The global coronavirus pandemic has impacted U.S. dairy from farm to fork and presented an unprecedented industry challenge. Supply is currently exceeding demand by at least 10% accordingto current estimates. That gap could widen as the milk supply increases to its seasonal peak and “shelter inplace” conditions endure. Many cooperatives and processors currently have some milk needing to beremoved from their supply chains, and dairy farmers are being requested, or even required, to reduce milkshipments by as much as 20 percent.
Considering these marketing limits, this article provides an overview of some management options thatmay help reduce milk production going into the marketplace.
This article represents a summary by National Milk Producers Federation staff of some informationthat is available about Milk Reduction and Disposal Options, and not any original research by NMPF staff.The summary is intended as an introduction to the subject matter in general, not as a specific guide. It isbeing provided as a convenient tool to acquaint producers with that information. NMPF encouragesdairy farmers to read the linked materials, if possible, and to consult with nutritionists and other experts inthis area when necessary to implement their own strategies.
- Reduce total on-farm milk production so producers do not incur penalties
- Keep cows healthy and efficient while maintaining their welfare
- Maintain cow numbers, as best as possible, to be well-positioned to reestablish normal businessoperations as quickly as possible once markets stabilize
Strategies for Reducing Milk Production
- Reduce milking frequency
Reducing milking frequency from three to two times daily is a viable option for decreasingproduction on farms. Cow numbers remain unchanged, so once markets stabilize, normaloperations can be resumed in a timely manner. This approach also reduces labor pressure in theparlor.
Considerations: Switching high-producing cows near peak lactation from three to two timesdaily may be challenging due to high intramammary pressure. This can lead to milkleakage, higher Somatic Cell Count and increased mastitis risk.
Potential Impact on Production: This strategy is expected to reduce milk productionby 7-8 pounds per cow per day.
- Reformulate cow rations
(Adapted from Cornell ProDairy’s factsheet and podcast)
Including more forage and reducing starch and sugar accordingly will reduce production per cow.
Considerations: Always work with your nutritionist when making ration adjustmentsand keep protein and energy balance to maintain normal milk. composition. Forageinventories also need to be measured, as you do not want to run out of forage prior to thenext harvesting.
Potential Impact on Production: Varied
- Dry cows off earlier
Review your herd’s current days dry. If you are at a 45-day target, consider increasing the target to60 to 65 days dry.
Considerations: Targeting dry days at greater than 70 days increases the risk of excessiveweight gain and markedly increase the risk of metabolic disease at the time of calving andearly lactation removal. Stocking density must be considered with these strategies.Reducing stocking density may result in increased milk production from remaining cowsoffsetting the milk production removed from increased culling or drying off.
Potential Impact on Production: An additional two weeks of days dry in a herd with a 14-month calving interval reduces milk days by 3.3% and milk production by up to 2.5%. Thisis a decrease of about 1.6 pounds per cow per day.
Feeding Strategies to Use Milk Produced
(Adapted from “Feeding Unpasteurized Milk to the Dairy Herd” and “Feeding Milk to Cows?”)
- Make adjustments to calf feeding and weaning
Consider increasing feeding volume to up to 12 quarts of milk per day, increased over a period of1-2 weeks. Delay weaning from 8 weeks to 12 weeks (or longer) with a longer adjustment to startergrain. Another option for using excess milk on farms is to acidify it to preserve it for future calffeeding. More information on acidified milk is available from Penn State here.
Considerations: Unpasteurized milk is a concern for spreading Johne’s disease,
Mycoplasma, bovine leukosis (BLV), Staph aureus and other diseases. If possible, pasteurization is encouraged to reduce disease transfer. A pasteurizer capacity is likelylimited, so prioritize pasteurized milk to young calves/heifers.
Potential Impact on Production: If calves are fed 2.5-3 gallons for an additional 30 day, eachcalf will consume an additional 1290 to 1935 pounds of milk. This will use about 1.9pounds of milk per cow per day.
- Add milk to heifer or lactating cow rations
Incorporating milk into the ration adds a large amount of water and the effect is similar to using waterto reduce the ration dry matter and sorting. Up to about 16 pounds of milk or 2 pounds milk solids (drymatter) per cow (15% of the ration as fed) can be included. Consider adding a TMR preservative tocontrol microbial growth and spoilage. Milk inclusion should vary depending on the ration dry mattercontent with reduced inclusion in wetter rations. Ration dry matter should not be below 45-50%, asthis can restrict intake and will cause greater spoilage. Balancing nutrients is required as milkprovides fat, protein, lactose sugar and other nutrients which should be accounted for in the ration.Milk feeding can also substitute for some purchased feeds. Feeding to dry and transition cows is not recommended. Always work with your nutritionist when making ration adjustments.
Considerations: Unpasteurized milk is a concern for spreading Johne’s disease, Mycoplasma, bovine leukosis (BLV), Staph aureus and other diseases. If possible, pasteurization is encouraged to reduce disease transfer. Regarding moisture content, high water content (85-88% water) limits the amount fed in a total mixed rations (TMR).Usage of milk in TMR is similar to using water to reduce dry matter content (10-15% of TMRas fed). Unpasteurized milk added to the TMR may cause unpleasant odors due to microbial growth, especially in warm weather. Monitoring of feed intake and the TMR forheating and smell is needed. Consider adding a TMR preservative to control microbialgrowth and spoilage.
Feed-bunk and equipment cleanliness is critical to control bacterial growth. Flies may become an issue when adding milk to a TMR. A feed-through insect regulator is useful to control fly populations. Feed-bunk and equipment cleanliness is critical to minimize flypopulations feeding on milk residues as well.
Potential Impact on Production: Total milk (heifers and lactating cows) per 100 cows onthe farm would be about 1600 pounds per day at 15% inclusion rate.
Strategies for Reducing Milk Production
- Cull cows
Prioritize “do not breed”, late-lactation, and open cows in culling decisions. Also consider cullingcows that have had either severe or repeated disease incidences, and non-competitive first andsecond-lactation cows. Alternatively, remove older cows because they produce more milk, which may result in selling fewer animals. More total head maybe retained, which may be beneficial for long-term planning.
Considerations: Note the distribution of your herd by days in milk. Consider culling cowsfrom the bottom of your lactation curve distribution, not just late lactation cows. Confirmthat auction markets or processing plants are currently accepting cattle before shippingand put together an entire load of cattle to sell, if possible. Buyers are likely to prefer singleloads from known sources than auction market cattle.
Potential Impact on Production: Varied
- Feed out identified cull cows for higher quality beef
There are likely to be many cows going for beef, which will drive down short term dairy- beef prices. Ifthere is space and feed inventory, consider drying these cows off and feeding them for 30-60 daysuntil the market settles.
Considerations: Confirm that auction markets or processing plants are currently accepting cattle before shipping and put together an entire load of cattle to sell, if possible.Buyers are likely to prefer single loads from known sources than auction market cattle.
Potential Impact on Production: Varied
On-Farm Milk Disposal
***Always confirm with State and local authorities what is permitted in your area.
Milk associated with a Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) can be dumped at the farm and still pricedand pooled during this crisis. Contact your area FMMO staff for more information.
The USDA’s Risk Management Agency recently announced that dumped milk can be counted as milkmarketings for the Dairy Revenue Production or actual marketings for the Livestock Gross Margin forDairy programs. For the most current updates, visit
- Land application
Incorporate into soil, if possible.
Considerations: Avoid spreading on frozen or saturated ground. Ensure that the application conforms with your nutrient management plan. Note that the discharge ofmilk to surface water or groundwater is a discharge of pollutants and is illegal.
- Lagoon
Dispose of milk directly into a lagoon management system when possible. Note that sending milkthrough sand separation or other systems can clog equipment.
Considerations: Make sure that lagoon disposal conforms with your nutrient management plan. Maintain adequate space for 25-year storm and exercise proper safety precautions as there is possible increases in manure biogas and hydrogen sulfide production.
- Digester
(Adapted from Michael Best and the American Biogas Council)
Dispose of milk into a digester that can accept milk. Exercise extreme caution when consideringadding milk to anerobic digesters. Significant increases in biogas production and hydrogen sulfideis likely. We strongly recommend consulting with a qualified engineer prior to adding milk to thedigester to determine appropriate volumes of milk that can be added without causing negativeoutcomes to human health or facilities.
Considerations: Ensure that disposal conforms with your nutrient management plan and that your system has capacity and capability of using milk as a feedstock. Note thatthere may be implications for any renewable energy tax credits.
Source: NMPF