meta Peterson Farm Bros. are “Takin’ Care of Livestock” :: The Bullvine - The Dairy Information You Want To Know When You Need It

Peterson Farm Bros. are “Takin’ Care of Livestock”


The Peterson Farm Bros might be American, but their latest effort gives a decisive nod to their northern neighbours with this Bachman Turner Overdrive parody, “Takin’ Care of Livestock.”

A new parody of Bachman-Turner Overdrive’s rock-and-roll classic “Takin’ Care of Business” starts out with the family playing a concert for their cattle in the feedlot.

All three brothers are joined by their sister in this livestock feeding frenzy, but it’s not just their parents that make a cameo! Farmers, farm kids, farm animals and members of the FFA all make a statement in this parody offering from the Peterson Farm Bros, and be sure to stick around until the end for the link to even more submitted farm photos.

“We get up every morning at the rooster’s crowing in the country far from any city,” sings oldest brother Greg in the opening line.

The family enjoys being “self-employed,” “working overtime” and of course working outside.

“And we’ll be takin’ care of livestock, every day. Takin’ care of livestock, pitchin’ hay. Takin’ care of livestock, they’re bovine,” the family sings.

The video includes images from farmers across the country who are “Takin’ Care of Livestock.”

This is the latest parody from the Peterson Farm Bros. with a set list that includes “Farmer Style“, “I’m Farming and I Grow It“, “Fresh Breath of Farm Air“, and “All I Do Is Farm“.

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