meta Forbsvue Farms of Sarnia Barn Fire | The Bullvine

Forbsvue Farms of Sarnia Barn Fire

Barn-fire-3-620x400[1] Damage is estimated in the millions of dollars in a large barn fire this morning at Confederation Line and Waterworks Rd. Sarnia Fire Inspector Dave Potts says they were called to the 2600 block of Confederation around 1am. Firefighters were on scene well into the morning pouring water on the smouldering remains of a 39,000 sq. ft. building that collapsed onto farm machinery and bales of hay. Inspector Potts says damage is estimated between $1-million and $2-million. Attempts will to be made to determine the cause of the blaze once all the hot spots are dealt with. No livestock was injured or lost in the blaze.

Barn fire


Barn fire

Barn fire
Sarnia firefighters pour water on a barn destroyed by fire at Confederation and Waterworks Sept. 24, 2014 ( photo by Dave Dentinger)

Barn fire


Barn fire

Barn fire
Scene of barn fire at Confederation and Waterworks Sept. 24, 2014 ( photo by Dave Dentinger)
(T1, D1)
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