meta International Dairy Week 2018 – Holstein Show | The Bullvine

International Dairy Week 2018 – Holstein Show

Judge: Kiichi Matsushima, Japan

277 entries

CHAMPION COW – Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 11 (Braedale Goldwyn, Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, Vic)
RESERVE – Hawova R Reginald Tamie (Regancrest Reginald, Shaw, Clarke and Sieben, Torrumbarry, Vic)
HONOURABLE MENTION – Sleepy Hollow Jasper Posey (Wilcoxview Jasper, Oakwood Partnership, Finley, NSW)

INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION – Avonlea-YF Windbrook Cinnamon-ET (Gillette Windbrook, Cinnamin Partners, Finley, NSW)

RESERVE – Bluechip Golden S Whynot (Mr Chassity Gold Chip, Bluechip Genetics, Skyview and Long Lanes Holsteins, Zeerust, Vic)

HONOURABLE MENTION – Brindabella Goldchip Natalie (Mr Chassity Gold Chip, SD and JL Sieben, Torrumbarry, Vic)

JUNIOR CHAMPION – Sun Vale Lotus Donna (Blondin Lotus, Sun Vale Holsteins and L Orton, Yarroweyah, Vic)

RESERVE – Bluechip EV Awesome Destini-ET-RED (Luck-E-Awesome-RED, Sunrise Holsteins, Rochester, Vic)

HONOURABLE MENTION – Sun Vale Lotus Maddison (Blondin Lotus, Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarroweyah, Vic)

PREMIER SIRE – Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET

PREMIER EXHIBITOR – JH and CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, Vic

PREMIER BREEDER – Bluechip Genetics, Zeerust, Vic

Class one – Heifer born September 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 (5 entries)

1st – Avonlea Stanleycup Missy (Gillette Standly Cup, JH and CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, Vic)

2nd – Shevron Avalanche Sparke (Dymentholm Mr Apple Avalanche, Shevron Holsteins, Muckatah, Vic

3rd – Shevron Avalanche Glisten (Dymentholm Mr Apple Avalanche, Shevron Holsteins, Muckatah, Vic)

4th – Edge Armani Cassie (Mr Aples Armani-ET, S and H Treloar, Victora Habor, SA)

5th – Late entry, name pending.

Class 2 – heifer born July 1 2017 to August 31, 2017

1st – Hawova Solomon Tammie (Walnutlawn Solomon-ET, Shaw, Clarke and Sieben, Torrumbarry, Vic)

2nd – Rockstar Weedsdale Solo Bambi (Walnutlawn Solomon-ET, Allen and Weeksdale, Cobargo, NSW)

3rd – Sun Vale Classy Blackrose (Gen-Com Hy-Class, Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarroweyah, Vic)

4th – Glomar Goldwyn Lizzie 6073-Imp-ET (Braedale Goldwyn, R, L and J Johnston, Bundalaguah, Vic)

5th – Sun Vale Hy Class Yasha-RED (Gen-Com Hy-Class, Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarroweyah, Vic)

Class 3 – All-Australian heifer under 12 months on show day (22 entries)

1st – Gorbro Solomck Shimmer (walnutlawn Solomon-ET, Gorbro Holsteins, Cohuna, VIC)

2nd – Gorbro Solomon Livia (Walnutlawn Solomon-ET, Gorbro Hoslteins, Cohuna, Vic)

3rd – Leader Solomon Sharni (Walnutlwan Solomon-ET, SD and JL Sieben, Torrumbarry, VIC)

4th – Bluechip White Rose (Luck-E-Awesome-RED, Bluechip Genetics and F and D Borba, Zeerust, Vic)

5th – Bluechip LL Archrival Noni (Eclipse Awoods Archrival, Bluechip Genetics and Long Lanes Holsteins, Zeerust, Vic)

Class 4 – Heifer born April 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017 (11 entries)

1st – Avonlea Minister Roxy (Avonlea Aftershock Minister Imp-ET, JH and CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, VIC)

2nd – Sun Vale Diamondback Pala-RED (Mr D Apple Diamondback, Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarroweyah, Vic)

3rd – McDonald Brady Bonnie (Butz-Butler Atwood Brady, D McDonald, Nilma North, Vic

4th – Avonlea King Alana (Morningview MCC Kingboy, R Philipzen, Paytens Bridge, NSW)

5th – Late entry pending

Class 5 – Heifer born January 1, 2017 to March 31, 2017 (16 entries)

1st – Sun Vale Lotus Maddison (Blondin Lotus, Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarroweyah, Vic)

2nd – Cranbrook Lotus Nardoo (Blondin Lotus, C Walker, Yarroweyah, Vic)

3rd – Avonlea Solomon Bettine 2-ET (Walnutlawn Solomon-ET, CR Cowen)

4th – Lightning Ridge Solomon Angel ((Walnutlawn Solomon-ET, M Matias and B Salmon, Portugal)

5th – Elmar Crush Jessica-ET (Maverick Crush, Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, Vic)

Class 6 – Heifer born July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 (16 entries)

1st – Sun Vale Lotus Donna (Blondin Lotus, Sun Vale Holsteins and L Orton, Yarroweyah, Vic)

2nd – Bluechip EV Awesome Destini-ET-RED (Luck-E-Awesome-RED, Sunrise Holsteins, Rochester, Vic)

3rd – Gorbro Absapple Roses (Apples Absolute-ET-RED, S and C Modra, Gunbower, Vic)

4th – Urramy Lodge Elijah Spot (Coomboona Atwood Elijah-IMP-ET, Taylor family, Timboon, VIC)

5th – Bluechip Golden Jewels (Mr Chassity Gold Chip, Bluechip Genetics, Zerust, Vic)

Class 7 – Heifer, dry born January 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016

1st Esjay Attic Royal – Esjay Holsteins,
2nd Beclah Park Lexor Waffle 2 – Joyce Family,
3rd Hill Valley Gold Lustre – R & H Perrett,
4th Cairnhill Goldchip Paradise Trip – Zanders Family

Class 8 – Heifer born 1/7/15 to 31/12/15.

1st – Bluechip Golden F Marion-ET (Heavenly Golden Dreams, Sunrise Holsteins, Rochester, Vic

2nd – Avonlea Atwood Lana (Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood, JH and CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, VIC

3 – Bluchip Defiant S Betsyann (Scientific B Defiant, N Hart and A and B Hyland, Kyabram, Vic

4 – Avonlea Sid Bettine (Pine Tree Sid, JH an CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, VIC)

 Class 9 – Milk. Dry Cow.

1st Hightop Goldwyn Osela – Hightop Holsteins,
2nd Cairnhill Paradale Pania – Zanders Family

Class 10, 2 years in-milk (12-head)

1st and Best Udder – Eclipse Octane Princess 5-ET (Stantons High Octane, JH and CJ Gardiner and C Cowan, Cardinia, Vic

2nd – View Fort Pacific Icon (Wandilla Lauthority Pacific-Imp-ET, M Templeton, Tarwin, Vic)

3rd – Whitegold Absolute Satin-ET-RED (Apples Absolute-ET-RED, M and A Rood, Morans Crossing, NSW)

4th – Glomar Commander Lucky (Larcrest Commander, R, L and J Johnston, Bundalaguah, Vic)

5th – Lightning Ridge Armani Lotto (Mr Apples Armani-ET, D Patten and Avonlea Holsteins, Sale, Vic)

Class 11, 2.5 years in-milk (14-head)

1st and Best Udder – Glomar McCutchen Annecy 5506 (De-Su Bkm McCutchen, R, L and J Johnston, Bundalaguah, Vic)

2nd – Bluechip MH Hero Marion (Siemers Toys Hero 9701, Bluechip Genetics and F and D Borba, Zeerust, Vic)

3rd – Waldunc Solomon Anna-Imp-ET (Walnutlawn Solomon-ET, Belrue Farms, Echuca, Vic)

4th – Fairvale Goldchip Butter (Mr Chassty Gold Chip, JH and CJ Cardiner, Cardinia, Vic)

5th – Burnvale Windbrook Toni-ET (Gillette Windbrook, R and H Perrett, Kongwak, Vic)


Class 12, 3 years in-milk (10 entries)

1st – Bluechip Golden S Whynot (Mr Chassity Gold Chip, Bluechip Genetics, Skyview and Long Lanes Holsteins, Zeerust, Vic)

2nd – Brindabella Goldchip Natalie (Mr Chassity Gold Chip, SD and JL Sieben, Torrumbarry, Vic)

3rd – Gorbro Heavenly Shimmer-ET (Heavenly Golden Dreams, Gorbro Holsteins, Cohuna, Vic)

4th – Sun Vale Real Sally (Hutrgen-Vue Reality Red, Sun Vale Holsteins, Yarroweyah, Vic)

5th – View Fort Windbrook Lorie (Gillette Windbrook, M Templeton, Tarwin, Vic)

Class 13, senior 3 years in-milk (9 entries)

1st – Avonlea-YF Windbrook Cinnamon-ET (Gillette Windbrook, Cinnamin Partners, Finley, NSW)

2nd – Brindabella Atwood Elly (MapleDowns-I G W Atwood, SD and JL Sieben, Torrumbarry, Vic)

3rd – Pooley Bridge Goldendreams Felicia 72 (Heavenly Golden Dreams, Moxey Farms, Gooloogong, NSW)

4th – Gorbro Atwood Balertwine-ET (Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood, Wishart family, Cohuna, Vic)

5th – Urramy Lodge Bradnick Vixen-Imp-ET (Taylor family, Timboon, Vic)

Class 14 – 4 years in-milk (12 entries)

1st – Eclipse Atwood Princess 8-ET (Maple-Downs-I G Atwood-ET, Elm Banks Holsteins and R Hull, Crossley, Vic)

2nd – Avonlea Stanleycup Renita (Gillette Stanley Cup, JH and CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, Vic
3rd – Cumberoona Atwood Louise (Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET, Cumberoona Holsteins, Nowra, NSW

4th – Fairvale Damion Melody 747 (Erbacres Damion, Bluechip Genetics, Skyview Holsteins and C Daly, Zeerust Vic)

5th – Murribrook Goldsun Robina (Toc-Farm Goldsun, Dryfield Farms and M and F Harvey, Numurkah, Vic)

Class 15  cow five years in-milk 

1st – Esjay Shout Rae (Ladys-Manor Ruby D Shout, Esjay Holsteins, Flaxmans Valley SA) 

2nd – Carisma Cairnhill Paradise 4th-ET (Braedale Goldwyn, Zanders family, Kialla, Vic) 

3rd – Paringa Fever Opa (Crackholm Fever, Paringa Farms, Stewarton, Vic) 

4th – Murribrook Windhammer Lola-ET (Gillette Windhammer, JH and CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, Vic) 

5th – Carisma Demolish Victory (Budjon-Nitzy Demolish, Zanders family and S and B Hammond, Kialla, Vic) 

Class 16 – cow six years in-milk (9 entries)

1st – Hawova R Reginald Tamie (Regancrest Reginald, Shaw, Clarke and Sieben, Torrumbarry, Vic)

2nd – Avonlea Windbrook Lulu 2nd-Imp-ET (Gillette Windbrook, Elmar Holsteins and Burnvale, Leitchville, Vic)

3rd – Fairvale Damion Melody 700 (Erbacres Damion, Elm Banks Holsteins, Crossley, Vic)

4th – Bluechip Apple Spice (Scientific Destry, Dundee Quality Holsteins, Girgarre, Vic)

5th – Brindabella Atwood Juno (Male-Downs-I G W Atwood –ET SD and JL Sieben, Torrumbarry, Vic)

Class 17 – cow 7 years in-milk (10 entries)

1st – Elmar Goldwyn Jessica 11 (Braedale Goldwyn, Elmar Holsteins, Leitchville, Vic)

2nd – Sleepy Hollow Jasper Posey (Wilcoxview Jasper, Oakwood Partnership, Finley, NSW)

3rd – Windy Vale Contender Rose (Patience Showline Contender, Elm Banks Holsetins, R Hull and D Patten, Crossley, Vic

4th – Gorbro Sanchez O’Shimmer (Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez, Gorbro Holsteins, Cohuna, Vic)

5th – Murribrook Jasper Reba-ET (Wilcoxview Jasper, JH and CJ Gardiner, Cardinia, Vic)


(T5, D1)
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