meta Expo Bulle 2024: The Swiss National Holstein Show That Set New Standards | The Bullvine

Expo Bulle 2024: The Swiss National Holstein Show That Set New Standards

Discover the highlights of Expo Bulle 2024, the National Holstein Show of Switzerland. Unprecedented quality, champion cows, and expert judging await. Will you join us?

Michard Pernelle

Now, where do we start in recapping the wildly successful Expo Bulle, the National Holstein show of Switzerland? There are so many highlights to choose from. Should we kick off with the thrilling comeback of the Red Holstein champion, Plattery Armani Brook? Or perhaps we should begin with the remarkable classes of 60,000 kg/132,000 lb cows? And let’s not forget the exceptional delta-lambda Grand Champion hailing from the Black & Whites. But for now, we’ll start by showcasing the intriguing Junior Champion for the Red Holsteins: Les Ponts Mirand Renita-P. As indisputable evidence of quality, every single class was brimming with exemplary cows. There was a universal agreement at Bulle: every participant, both black and red & white, was unparalleled.

Ultimately it was Michard Pernelle, a Delta-Lambda daughter of Mattenhof Holsteins, received the Holstein Show’s Grand Champion title. She won the Swiss Expo 2024 Honorable Mention Grand Champion title two months earlier! Hailing from Mattenhof/Stampfli/Dupasquier. Pernelle didn’t just take home the Grand Champion title but also outshone all with her phenomenal udders, earning the Udder Champion title. A part of Pernelle’s extraordinary traits was her successful lineage, a four-year-old Delta-Lambda, tracing back to a VG-86 McCutchen, and an astonishingly high EX-97 Damion daughter from France.The Reserve Grand Champion was the Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Swiss Expo 2024: Les Chaux Armagedon Tanga!

Les Ponts Mirand Renita-P

Les Ponts Mirand Renita-P

Renita-P, having achieved victory at the Junior Expo, was entrusted into the capable hands of new owners Gobeli Holstein, Rüdi Gasser, and Hansjörg Räz in December 2023. This change in helm certainly didn’t slow her down, as she proceeded to make her mark at the Swiss Expo too. Fast forward to the buzzing Bulle expo, Renita-P has once again put on a show, winning a class victory and advancing to seize the Junior Championship. Indeed, Renita’s superior conformation is nothing short of intentional. Shaped in part by her pedigree, her dam Les Ponts Red-Rose EX-90 has significantly contributed to this exceptional genetic makeup.

As we delve deeper into the impressive highlights of Expo Bulle, let’s turn our attention to an instrumental figure at the event – Judge Mathieu Overney. This young dynamo, just 29 years old, navigated his role with remarkable ease, proficiency, and speed. His astute judgment and enlightening remarks painted a comprehensive picture and added depth to the event. And who could overlook the seamless connection between him and his brother, Quentin Overney, who donned the ringmaster’s hat? Together, these brothers created a formidable talent duo, powering through the expo from the early morning at 8:30 straight till the evening at 21:00! 

Overney judged not just the Red Holsteins but the Black & Whites as well, and his selection for the Black & White Juniors fell to Holst.Papaux Mirand Djazia, owned by Alexandre Papaux. 

Papaux Mirand Djazia

Papaux Mirand Djazia

Looking back at the array of striking black & white classes, the 60,000 kg category drew everyone’s attention. Dominating this class was none other than the ten-year-old Grands-Bois Dempsey Jussy from Ferme Grands-Bois, who surprised all with her spellbindingly shapely udders. However, when it was time to don the mantle of the Grand Champion, Jussy graciously made way for an imposing figure, Michard Pernelle.

Plattery Armani Brook

The nine-year-old Plattery Armani Brook, a star we’re quite familiar with, ascended to victory in the 60,000 kg class for the Red Holsteins. Brook isn’t a stranger to the limelight. She was earlier crowned the Swiss National Champion in 2019 and even snagged the European Reserve Championship. Waving the flag for her current owner, Christian Menoud, Brook once again captured hearts and claimed the Red Holsteins’ Grand Champion title at the Bulle Expo. Proving that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, her progeny followed suit with her daughter, Plattery Amaretto Irene, clinching the Reserve Champion title in the young cow’s segment. Interesting trivia for you: Brook is also a two-time bull dam. Her offspring are producing their lineages at Swissgenetics (with Jacot son Evert-Red) and KI De Toekomst (Power son Fantast-Red). The awe-inspiring performance by this powerful lady marked an electrifying end to the event that was teeming with powerhouses.

Summary: The Expo Bulle, Switzerland’s National Holstein show, was a success with exceptional cows in every class. Renita-P, a Red Holstein champion, switched to new owners Gobeli Holstein/Rüdi Gasser/Hansjörg Räz in December 2023. She now holds the Junior Championship with her dam Les Ponts Red-Rose EX-90. Judge Mathieu Overney, a 29-year-old, worked harmoniously with his brother Quentin Overney, the ringmaster, and judged not only Red Holsteins but also black & whites. Overney’s selection for the black & white juniors fell to Holst.Papaux Mirand Djazia, owned by Alexandre Papaux. The series of black & white classes concluded with the 60,000 kg class, won by Grands-Bois Dempsey Jussy from Ferme Grands-Bois. Michard Pernelle from Mattenhof/Stampfli/Dupasquier also bagged the Udder Champion title. Plattery Armani Brook, a decorated nine-year-old with a Swiss National Championship in 2019 and a European Reserve Championship, emerged as the Grand Champion for Red Holsteins at the Bulle Expo.

(T44, D1)
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