Danzinger. “In many cases, there is a logical explanation that can be solved with changes to management.”

For example, a farm experiences more ketosis events each year around September. During this time, they transition to new crop corn silage in the ration. The dairy can potentially mitigate this issue by being more intentional with silage inventory and carryover.

With the right tools, you can pinpoint trends in your dairy’s data, implement effective management changes and consequently enhance herd health and profitability. This proactive approach allows for better control and mitigation of recurring trends in the future.

Studying the trends within your dairy’s data and questioning why something may occur is the key to making informed decisions for the future.

Don’t underestimate calf and heifer data

The data you collect on your calves and heifers, like illnesses and management, can help you analyze and anticipate lifetime and production potential.

“We have so much to gain from tracking data on our calves and heifers, and it has never been easier,” says Danzinger. “With mobile cowside technology, or in this case, calfside, we can capture data on the fly and use it for long-term tracking.”

You can use data from birth through the heifer stage in a variety of ways, including:

  • Setting goals for how many health events are acceptable for a calf and creating a plan to reach that goal.
  • Managing inventory to determine who is best to keep in the herd based on performance data.
  • Building a breeding program around the data that influences breeding, including market prices for calves and heifers, culling rate in the herd, and desired age at first calving.
  • Assessing first lactation performance to evaluate how calfhood events influence lactation production and potential.
  • Prepare for a successful year (and future)

Without interpretation and analysis, data is just numbers. It can only work for us if we work with it. The key? Intentionality. Setting aside time to review your data routinely and make connections is the start of implementing good data stewardship and management practices throughout the year.

“How your data in different management areas of the farm connects tells the story behind the numbers,” says Danzinger. “Without understanding that story, it is difficult to continue your dairy’s success or build and improve upon its challenges.”

The past explains where we have been and where we are today, but it can also inform us of what is to come. Keeping an inventory of your management changes can help you interpret their effect on your dairy’s performance based on trends in the data.

All these things play into the story behind your data, and if you’re intentional about reviewing it with your team and connecting the dots, you can set yourself up for a solid future.

“The best way to take advantage of your data is to lean on the people surrounding your dairy, your management team, trusted advisors and data experts, and the tools built to make data management easier,” says Danzinger.

Visit for more information on how to arm yourself with the right herd management tools and data team to build on your herd’s performance for the future.

VAS is the global market leader in connected farm management systems. For 40 years, VAS has been the operating system of choice for the most innovative dairies. VAS’ software and information solutions help collect and connect a farm’s data – from herd management to feed performance, tracking and more. These insights are a source of truth, empowering producers and their trusted advisors to make profit-driven and sustainable management decisions. At the forefront of thought leadership within the dairy industry, VAS is trusted by the producers we serve and the greater dairy community.

The impact of cow personalities on milking performance

Researchers at the University of Guelph are looking at the link between a cow’s personality and her milking ability. Dr. Trevor DeVries, a professor in the Department of Animal Biosciences at Ontario Agricultural College (OAC), has conducted a number of studies on the various character and temperament traits of dairy cows and how they affect their behavior and production in automated milking systems (AMS). The significance of this study rests in knowing how various personalities affect milk output in cows.

To assess personality in a cow, researchers transfer them to a new enclosure and study their behavior for 10 minutes. They next introduce an item that the cow has never seen before, such as a yoga ball, and observe their behavior for another 10 minutes. Finally, they bring a new individual inside the pen for an extra ten minutes. The time spent on each kind of behavior is divided by the overall length of the test, yielding a percentage of test time.

A Principal Component Analysis is used to identify cows with similar habits and group them together. A recent research by Dr. DeVries and PhD student Anna Schwanke found that cows with high boldness and activeness adapted better to the AMS soon after calving, but cows with low activeness and high boldness fared better in terms of milk supply and milking activity in early lactation.

Dr. DeVries and MSc student Sabina Czachor also investigated the relationships between dams’ personality qualities and their offspring, finding favorable links between active dams and exploratory-active heifers or active dams and brave heifers. This information might be utilized to choose a certain kind of cow or to adjust management to adapt or shape personalities.

Get the training done properly the first time.

Effective training is essential for workers to understand what has to be done and how to execute it, which is a fundamental need of every firm. Richard Stup, who has been working with farmers on staff development for over 20 years, believes that training is an essential component of managing a well-led team. Training is vital for new workers and team members who may be taking on new or increased responsibilities.

To create a positive training experience, farm owners should choose the best individual to teach them, taking into account their work expertise, passion in the task, and willingness to assist a newcomer. Farm owners should also break down linguistic barriers to deliver training that is actually effective.

Good training begins with the trainer’s preparation, which includes giving out the justification (why) for the task and defining what the employee wants to be able to perform after the training is over. Active, engaging options include practicing the activity in a controlled setting, discussing it with someone else, or selecting the best option from a list of possibilities.

When it comes time for training, Stup suggests using the “tell, show, do, review” cycle. Explain to the employee what they will learn and why it is essential, teach them what to do, and have them complete an assignment that demonstrates what they learned. Evaluate if they learned the assignment well enough and, if so, congratulate them. If not, praise the things that went well while providing criticism on the areas that were missed. Repeat the process until they have a firm handle on the whole work.

Investing in effective training can benefit both workers and the company in the long term, since doing the task correctly saves time and effort compared to an untrained person missing critical stages and needing to be redirected.

Effects of giving an excessive amount of concentrates during milking

A research undertaken by AFBI in Northern Ireland looked at the advantages of autonomous milking systems and their influence on milking, yield, and concentrate consumption. The research believed that cows with high energy needs, such as those in early lactation or high producing, were not ingesting adequate concentrates for maintenance and productivity. To address this issue, some farmers are constructing out-of-parlour feeders that allow for more concentrate ingestion. However, it is critical to determine if feeding more concentrate via out-of-parlour feeders would have a negative influence on robot visit frequency.

The trial housed 48 cows with one milking robot and two out-of-parlour feeding. The PMR, which included 80% grass silage and 20% wholecrop, plus a 2kg concentrate mix per cow, was given once daily. The cows were divided into two groups: ‘robot high’ animals, which got 80% of their increased concentrate diet at the milking robot feeding station and 20% via out-of-parlour feeders. The second group, ‘robot low’ cows, got 20% of their supplemental concentrate from the milking robot feeding station and 80% from out-of-parlour feeders. These extra concentrate volumes were allocated on a feed-to-yield basis, although a minimum of 1kg per cow per day was always provided via the milking robot feeding station.

The research looked at how concentrate allocation affected trips to the milking robot and out-of-parlour feeders, as well as concentrate and PMR consumption, milk output, and laying time. The frequency of successful and failed milking trips did not change across groups. However, visit rates to out-of-parlour feeders varied, with ‘robot high’ cows visiting the feeders 8.01 times less per week than ‘robot low’ cows.

The study discovered that when cows were given the majority of their concentrate ration in out-of-parlour feeders, milking frequency was unaffected, yield was unaffected, and cows who received the majority of their concentrate within the milking robot did not have a higher number of unsuccessful milking visits. As a result, the laying time was unaffected.

Interestingly, cows having a greater allocation inside the out-of-parlour feeders visited them more often, indicating that cows may vary their visits as required to meet their energy needs. Milk output was consistent independent of feed allocation patterns, although cows with larger allocations inside the milking robot left more concentrate unconsumed, which is a source of worry.

In terms of PMR intake, cows fed more concentrate in the milking robot had lower PMR intakes in week 1 than those fed more concentrate in the out-of-parlor feeder, but the benefits did not last longer.

Farmers should ensure that cows do not get too much concentrate feed from the milking robot.

February 2024: USDA Announces Updates to Farm Loan Rates

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced loan interest rates for February 2024, effective the beginning of the month. The Farm Service Agency (FSA) strives to help agricultural farmers improve their operations, purchase required equipment, and manage cash flow issues. The USDA’s loan programs are designed to suit the different requirements of farmers, including veterans and those just starting out. The rates for February 2024 include farm operating loans at 5.125%, farm ownership loans at 5.375%, special rates for joint financing at 3.375%, down payment loans at 1.500%, and emergency loans to offset real losses at 3.750%. The USDA also works with commercial lenders to provide guaranteed loans, giving farmers another option for securing financing at reasonable rates. The FSA’s endeavor to shorten the loan application process using online resources and a streamlined paper application is part of a larger push to improve customer service and operational efficiency.

The correct forages are the foundation of an appropriate diet.

Precision feed management is dependent on the quality of a farm’s homegrown forages, since they determine the composition of the diet. A dairy may use a high-forage diet to improve cow health and income over feed cost (IOFC). Maximizing IOFC is critical for correctly feeding cows, since grain cannot entirely compensate for the nutritional gap caused by inadequate forage quality. To establish a solid fodder foundation, farmers should harvest at the appropriate stage and store them properly.

According to a Penn State Extension research, the capacity to manage fodder quality and inventory was the most important predictor of profitability among dairy farms evaluated. Crops should be harvested at the peak of their ripeness. Farms should aim for high-quality feed from every acre rather than entering a cropping season with the expectation of knowing which areas would produce poorly or provide low-quality feed.

Hunch maturity is one of the most important factors influencing corn silage quality, therefore it is critical to regularly monitor total plant dry matter and kernel maturity. To produce high-quality feed, consider cut length, cutting height, and kernel processing score during harvest. Maturity is also important for hay crops, especially at the initial cutting, since it influences fiber digestibility.

Start with heaps that are adequately sized for daily clearance and keep various feeds or quality levels in separate storage areas. Consider storage density and ensure that piles are adequately covered to exclude oxygen. A research-backed inoculant could be an excellent option.

Feedout is a vital stage because it entails reintroducing oxygen into fermented, stable feed. Samples should be obtained upon ensiling to determine what you’re beginning with, and then again while feeding. Forage quality is determined by providing the appropriate quality to the appropriate animals, which is accomplished by precision feeding.

Ensuring the Future: Strategic Succession Plans for Dairy Farmers

Succession planning is a crucial aspect of any business, and dairy farming is no exception. For family-owned dairy farms, creating a well-thought-out succession plan is essential for ensuring the smooth transition of operations from one generation to the next. In this article, we will explore the importance of succession planning for dairy farmers and provide insights into creating effective strategies for a successful transfer of leadership and ownership.

The Significance of Succession Planning in Dairy Farming:

  1. Preserving Legacy: Succession planning is vital for preserving the legacy of a dairy farm. Many family-owned farms have a rich history and deep-rooted connections to the community. A well-executed succession plan ensures that the values, traditions, and hard work invested by the previous generation are carried forward.
  2. Sustainable Business Continuity: Dairy farming is not just a job; it’s a way of life. Effective succession planning ensures the seamless continuity of the business, preventing disruptions in daily operations. This is crucial for maintaining a sustainable and profitable dairy farm for years to come.
  3. Financial Stability: Succession planning involves careful financial considerations. By addressing issues related to ownership, taxation, and estate planning, dairy farmers can mitigate potential financial challenges during the transition. This helps in maintaining the financial stability of the farm and ensuring its prosperity in the long run.

Key Steps in Creating a Succession Plan for Dairy Farmers:

  1. Start Early and Communicate: Begin the succession planning process well in advance. Open and honest communication among family members is key. Discuss individual goals, aspirations, and expectations to ensure everyone is on the same page. Starting early allows for a smooth transition and minimizes conflicts.
  2. Identify and Develop Successors: Identify potential successors within the family who are interested and qualified to take on leadership roles. Provide opportunities for them to gain hands-on experience and gradually take on more responsibilities. Training and mentoring are crucial for preparing the next generation of dairy farmers.
  3. Legal and Financial Considerations: Consult with legal and financial experts to address ownership structure, tax implications, and estate planning. Establishing a clear legal framework ensures a smooth transfer of assets and minimizes the risk of disputes. Financial planning is essential to secure the economic stability of the farm.
  4. Document the Plan: Formalize the succession plan in writing. This document should outline the roles and responsibilities of each family member, the timeline for the transition, and any other relevant details. Having a written plan helps in avoiding misunderstandings and provides a clear roadmap for the future.
  5. Regularly Review and Adjust: The agricultural industry is dynamic, and circumstances may change over time. Regularly review the succession plan to ensure its relevance and make adjustments as needed. This flexibility is crucial for adapting to evolving market conditions, family dynamics, and individual aspirations.


Succession planning is a critical aspect of securing the future of family-owned dairy farms. By starting early, communicating openly, and addressing legal and financial considerations, dairy farmers can ensure a smooth transition of leadership and preserve their farming legacy. A well-executed succession plan not only safeguards the continuity of the business but also contributes to the long-term success and sustainability of the dairy farm for generations to come.

Canada Approved Cattle Methane Emissions Limiting Feed Ingredient

Bovaer, a feed component, has been authorized in Canada to minimize methane emissions from beef and dairy cattle. Bovaer neutralizes methane in the rumen, which is produced when bacteria degrade feed, releasing hydrogen and CO2. Dsm-firmenich, a Dutch business, aims to make the product accessible in Canada within a few weeks. Bovaer has already been authorized in many regions throughout the globe, including Europe, Brazil, and Australia.

Using the substance, Canadian livestock feeders may lower methane emissions by up to 45 percent on average. For dairy cows, Bovaer may cut methane emissions by 30% on average, possibly decreasing the entire greenhouse gas footprint per liter of milk by 10 to 15%. Canadian study has shown a little improvement in feed efficiency but no change in cattle growth rate.

The approval follows the CFIA’s approval of the active component in Bovaer, 3-Nitrooxypropanol (3NOP). The Canadian Cattle Association’s president, Nathan Phinney, is delighted with the regulatory avenue available for new feed components that lower methane emissions, helping the industry reach its 2030 emissions target.

According to a CCA/National Cattle Feeders’ Association announcement, 3NOP has shown no deleterious effects on the rumen microbial community when given to cattle. The Canadian beef sector plans to cut primary production greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity by 33% by 2030, whereas Dairy Farmers of Canada aspires for net zero emissions by 2050.

Enteric methane emissions from cattle account for 3.3% of Canada’s total GHG emissions. The product has been authorized in over 50 nations, but not yet in the United States.

The Importance of Beef-on-Dairy for Feedlots

Over the last five years, the amount of purebred dairy cows traveling through feedlots has declined dramatically. Dairies currently account for around 23% of total fed steers and heifers in the United States, with numerous factors contributing to this increase. One of the most significant impediments is the terrible drought that has covered most of the Midwest, forcing herd cutbacks in the cattle business. With the traditional cattle herd presently in liquidation, feeder calf prices have risen, causing a supply and demand imbalance between the beef sector and feedlots. Dairy farmers have helped fill the pipeline by producing beef-on-dairy calves and profited handsomely in the process.

Beef-on-dairy cross animals operate effectively in the beef supply chain system due to their uniformity. Dairy producers may supply premium meat to the pipeline while still making a sizable profit. To do so, however, farmers and feedlots must breed and feed these animals effectively. As the number of beef-on-dairy animals in the feedlot system increases, feedlots are looking for two crucial pieces of information to assist these crossbred cattle thrive:

1. Health Records: Buyers want to see that the animals they are acquiring have been well-cared for. Feedlots are specifically searching for beef-on-dairy animals that have had colostrum, been vaccinated, and have been subjected to the least amount of stress. Knowing when and what immunizations or medications were administered, as well as information on any health occurrences, is very useful data to provide. Feedlots can make better treatment options and comprehend a given animal’s performance indicators if they know its health state before it reaches the facility.

2. Nutrition Records: Moving a beef-on-dairy calf to the feedlot may be a traumatic experience. Halfa suggests that dairy farmers offer nutritional information to feedlots for beef-on-dairy calves sold after weaning. Providing feedlots with past diet information as well as the date the animal was weaned are two good pieces of information to provide.

Communication, traceability, and measurement are other important considerations. Communication and a well-established connection will always be required when selling cattle to purchasers. Dairy farmers excel at delivering timely and correct information, which not only provides purchasers with vital information but also opens doors to increased market access and the farm’s reputation for producing high-quality animals. Understanding the parameters for how these animals should be treated and fed in feedlots will assist increase the value of the animals delivered to market.

Genetics benefit dairy producers when it comes to beef cows.

Beef-on-dairy is a procedure in which cattle are crossbred with dairy and beef cows to create a better grade beef calf. This approach blends dairy and beef cow qualities, with the goal of extracting characteristics from the beef breed and producing a higher-quality, higher-yielding product.

Sex-sorted semen has gained popularity in dairy herds, enabling farmers to genetically progress heifer calfs more quickly. This has resulted in a more diverse income for farmers while also teaching them about customer expectations and the requirements of the cattle market. The animals participating in this approach spend less time on feed, resulting in faster calves in and out, while packers profit from a more consistent product comparable to straight beef calfs.

Producers have found this approach to be economically advantageous since they pay the same amount but get more value out of the calf. This greater value results in more meat, marbling, and yield, making the calf more desirable. Crossbred calfs are more enticing because they have the size and marbling of a dairy ribeye.

These farmers get tremendous value, since they receive a $200 calf instead of $50 for plain dairy. This reduces costs for higher-quality products because they provide a better return on investment. Furthermore, the availability of these items has expanded, resulting in a more competitive pricing of beef products that are more accessible to the general public.

In conclusion, beef-on-dairy is a process in which cattle are crossbred with dairy and beef cows to generate a higher-quality, higher-yielding beef calf. This approach has grown in favor among ranchers and other industry participants, with producers benefiting from expanded economic opportunities and access to high-quality goods.

Dairy cows are fed diets with less crude protein.

Harper Adams University researchers investigated the effects of dietary crude protein content and supplementing a low crude protein diet with dietary starch or rumen-protected Met (RPMet) on dairy cow performance, metabolism, and nitrogen use efficiency when fed red clover and grass-based silage. The research included 56 Holstein Friesian dairy cows that were randomly assigned to one of four diets throughout a 14-week feeding period. The diets were designed to provide comparable metabolisable protein content, with crude protein concentrations of 175 g/kg dry matter (CON), 150 g/kg dry matter (LP), or LP supplemented with extra barley as a source of starch (+64 g/kg dry matter; LPS) or RPMet (+0.3 g/100 g MP; LPM).

Following the 14-week feeding period, 20 cows (5 per treatment) were given the same diets for an additional 6 days, and total urine output and faecal samples were collected. The researchers discovered that dietary treatment had no effect on dry matter consumption, but there was a diet-week interaction, with intake greatest in cows given LPS in week 4 and CON in weeks 9 and 14.

The research discovered that lowering the crude protein content of red clover and grass silage-based diets from 175 to 150 g/kg DM while maintaining MP supply did not effect performance, but did decrease urinary nitrogen excretion and increase nitrogen usage efficiency. Supplementing with extra starch or RPMet had minimal impact.

Further details of the study can be found here.

Nurturing Success: The Crucial Role of Relationships in Dairy Leadership

In the dynamic and challenging world of the dairy industry, leadership extends far beyond managing operations and making decisions. A successful dairy leader is one who recognizes the pivotal role that relationships play in the overall success of the farm or dairy business. From fostering trust with team members to building connections with suppliers and stakeholders, effective dairy leadership is deeply intertwined with the quality of relationships established.

Building Trust with Team Members:

Dairy farming is a collaborative effort that involves the dedication and hard work of a team. The foundation of a thriving dairy operation lies in the trust established between the leader and the team. Leaders who prioritize open communication, provide support, and create a positive work environment cultivate a culture of trust. This trust is essential for smooth operations, increased productivity, and the overall well-being of the workforce.

Effective Communication in Dairy Operations:

Communication breakdowns can have significant consequences in the dairy industry, where precision and timing are critical. Dairy leaders must excel in both giving clear instructions and actively listening to the insights and concerns of their team members. A leader’s ability to communicate effectively ensures that everyone is on the same page, reducing the likelihood of errors and fostering a cohesive work environment.

Collaboration with Suppliers and Stakeholders:

The success of a dairy operation is not limited to what happens within the farm gates. Leaders in the dairy industry must also cultivate strong relationships with suppliers, veterinarians, and other stakeholders. Collaborative partnerships ensure a reliable supply chain, access to quality resources, and a supportive network that contributes to the sustainability and growth of the dairy business.

Adapting to Change and Market Dynamics:

Dairy farming is subject to various external factors, including market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and environmental considerations. Leaders who understand the importance of relationships can navigate these challenges more effectively. By staying connected with industry experts, peers, and relevant organizations, dairy leaders can adapt to changing circumstances, implement best practices, and position their operations for long-term success.

Empathy and Employee Well-being:

Dairy farming is often a demanding and physically intensive occupation. Leaders who prioritize relationships with their team members understand the importance of empathy and employee well-being. Providing support, recognizing accomplishments, and addressing challenges with compassion contribute to a positive work culture, enhancing job satisfaction and retention within the dairy workforce.

Inspiring a Sustainable Vision:

Leadership in the dairy industry extends beyond day-to-day operations; it involves envisioning a sustainable future. Leaders who forge strong relationships within the community and industry can inspire collective efforts toward sustainable practices. By fostering connections with environmental organizations, policymakers, and consumers, dairy leaders can contribute to the industry’s positive image and long-term viability.

In the intricate tapestry of dairy leadership, relationships form the backbone of success. From building trust within the team to collaborating with external partners, effective dairy leadership hinges on the quality of connections forged. As the dairy industry continues to evolve, leaders who prioritize and nurture relationships will find themselves better equipped to navigate challenges, inspire innovation, and ensure the long-term prosperity of their dairy operations.

Utilizing Leftover Silage Inoculants: Practical Considerations for Dairy Farmers

Silage inoculants play a crucial role in the ensiling process, aiding in the preservation of forage quality and preventing undesirable fermentation. However, dairy farmers often find themselves with leftover silage inoculants after the ensiling season. This article explores the practical considerations associated with using leftover silage inoculants, addressing questions regarding their efficacy, storage, and potential benefits.

  1. Understanding Silage Inoculants

    Silage inoculants are formulations containing beneficial microorganisms, such as lactic acid bacteria, that enhance the fermentation process during ensiling. They contribute to improved nutrient retention, reduced dry matter losses, and the prevention of spoilage.

  2. Shelf Life and Storage

    Leftover silage inoculants can have a limited shelf life, and their effectiveness may diminish over time. Proper storage is crucial to maintain the viability of the microorganisms. Keep the inoculants in a cool, dark place and away from direct sunlight. Check the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific storage recommendations, as some inoculants may require refrigeration.

  3. Testing Viability

    Before using leftover silage inoculants, conduct a viability test to assess the microbial activity. This can be done by culturing a small sample to determine if the desired microorganisms are still active. If the inoculant has lost its efficacy, using it may not provide the intended benefits during ensiling.

  4. Mixing with Fresh Inoculants

    Combining leftover silage inoculants with fresh inoculants is a common practice. This hybrid approach can help maximize the microbial population and ensure the dominance of beneficial bacteria in the ensiling process. However, it’s essential to consider compatibility and avoid mixing different types of inoculants unless recommended by the manufacturer.

  5. Targeting Specific Forages

    Certain forages may benefit from specific types of silage inoculants. If you have leftover inoculants designed for specific crops or conditions, consider using them for similar forages during the next ensiling season. Matching the inoculant to the forage type enhances its effectiveness.

  6. Cost-Benefit Analysis

    Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of using leftover silage inoculants. If the cost of testing, storing, and mixing the inoculants outweighs the potential benefits, it may be more economical to invest in fresh inoculants for optimal ensiling outcomes.

  7. Manufacturer Recommendations

    Always consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for using leftover silage inoculants. They may provide specific recommendations for testing viability, storage conditions, and compatibility with other products.

While using leftover silage inoculants is a practical approach to reduce waste and maximize resources, it requires careful consideration of factors such as shelf life, storage conditions, and compatibility. Conducting viability tests and following manufacturer recommendations are essential steps in ensuring that the inoculants contribute effectively to the ensiling process. By making informed decisions, dairy farmers can optimize the use of leftover silage inoculants and enhance the overall quality of their silage.

An Introduction to Mycotoxins in Dairy Cows: Understanding the Impact on Livestock Health

Mycotoxins are toxic substances produced by certain fungi that can contaminate various crops, including those commonly fed to dairy cows. The presence of mycotoxins in the feed can have detrimental effects on the health and productivity of dairy cattle. This article aims to provide an overview of mycotoxins, their sources, and the potential impact on dairy cows.

What are Mycotoxins?

Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by molds such as Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium. These fungi can grow on crops both in the field and during storage, especially when conditions are conducive to fungal growth, such as high humidity and temperature fluctuations. The mycotoxins produced can persist through the processing of feed and ultimately end up in the rations fed to dairy cows.

Common Mycotoxins Affecting Dairy Cows

Several mycotoxins can affect dairy cattle, with some of the most prevalent ones being aflatoxins, deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone, ochratoxin A, and fumonisins. Each mycotoxin has specific toxic effects, and the severity of these effects depends on factors such as the concentration of the mycotoxin, duration of exposure, and the overall health of the animals.

Impact on Dairy Cow Health

  1. Reduced Feed Intake: Mycotoxin-contaminated feed often has an unpalatable taste and odor, leading to a reduction in feed intake. This can result in poor nutrition and decreased milk production.
  2. Immunosuppression: Some mycotoxins, such as aflatoxins and DON, can suppress the immune system, making cows more susceptible to diseases.
  3. Reproductive Issues: Mycotoxins like zearalenone can cause reproductive problems in dairy cows, including infertility and abnormal estrous cycles.
  4. Milk Contamination: Certain mycotoxins, like aflatoxins, can contaminate the milk produced by dairy cows. This poses a risk to both animal and human health, as these toxins can enter the human food chain.

Management Strategies

  1. Feed Testing: Regularly testing feed for mycotoxin contamination is crucial. This allows farmers to identify contaminated batches and take corrective measures.
  2. Quality Feed: Ensuring the quality of the feed by proper storage and handling practices can help minimize fungal growth and mycotoxin production.
  3. Mycotoxin Binders: Including mycotoxin binders in the feed can help mitigate the negative effects of mycotoxins by binding to the toxins and preventing their absorption in the digestive system.
  4. Diverse Feed Sources: Using a variety of feed sources can reduce the risk of mycotoxin exposure, as different crops may be susceptible to different types of fungi.

Understanding the impact of mycotoxins on dairy cows is essential for maintaining herd health and ensuring the production of safe and high-quality milk. Implementing effective management strategies and regularly monitoring feed for mycotoxin contamination are critical steps in mitigating the risks associated with these toxic substances. By prioritizing the health of dairy cows, farmers can safeguard both animal welfare and the economic sustainability of their operations.

Re-evaluating Dairy Calf Nutrition for Long-Term Benefits: A Holistic Approach to Calf Health and Productivity

Dairy calf nutrition plays a pivotal role in determining the future health and productivity of dairy cows. The traditional approach to calf rearing has focused on meeting immediate growth targets, but there is a growing recognition of the long-term benefits that come from a more holistic and nuanced approach to calf nutrition. This article explores the key aspects of re-evaluating dairy calf nutrition to ensure sustained well-being and enhanced productivity in the long run.

  1. Early Life Nutrition: Setting the Foundation

    Early nutrition is critical for the development of a healthy and productive dairy cow. Providing colostrum rich in antibodies within the first few hours of life is essential for a strong immune system. Additionally, formulating a balanced milk replacer or transitioning to a well-balanced solid diet should be done with careful consideration of nutrient requirements to support optimal growth and development.

  2. Transitioning to Solid Feed: Balancing Growth and Gut Health

    The transition from liquid to solid feed is a crucial phase in a calf’s life. Emphasizing a gradual weaning process and introducing high-quality forages and concentrates ensures a smooth transition while promoting rumen development. Balanced nutrition during this phase contributes to the resilience of the gastrointestinal tract and sets the stage for efficient nutrient utilization in later life.

  3. Protein and Energy Balance: Optimizing Growth Without Compromising Health

    Striking the right balance between protein and energy is essential for calf growth. While protein is necessary for muscle development, an excess can lead to health issues. Similarly, maintaining an optimal energy balance supports growth without risking conditions like over-conditioning, which can have negative consequences on future milk production and reproduction.

  4. Mineral and Vitamin Management: Supporting Overall Health

    Adequate mineral and vitamin intake is crucial for bone development, immune function, and overall health. Regular assessments of mineral content in feed and adjustments based on specific needs help prevent deficiencies or excesses that may compromise long-term health.

  5. Gut Health and Microbiome: A Focus on Probiotics and Prebiotics

    Recognizing the importance of a healthy gut microbiome in dairy calves is gaining traction. Incorporating probiotics and prebiotics into the diet supports the development of a robust microbial community in the rumen, enhancing nutrient absorption and overall health. This approach has long-term implications for disease resistance and feed efficiency.

  6. Long-Term Economic Considerations: Balancing Cost and Investment

    While optimizing calf nutrition may incur initial costs, the long-term economic benefits are substantial. Healthy, well-nourished calves are more likely to reach their production potential, reducing the need for veterinary interventions and improving the overall efficiency of the dairy operation.

Re-evaluating dairy calf nutrition involves a shift from short-term growth objectives to a more holistic and long-term perspective. By prioritizing early life nutrition, emphasizing a balanced transition to solid feed, and considering the interplay of protein, energy, minerals, and the microbiome, dairy farmers can set the stage for the sustained health and productivity of their herds. This approach not only contributes to the well-being of individual animals but also enhances the economic viability of dairy operations in the long run.

Management Tip: Combine natural and positive pressure ventilation in calf barns

Calf barns or rooms may be ventilated either naturally or mechanically, with natural ventilation mixed with a positive pressure ventilation tube (PPVT) system offering the best of both. The four basic purposes of ventilation calf barns or rooms are to remove moisture in cold weather, heat in hot weather, deliver fresh air consistently, and prevent drafts.

Calves from birth to weaning need 17 m3/h (10 cfm) of fresh air per calf in the winter to remove moisture and 170 m3/h (100 cfm) in the summer to remove heat. However, the actual air exchange needed often exceeds the minimal ventilation needs. Calves need four room air changes per hour in winter and 40 or more in summer. The problem with calves is to give the minimal amount of winter ventilation required uniformly and without drafts.

Natural ventilation works effectively for the most of the year, but during cold weather, calves from birth to weaning do not generate enough heat to provide thermal buoyancy to pull air in through the curtains and out via chimney holes. When the temperature drops too low to offer a decent air pattern naturally, the sidewall curtains may be entirely closed, and a PVVT system can be employed to deliver the least quantity of fresh air.

A PPVT system comprises of a wall-mounted fan that circulates fresh outside air into the calf room or barn. The fan is connected to a distribution tube with evenly spaced perforations that spans the length of the room. The fan brings fresh air in from the outside, pressurizes the tube, and blows it out of each hole to disperse it equally across the room. The fan pressurizes the room, and air escapes via the natural ventilation system, which is commonly through chimneys or cracks around the curtains.

The air tube’s number of openings, size, and spacing are all tailored to fit the room’s geometry. Tubes must be placed to best suit the size and configuration of the space. The hole position and pattern must fit the geometry of the room and the pen configuration. Lightweight plastic may be used for ventilation tubes, however woven polyethylene tubes are more robust and retain their form better. PVC pipe may also be utilized, particularly for tiny duct diameters.

PPVT systems may operate all year to provide air circulation. In hot weather, they do not provide enough ventilation for cooling, but on still humid days with no breeze, they will continue to circulate air. In the summer, air should be spread uniformly, with an aim of 1.3 m/s (250 fpm) for cooling.

Furthermore, providing the correct habitat is simply one aspect in raising calves. Colostrum management, adequate nourishment, particularly in cold weather, and correct preventive health procedures are all critical.

Key nutritional considerations for dairy cows

Dairy farming has come a long way since 2008, according to the magazine. In 2017, the United States utilized 21% less land and 30% less water to produce milk than in 2008. Recent studies out of Australia have looked at the link between a calf’s early diet and its later resilience and health as it gets ready to join the milking herd.

Careful management of heat stress and other obstacles is part of the delicate balancing act involved in Weenen, South Africa’s high milk output. Dairy farmer Barry Schiever has increased organic carbon levels to keep his land healthy and productive after seeing overgrazing owing to ineffective management. When it comes to managing dairy herds, improving silage intake is crucial since it helps minimize the intake of silage dry matter, which is typically lower than the matching fresh crop. Forage management at its finest is possible with the help of a solid rapport with a dairy nutritionist.

Because they help keep dairy cows healthy and producing at their peak levels, trace minerals contribute to sustainability efforts. Reaching the required sustainability goals in animal nutrition will need a concerted effort from every link in the supply chain for dairy nutrition.

In the United Kingdom, net-zero on farms is all the rage, and the 2023 Dairy Show will be the place to hear about the advantages of this goal. Forty farms in Cornwall are set to cut their carbon footprint in half over the course of five years, with the remaining three farms expected to achieve emission elimination under a lottery-funded initiative.

Understanding the Polled Gene in Dairy Cattle: A Boom for Farming Practices

The polled gene in dairy cattle has been a subject of significant interest in the agricultural community, offering potential advantages for both farmers and the animals themselves. The term “polled” refers to the absence of horns in cattle, and this trait is controlled by a specific gene. In this article, we will explore how the polled gene works in dairy cattle and its implications for the dairy farming industry.

Genetics of the Polled Trait:

The polled trait is inherited in a Mendelian fashion, meaning it is controlled by a single gene with two possible alleles – one for the presence of horns (H) and the other for the absence of horns (h). The polled gene is a dominant one, where the presence of at least one copy of the polled allele (h) results in the polled phenotype. Therefore, cattle can be either homozygous polled (hh) or heterozygous polled (Hh) to exhibit the polled trait.

Advantages of Polled Cattle:

  1. Safety and Handling: One of the primary advantages of polled cattle is the enhanced safety during handling. Horned cattle can pose a risk to both farmers and other animals, as they may inadvertently cause injuries. Polled cattle eliminate this risk, making them easier to manage.
  2. Reduced Aggression: Horned cattle may exhibit more aggressive behavior, especially during feeding or in confined spaces. Polled cattle tend to be less aggressive, contributing to a more harmonious and stress-free environment on the farm.
  3. Space Efficiency: Horned cattle may require more space to prevent injuries due to horn clashes. The absence of horns in polled cattle allows for more efficient use of space within barns and feeding areas.

Breeding Strategies:

To propagate the polled trait in a cattle herd, farmers can adopt specific breeding strategies. By selectively mating polled individuals or carriers of the polled allele (Hh) with other polled cattle, farmers can increase the prevalence of the polled gene in subsequent generations. Genetic testing can be employed to identify carriers and ensure informed breeding decisions.

Challenges and Considerations:

While the polled trait offers numerous benefits, it is essential for farmers to consider other traits relevant to dairy production, such as milk yield, reproductive performance, and overall health. Balancing the selection for the polled trait with the maintenance of desirable production characteristics is crucial for sustainable and profitable dairy farming.

The polled gene in dairy cattle represents a valuable tool for farmers seeking to enhance safety, efficiency, and overall management on their farms. Through careful breeding strategies and the incorporation of genetic testing, the polled trait can be selectively propagated to create a herd of cattle that combines both desirable production traits and the polled advantage. As advancements in genetic research continue, the dairy industry can look forward to further improvements in breeding practices and the overall well-being of cattle.

Why Beef-on-Dairy Makes the Perfect Cross

The beef-on-dairy revolution has become a significant profit stream for dairy farmers across the country, as milk prices continue to sink. Since 2018, there has been a significant shift with beef-on-dairy crossbreds, with over 3.25 to 3.5 million head of these animals coming through as crossbreds. This proportion has grown tremendously within the last few years, and it is estimated that almost 23% of the total number of fed steers and heifers within the U.S. are actually coming from dairies.

The reason for this recent spike is due to widespread drought across the mid- and southwest, which has shrunk the beef cow herd significantly. However, with more and more dairies relying on beef-on-dairy calves to help turn a profit, these operations have helped fill the meat cases. The dairy segment of the beef industry has grown in significance the last few years even more so than it had traditionally.

As more dairy crossbreds make their way into the marketing chain, researchers have closely examined the characteristics of these animals and the products they yield, compared to their full-blood dairy and beef cousins. Their findings regarding major performance and carcass data include feedlot growth, quality grade, carcass yield, eating quality, meat color, muscle shape, consistency, and traceability.

Feedlot growth shows that the average daily gain and feed-to-gain ratio of crossbreds is significantly better than Holsteins and similar to conventional beef cattle. Quality grade indicates that crossbreds produce the same amount of beef in a shorter timeframe and on less total feed. Crossbreds also have a lower dressing percentage than full-blood beef animals, at least partly because they are leaner and thus have lighter carcasses relative to their live weight.

Eating quality shows that full-blood Holsteins still take first place in terms of tenderness, followed by crossbreds and then conventional beef. Crossbred longissimus (loin) muscles are larger and rounder than Holsteins, and consumers can not distinguish their shape compared to those from conventional beef cattle.

Consistency is another key factor in the success of dairy cattle. Dairy animals produce a consistent supply of offspring year-round, which helps improve market stability. Today’s dairy cattle are highly consistent genetically, creating potential for excellent offspring consistency with correct sire matings.

New Study Demonstrates Positive Health and Financial Outcomes for Treating Nonsevere Gram-Negative Mastitis with Spectramast LC

Dairy producers and veterinarians can confidently implement mastitis treatment protocols against mastitis cases caused by Gram-negative bacteria with Spectramast® LC (ceftiofur hydrochloride) Sterile Suspension from Zoetis. Research from the University of California, Davis — published online in the Journal of Dairy Science (published in press Nov. 2, 2023) — showed that treatment of nonsevere (mild and moderate) cases of clinical mastitis caused by Gram-negative bacteria with Spectramast LC was effective in improving bacteriological and clinical cures, lowering mastitis recurrence, reducing use of supplemental therapy and minimizing mastitis-related culls and deaths.1

Conducted on three large dairy herds in California and using 415 nonsevere clinical mastitis cases caused by Gram-negative bacteria, the clinical trial compared outcomes between cows that received two-day intramammary treatment with Spectramast LC and cows that received no treatment. Results showed the effectiveness of two-day treatments with Spectramast LC was better than not treating. Specific findings from the research included:

  • 24.7% increase in bacteriological cures in treated groups at Day 14 compared with untreated groups1 
  • 46.8% reduction in mastitis-related cull and death rates in treated groups compared with untreated groups1 
  • $204-per-head reduction of mastitis-related losses in groups treated for two days compared with untreated groups1

“Early intramammary treatment of Gram-negative mastitis infections with Spectramast LC provides significant benefits compared with the option of not treating and assuming that cows would self-cure without consequence,” said Dr. Daniela Bruno, DVM, PhD, Dairy Advisor for University of California, Davis.

A prudent strategy would be to treat all cases of Gram-negative mastitis with Spectramast LC, and not attempt to distinguish mild cases from moderate cases, the research suggested.

“A case of non-severe Gram-negative mastitis has the potential to become a severe infection that requires more aggressive treatment, adding costs and delaying return to productivity,” said Juan Pedraza, DVM, Managing Veterinarian of Zoetis Dairy Technical Services. “Based on the research, you’re looking at improved cure rates, lower treatment costs due to the reduction in use of supplemental therapy, and most importantly, helping keep cows healthy and productive members of the herd.”

The dairy industry recognizes mastitis as one of the costliest disease conditions that dairy producers must manage. Gram-negative bacteria alone, especially coliforms like E. coli, Klebsiella spp., or Enterobacter spp., can pose a real threat to herd productivity, causing up to 35 percent of all intramammary infections on dairies.2,3 In one study, 66 percent of cultured samples initially tested negative but 34 percent actually were positive for a Gram-negative pathogen.3 Gram-negative bacteria can be elusive so it’s important to evaluate what an appropriate treatment protocol could look like for Gram-negative mastitis cases to help improve cow wellness outcomes and mastitis-treatment-related costs for the dairy industry.

“We continue to invest in new, practical on-label solutions and support research that will advance mastitis management protocols so veterinarians, producers and parlor employees can use them with confidence,” said Dr. Pedraza.

Spectramast LC offers extended therapy as its unique, flexible label for at least two and up to eight days to achieve a bacteriological cure for a broad spectrum of bacteria. In addition, the two-day pre-slaughter meat withdrawal for Spectramast LC is the shortest withhold time available, providing more options for greater management flexibility. Milk withdrawal time is 72 hours after the last treatment, regardless of how many days treatments are administered (2-8 days).

For more information about the study, check out the latest blog article. Talk to your Zoetis representative to learn more about mastitis treatment protocols with Spectramast LC.


About Zoetis
As the world’s leading animal health company, Zoetis is driven by a singular purpose: to nurture our world and humankind by advancing care for animals. After innovating ways to predict, prevent, detect, and treat animal illness for more than 70 years, Zoetis continues to stand by those raising and caring for animals worldwide – from veterinarians and pet owners to livestock farmers and ranchers. The company’s leading portfolio and pipeline of medicines, vaccines, diagnostics, and technologies make a difference in over 100 countries. A Fortune 500 company, Zoetis generated revenue of $8.1 billion in 2022 with approximately 13,800 employees. For more, visit

What effects does communal housing have on dairy calves?

Study on Social Housing in Dairy Calves

  • A study by Marina von Keyserlingk of The University of British Columbia focuses on the impact of paired housing on the social competition skills of pre-weaning dairy calves.
  • The research involved 18 3-week old bull and heifer calves divided into individual or pair housing at 11 days of age.
  • The calves were tested to control for the influence of naturally bold personalities on their competitive abilities.
  • After 5 days of testing, the results showed that pair-housed calves spent more time drinking from the bottle and were faster to approach the milk than individually housed calves.
  • The University of Florida’s Department of Animal Sciences also examined how group housing impacts dairy calf personality traits.
  • The study found that calves housed in pairs were bolder compared to calves individually before grouping, suggesting early-life social contact can influence personality traits in group-housed calves.

Recent studies have shown that early social housing can build behavioral skills, shape calf personalities, and set up animals for success in the herd. Personality is of growing interest in dairy cattle as it may be associated with outcomes related to an animal’s performance and welfare, including feeding behavior, weight gain for calves, and milk production in adults. A new study led by Marina von Keyserlingk of The University of British Columbia focused on how paired housing might impact the social competition skills of pre-weaning dairy calves. The research team looked at 18 3-week old bull and heifer calves divided equally into individual or pair housing at 11 days of age. After identifying their personalities, calves from each housing group were paired together for a competition over a single milk bottle. The results showed that pair-housed calves spent on average more time drinking from the bottle and were faster to approach the milk than individually housed calves. The second study at the University of Florida examined how group housing impacts dairy calf personality traits. The team found that calves housed in pairs were bolder compared to calves individually before grouping, suggesting that early-life social contact does have the potential to influence personality traits in group-housed calves.

· The 2 studies have been published in JDS Communications: Social housing improves dairy calves’ performance in a competition test – JDS Communications and Social contact from birth influences personality traits of group-housed dairy calves – JDS Communications

Optimizing Milk Production: The Importance of Monitoring Milking Frequency in Older Cows

As dairy farmers strive to maximize milk production, it is essential to consider the specific needs of older cows in the herd. One crucial factor that directly impacts milk yield and overall cow health is the frequency of milking. In this article, we will delve into the importance of monitoring milking frequency in older cows and explore strategies for optimizing their performance.

Understanding the Aging Process in Cows:

Just like humans, cows undergo changes as they age. Older cows may experience a decline in metabolic efficiency, changes in body composition, and alterations in their overall health. These factors can directly influence their milk production capabilities. Monitoring and adjusting milking frequency can be a valuable tool in addressing the evolving needs of aging cows.

The Impact of Milking Frequency on Milk Production:

Milking frequency plays a pivotal role in a cow’s lactation cycle. For older cows, maintaining an appropriate milking schedule is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Stimulation of Milk Production Hormones: Regular milking stimulates the release of hormones such as oxytocin, which is essential for the letdown of milk. Older cows may require more frequent stimulation to maintain optimal hormone levels, ensuring efficient milk removal.
  2. Prevention of Mastitis: Older cows are more susceptible to udder infections and mastitis. Regular milking helps prevent the accumulation of milk in the udder, reducing the risk of infections and ensuring the overall health of the cow.
  3. Improved Nutrient Utilization: Adequate milking frequency ensures that cows maintain a balanced energy status. This is particularly important for older cows, as their metabolism may not be as efficient. Proper milking helps prevent energy imbalances and promotes better nutrient utilization.

Strategies for Monitoring and Adjusting Milking Frequency:

  1. Regular Observations: Farm personnel should regularly observe older cows during milking to identify any signs of discomfort, stress, or reduced milk output. Adjustments to milking frequency can be made based on these observations.
  2. Use of Technology: Implementing automated milking systems with sensors can provide real-time data on individual cow performance. These technologies can help farmers monitor milking frequency and detect deviations from the norm.
  3. Consultation with Veterinarians and Nutritionists: Working closely with professionals such as veterinarians and nutritionists can help farmers develop customized milking schedules for older cows. These experts can assess the specific nutritional needs of aging cows and recommend appropriate milking frequency adjustments.

In conclusion, monitoring milking frequency in older cows is a crucial aspect of dairy farm management. By understanding the unique needs of aging cows and implementing appropriate strategies, farmers can optimize milk production, ensure the health and well-being of their herds, and ultimately contribute to the overall success of their dairy operations. Regular observations, technological advancements, and collaboration with experts are key components of a comprehensive approach to managing milking frequency in older cows.

Safeguarding Calves: Strategies to Prevent Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex

Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (BRDC) poses a significant threat to the health and well-being of calves in the cattle industry. This multifactorial disease is influenced by various factors, including viral and bacterial infections, environmental stressors, and management practices. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to prevent Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex in calves, promoting overall herd health and productivity.

Understanding Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex:

BRDC, also known as shipping fever or pneumonia, is a complex and challenging condition that commonly affects young calves. It involves the interaction of multiple pathogens such as viruses (e.g., Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus), bacteria (e.g., Mannheimia haemolytica), and stressors like transportation and abrupt environmental changes.

Preventive Measures:

  1. Calving Management: Start prevention efforts early by focusing on proper calving management. Ensure that calves receive adequate colostrum within the first few hours of life, as it provides essential antibodies that bolster their immune system.
  2. Vaccination Protocols: Develop and implement a robust vaccination program in consultation with a veterinarian. Vaccines targeting common BRDC pathogens, such as Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR), Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD), and Pasteurella, can significantly reduce the risk of respiratory infections.
  3. Optimal Nutrition: Provide a well-balanced and nutritionally dense diet for both the dam and the calf. Adequate nutrition strengthens the immune system, making calves more resilient to infections.
  4. Proper Housing and Ventilation: Create a clean and well-ventilated environment for calves. Overcrowded or poorly ventilated housing can contribute to stress and increase the likelihood of disease transmission. Adequate ventilation helps minimize the concentration of airborne pathogens.
  5. Stress Reduction: Minimize stressors such as sudden weaning, transportation, and commingling of calves. Stress weakens the immune system, making calves more susceptible to infections. Implement gradual weaning and acclimatization to new environments.
  6. Biosecurity Measures: Practice strict biosecurity measures to prevent the introduction of pathogens to your herd. Quarantine new animals before introducing them to the existing herd and implement protocols to disinfect equipment and clothing.
  7. Monitoring and Early Detection: Regularly monitor calves for signs of respiratory distress, nasal discharge, coughing, and lethargy. Early detection allows for prompt intervention, reducing the severity and spread of the disease.
  8. Consultation with Veterinarians: Establish a collaborative relationship with a veterinarian to tailor preventive measures to the specific needs of your herd. Regular health check-ups and consultations can help refine and update your disease prevention strategies.

Preventing Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex in calves requires a comprehensive approach that addresses various aspects of management, nutrition, and biosecurity. By implementing proactive measures, farmers can significantly reduce the incidence of BRDC, ensuring the health and productivity of their calf populations. Collaboration with veterinarians and adherence to best practices in calving, nutrition, and environmental management are crucial elements in the ongoing effort to safeguard the well-being of calves in the cattle industry.

Nourishing Dairy Excellence: Unraveling Biological Functions and Adaptive Nutrition for Dairy Cows

Dairy farming is a dynamic and demanding industry, where the health and productivity of dairy cows are paramount. The biological functions of these animals are intricately linked to their nutritional needs, and understanding this interplay is essential for optimizing milk production and overall herd well-being. In this article, we delve into the biological functions of dairy cows and explore the importance of adaptive nutrition in meeting their specific requirements.

Biological Functions of Dairy Cows:

  1. Rumen Fermentation: The rumen, a complex fermentation chamber, plays a central role in the digestion of fibrous plant material. Microbial populations in the rumen break down ingested feed into nutrients, including volatile fatty acids (VFAs), which serve as a crucial energy source for the cow.
  2. Milk Synthesis: The udder’s mammary glands are responsible for milk synthesis. This process is influenced by various factors, including the cow’s genetics, lactation stage, and nutrition. Adequate nutrient intake is vital for optimal milk yield and composition.
  3. Metabolism and Energy Balance: Maintaining a proper energy balance is critical for dairy cows. The energy expended in milk production must be replenished through the diet. Imbalances can lead to metabolic disorders and impact reproductive performance.
  4. Immune System Function: A robust immune system is essential for preventing diseases in dairy cows. Proper nutrition supports immune function, helping cows resist infections and ensuring the quality of milk produced.
  5. Reproduction: Reproductive success is fundamental for sustaining the dairy herd. Nutrition influences the cow’s reproductive cycle, affecting estrus expression, conception rates, and overall fertility.

Adaptive Nutrition for Dairy Cows:

  1. Balanced Diets: Formulating balanced diets is crucial for meeting the nutritional needs of dairy cows. Diets should provide sufficient energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals to support milk production, body maintenance, and overall health.
  2. Forage Quality: High-quality forages contribute to effective rumen fermentation and overall digestive health. Farmers should focus on growing and harvesting forages with optimal nutrient content to enhance cow performance.
  3. Supplementation: Depending on forage quality and specific nutritional requirements, supplementation may be necessary. Protein and energy supplements can help bridge nutrient gaps and support milk production.
  4. Transition Diets: Transition periods, such as calving and early lactation, demand special attention. Diets should be carefully adjusted during these times to accommodate changing nutritional needs and minimize stress on the cow.
  5. Mineral and Vitamin Management: Adequate mineral and vitamin intake is crucial for the cow’s health and productivity. Regular monitoring and supplementation, if necessary, help prevent deficiencies and imbalances.
  6. Water Quality: Clean and readily available water is often overlooked but is a critical component of a dairy cow’s diet. Proper hydration is essential for rumen function, nutrient absorption, and overall well-being.

The synergy between the biological functions of dairy cows and adaptive nutrition is the cornerstone of successful dairy farming. To achieve and maintain high levels of milk production, reproductive success, and overall herd health, farmers must tailor nutrition strategies to meet the dynamic needs of their animals. Regular consultation with nutritionists, monitoring of herd health, and a commitment to providing balanced and adaptive diets contribute to the longevity and prosperity of dairy cows in the ever-evolving landscape of modern agriculture.

8 Strategies to Prevent Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex in Calves

Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (BRDC) is a significant concern for cattle producers, particularly in calves. BRDC is a multifactorial disease that involves viral and bacterial pathogens, environmental stressors, and host factors. Prevention is crucial to maintaining the health and productivity of calves in a herd. This article discusses effective strategies to prevent Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex in calves.

  1. Vaccination Protocols: Implementing a well-designed vaccination program is fundamental to preventing BRDC. Vaccines targeting common pathogens like Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida, and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) can be effective. Consult with a veterinarian to develop a vaccination schedule that suits the specific needs of your herd.
  2. Colostrum Management: Proper colostrum management is essential for building the calf’s immune system. Calves should receive an adequate amount of high-quality colostrum within the first few hours of life. Ensure that colostrum is sourced from healthy cows and test its quality to guarantee sufficient antibody transfer.
  3. Nutritional Support: Providing a well-balanced and nutritionally adequate diet is crucial for the overall health and resilience of calves. Adequate nutrition supports a robust immune system, making calves less susceptible to respiratory infections. Work with a nutritionist to formulate a diet that meets the specific requirements of growing calves.
  4. Stress Management: Stress is a significant contributing factor to BRDC. Minimize stressors such as abrupt changes in diet, transportation, and overcrowding. Provide a comfortable and clean environment for calves, and handle them gently to reduce stress levels.
  5. Quarantine and Biosecurity: Implement a strict biosecurity protocol to prevent the introduction of pathogens to the herd. Newly arrived calves should be quarantined and monitored for signs of respiratory disease before being integrated into the main group. Limit contact between different age groups to minimize disease transmission.
  6. Environmental Management: Ensure proper ventilation in housing facilities to reduce the concentration of airborne pathogens. Manage dust levels, as high dust environments can irritate the respiratory tract and make calves more susceptible to infections. Adequate space and clean bedding also contribute to a healthier environment.
  7. Regular Health Monitoring: Conduct regular health checks and monitor the respiratory status of calves. Early detection of any signs of respiratory disease allows for prompt intervention. Seek veterinary advice if any abnormalities are observed.
  8. Genetic Selection: Consider selecting breeding stock for increased resistance to respiratory diseases. Genetic factors play a role in the calf’s ability to resist infections, and breeding for disease resistance can contribute to long-term prevention.

Preventing Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex in calves requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. Combining vaccination programs, proper nutrition, stress reduction, biosecurity measures, environmental management, and regular health monitoring can significantly reduce the risk of BRDC in your herd. Consult with a veterinarian to tailor these strategies to the specific needs of your cattle operation, ultimately promoting the health and well-being of your calves.

Monitoring Milking Frequency in Older Cows: A Key to Dairy Herd Health

As dairy farmers strive to optimize milk production and maintain the health of their herds, paying close attention to milking frequency, especially in older cows, becomes paramount. Older cows often face unique challenges that can impact their milk production and overall well-being. This article explores the importance of monitoring milking frequency in older cows and offers insights into strategies for ensuring their continued productivity.

  1. Understanding the Impact of Age on Milking Performance: Older cows, typically those beyond their third lactation, may experience changes in udder health, metabolism, and overall physiology. These factors can influence milking efficiency and production levels. By closely monitoring milking frequency, farmers can detect deviations from normal patterns early on.
  2. Early Detection of Health Issues: Changes in milking frequency can be indicative of underlying health issues in older cows. Reduced milking frequency may be a sign of udder infections, metabolic disorders, or other health concerns. Regularly tracking milking data allows farmers to identify these issues promptly and implement appropriate interventions.
  3. Customizing Milking Protocols: Older cows may benefit from customized milking protocols that address their specific needs. This could involve adjusting milking times, optimizing parlor settings, or providing additional support, such as comfortable bedding and reduced stress during the milking process.
  4. Nutritional Management: Proper nutrition is crucial for maintaining milk production in older cows. Adjusting their diet to meet changing nutritional requirements is essential. Collaborate with a nutritionist to develop a feeding plan that supports the unique needs of aging cows, ensuring they receive adequate energy and nutrients.
  5. Udder Health Monitoring: Regular udder health assessments are integral to maintaining milk quality and production. Conduct routine checks for signs of mastitis, swelling, or abnormalities. Timely detection and treatment of udder issues can prevent a decline in milking frequency and overall productivity.
  6. Comfort and Well-Being: Older cows may be more sensitive to environmental factors, such as inadequate ventilation or uncomfortable milking parlors. Ensure that the milking environment is optimized for their comfort, reducing stress and promoting a positive milking experience.
  7. Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilize data analytics tools to track milking frequency trends over time. Analyzing this data can provide valuable insights into the performance of older cows, allowing for proactive decision-making regarding herd management, health interventions, and potential culling decisions.
  8. Consultation with Veterinarians and Experts: Engage with veterinary professionals and dairy management experts to develop a comprehensive approach to monitoring and managing milking frequency in older cows. Regular consultations can help fine-tune strategies based on the specific needs and challenges of your herd.

Monitoring milking frequency in older cows is a proactive strategy for maintaining the health and productivity of a dairy herd. By adopting a holistic approach that includes customized milking protocols, nutritional management, udder health monitoring, and data-driven decision-making, dairy farmers can ensure the well-being of their aging cows while optimizing milk production. Regular collaboration with veterinarians and industry experts will contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of the dairy operation.

One of the biggest problems that farmers still face is a lack of workers.

According to a recent Minneapolis Fed study, ag lenders regard labor availability as their #1 issue for their agricultural customers.

The poll, which included ag bankers from the ninth district (Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin), discovered that the problem is seen as a “serious challenge” by 63% of respondents and a “minor challenge” by the majority of the remaining 37%.

“Obtaining the labor required to operate is becoming increasingly difficult,” a Minnesota-based lender told the Minneapolis Fed.

Livestock workers were seen to be more scarce than crop workers, and those polled also said that getting long-term assistance is more difficult than finding temporary labor owing to the seasonal nature of the ag economy.

In terms of how this compares to previous years, 39% of respondents said labor availability has been “much worse” in the last five years, while 44% said it’s gotten “a little worse.”

The Minneapolis Fed blames this difficulty to the region’s low migrant labor intake and aging workforce.

According to statistics from the United States Census Bureau, 10% of animal production personnel in the region are foreign born, compared to 18% overall. In agricultural production, the number is significantly lower, with just 5% of workers being foreign born, compared to 32% overall.

In addition, the area boasts among of the lowest unemployment rates in the country

Who’s (not) working on the farm?

A look at the characteristics of farm workers offers some clues to the labor shortage in the Ninth District and across the country.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture collects data on farm workers. Almost none of these data are demographic in nature, concerning characteristics such as age and citizenship status. The U.S. Census Bureau does collect demographic data along with occupational characteristics in its American Community Survey. Together, these data offer a fuller picture of both the number of farm workers and their demographic tendencies.1

One surprising finding about Ninth District farm workers is that relatively few of them are foreign-born, especially in comparison to some other agricultural states. The estimated share of foreign-born workers in animal production in 2021 was 10 percent in Ninth District states. That’s compared with 18 percent nationwide. The difference is even more stark for crop production. Just 5 percent of Ninth District farm labor is foreign-born (the highest in 10 years), compared with 32 percent nationally (Figure 1).


Another important trait of farm workers is that they are aging. According to census data, the median age of agricultural workers in district states rose from 51 in 2012 to 56 in 2021. That rise was much faster than in the rest of the country, where the median age increased from 47 to 48 within the same period.

A closer look suggests that this aging is due in part to a hollowing out of the middle of the age distribution. The share of both livestock and crop workers ages 45–54 steadily declined over the past decade. Representation among the youngest age groups also declined. While the share of workers ages 25–44 increased some, the bulk of the increase was among those older than 55 (Figure 2).


Help wanted

This combination of a modest inflow of immigrant workers and an aging workforce leads to major labor concerns for farm operators. The Minneapolis Fed’s most recent survey of agricultural credit conditions provides a window into this matter.

The survey asked agricultural bankers about labor availability among their farm clients. A strong majority—63 percent—indicated that it is a serious challenge. Most of the remainder said it is a minor challenge.

Agricultural work is mostly seasonal in nature. But finding long-term or permanent workers is especially hard, according to two-thirds of lenders. They ranked that as more challenging than finding temporary help.

Respondents also noted the availability of livestock workers is more limited than crop workers.

Over the last five years, a large majority said labor availability has worsened. More than a third of bankers surveyed called it “much” worse and another 44 percent “a little” worse. Only 17 percent said labor availability is the same as five years ago.

But there is also some sense that recent labor conditions aren’t getting a lot worse. More than 60 percent said that labor availability hasn’t changed much over the past year, and 37 percent said it has gotten a little worse. As a lender in Montana put it, even though the situation hasn’t changed much over the last two years, “farm labor has been increasingly harder to find.”

Wages on the rise

Given labor constraints, bankers noted that farm wages have increased. USDA data confirm that to be the case in the regions that include Ninth District states (Figure 3).


Real wages for farm workers just barely outpaced inflation over the decade from 2003–2013. Pay has climbed faster over the past 10 years, with a sharper acceleration over the past five.

Even though livestock workers are reportedly harder to find, wages for crop workers have grown at a faster rate recently. Crop workers in the USDA’s “Lake states” region (which includes Minnesota and Wisconsin) have seen wages increase by more than 11 percent after inflation. Wages for livestock workers in the “Mountain I” region (which includes Montana) grew less than 1 percent over this period.

An aging workforce, slower population growth in rural areas, and limited prospects for increased immigration to the region may pose ongoing labor challenges. There are no obvious, easy, or quick solutions for farm operators.

Technological advancements may offer some relief. Even as “better and bigger machinery helps reduce labor needs,” said a Minnesota banker, come harvest time, “seasonal help is still needed on most farms.”

Dairy Heifer Shortage

The most often asked issue is when milk prices will begin to rise considerably and return to levels seen in 2022. We did have record milk prices in 2022, and although achieving those highs may be difficult, it would be good to see prices far higher than they are now. There are several opinions about what it will take to see dramatically increased milk prices, with the majority of them being plausible to some extent.

Culling surged significantly in late 2021 as low milk prices drove farmers to sell animals quickly to improve revenue and decrease the expenditure of feeding cattle that were not top performers. The milk supply did not tighten to the point of scarcity, but the idea of a shortage pushed milk prices upward. Buyers of dairy products were worried about the possibility of a supply shortage and wanted to ensure that they would have enough goods to complete orders. As a result, for a few months, there was a purchasing frenzy, driving milk prices to all-time highs. The culling slowed, and the anxiety abated, with cow numbers staying lower than a year earlier, but increasing from month to month. This alleviated the anxiety, and milk prices have subsequently fallen.

The degree of culling has not grown as expected this time because farmers have been hanging onto cows despite high cull cow prices. One explanation might be that most of the poor producing cows have been slaughtered, leaving just cows who are too excellent to cull in the stalls. Another factor is that replacement numbers have tightened and are not as plentiful as they once were, and what is available commands exorbitant costs. This puts the industry in an intriguing situation. As you may recall, when sexed sperm became available, it was readily adopted since farmers constantly needed more heifers for replacements. Over time, there was an oversupply of heifers, which resulted in more cows and better milk yield.

There has recently been a lot of interest in beef on dairy. meat prices were rising owing to significant culling of cattle due to drought, along with increased demand for meat. Dairy producers discovered that marrying lower-end cows to beef bulls resulted in significant price increases for the calves. As a result, the popularity of beef on dairy soared and continues to grow. However, the impact is being seen as a consequence of tight heifer replacements, which may be reducing culling activities and limiting some farms’ capacity to grow. We are currently witnessing a significant fall in beef cattle prices and a significant spike in heifer replacement and cow pricing. Over time, this will lower the value of meat on dairy calves.

However, it is quite probable that milk prices would rise since replacements for killed cows will be scarce, and milk supply will fall. According to the July Cattle Inventory data, the proportion of heifers to milk cows was 38.8%, the lowest ratio since July 1997. In compared to prior years, the January report might indicate an even narrower figure. This may ultimately cause a shortage of milk, resulting in increased milk prices. If demand recovers at the same time, we may witness record prices again, like we saw in 2022. As a consequence, farmers will continue to breed for heifer calves, which may be valued more than beef calves as farmers seek to increase their heifer inventory. The problem is that these cycles do not shift overnight and will take many years to turn. As the market adapts, there may be some nice milk prices in the future.

Robotic Feeding: Revolutionizing Agriculture to Save Time, Reduce Labor, and Achieve Higher Sustainability

In recent years, the agricultural sector has undergone a remarkable transformation with the integration of robotics. One of the most promising applications is robotic feeding, a technological advancement that holds the potential to revolutionize farming practices. This article explores how robotic feeding systems are saving time, reducing labor, and contributing to higher sustainability in agriculture.

  1. Time Efficiency:
    Robotic feeding systems are designed to operate around the clock, providing a constant and reliable source of nourishment to livestock. Unlike traditional manual feeding methods that are time-consuming and labor-intensive, robotic feeders streamline the process by automating the distribution of feed. Farmers can now allocate their time to more strategic tasks, such as monitoring animal health, optimizing farm operations, and implementing sustainable practices.
  1. Labor Reduction:
    The implementation of robotic feeding systems significantly reduces the need for manual labor on farms. Traditionally, farmers spent considerable time and effort on feeding animals, especially in large-scale operations. Robotic feeders eliminate the need for human intervention, allowing farmers to reallocate labor resources to more specialized and value-added tasks. This not only increases overall operational efficiency but also enhances the work environment for farm workers.
  1. Precision and Customization:
    Robotic feeding systems offer precise control over feed distribution, ensuring that each animal receives the appropriate amount and type of feed. This level of precision contributes to improved animal health, growth rates, and overall farm productivity. Additionally, farmers can customize feeding schedules and diets based on individual animal needs, optimizing resource utilization and minimizing waste.
  1. Sustainable Practices:
    The integration of robotic feeding aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability in agriculture. These systems can be programmed to optimize feed efficiency, reducing overconsumption and waste. By promoting sustainable practices, robotic feeding contributes to the responsible use of resources, minimizing the environmental impact of agriculture. Furthermore, the automation of feeding processes can lead to more efficient resource management, reducing the ecological footprint of livestock farming.
  2. Data-driven Decision Making:
    Robotic feeding systems generate a wealth of data related to feeding patterns, animal behavior, and nutritional requirements. Farmers can leverage this information to make data-driven decisions, fine-tuning their farming practices for better results. The ability to collect and analyze data on a large scale empowers farmers to optimize their operations continually, improving efficiency and sustainability over time.

Robotic feeding represents a transformative leap in agricultural technology, offering farmers the tools to save time, reduce labor, and achieve higher sustainability. As the world grapples with the challenges of feeding a growing population and addressing environmental concerns, embracing innovative solutions like robotic feeding systems becomes crucial. The integration of these technologies not only enhances the productivity and profitability of farms but also contributes to a more sustainable and efficient future for agriculture.

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